I can't stop re-watching Ojamajo Doremi, send help

I can't stop re-watching Ojamajo Doremi, send help.

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Why would you need help?

I've got other shows to watch, but I feel like nothing could ever come as close to perfection as Ojamajo has.

I can't stop fapping to Ojamajo Doremi, send help.

Reminds me of a dream I had when I was watching Sharp for the first time.


Doremi with her hair down shouldn't be so sexy.

Did it get a bluray announcement yet?


Just the first season so far.

I've had this on my backlog for years, somebody convince my why this should be the next show I watch.

It is a very comfortable show about little witch girls doing little girl things. Sometimes fun magic happens and sometimes the stakes are raised.

Doremi got her steak!


This chart did a very good job of convincing me. It's true for the most part but don't just look forward to the sad stuff all the time, there's plenty of it scattered throughout, you're gonna wanna enjoy the fun happy stuff while they're still happening. It's how I felt around halfway through watching.


I assume it's an upscale?

The characters are really cute.

Any screenshots?
>400 fucking dollarydoos

It's almost five hundred bucks. How has Toei's other releases been?

be a bro and help me find a batch

It didn't know this got sad, I was expecting something along the lines of Precure.

Learn to be independent.

i'm seeding one right now at the usual place


>doremi had a site purge
>wiki 404s
>TT is down again
>nyaa only has first and last seasons
it's not for lack of trying

You don't have a bakabt account?

nope, never have

so that's it?
after being so high and mighty, you actually can't help me at all?


thanks, bro
what a wonderful day I'll have


Umakoshi is a monster.


Can someone seed the Motto raws? I need them for screenshots.

You got it.

What kind of person would you recommend watch this anime

She's really attractive.

People with good taste.

Smug Toei fans

I would recommend it to anyone I like.

People that like anime. For some reason a lot of the people that watch SOD type shows (I don't know if people still call them this) have like 500+ series completed.

Lolicon mahou shoujo fans who also like slower slice of life.


Cute girls.

Excluding Momo is a crime.

I'll take the bitter damaged goods.

Time to confess.
Who do you think is the sexiest?


Doremi with her hair down, it made my heart race when I was a kid.

I'm glad the strongest fairy's exclusive club is working again so I can seed this.


Doremi with her hair down makes my heart pound.



Why did Doremi release this in such bad quality?

I didn't even noticed someone posted the same image before. , good taste anons.

v2 eventually

I love you guys.


I want to make Pop give me double peace signs.


Doremi is dumb.

Dumb moe.




Is there one more step to this than opening them with your torrent program?

do i have to be a pedophile to enjoy this show or no?


2D isn't the same as 3D, user.


I think out of all the Ojamajos I would want Onpu to bear my children even thought I don't like her.

Steven Universe, the Anime


You need to go back to your awful board.

How do people not like Onpu. She is such a hard-working and motivated good girl.

This, Onpu a cute.

I think it really is a case of her being 2deep4them.

I don't like Onpu but I'm strangely attracted to her in a she would probably be my 2nd favorite character kinda thing.

What episodes have you rewatched the most times? For me it's probably Dokkaan 40 and Naisho 4 and 6.

Piano episode

The second wrestling episode, farting episode, cancer episode, and the Hikikomori trilogy.

Oh fuck I don't think I've ever rewatched the NEET episodes. Guess I know what I'm doing tonight.

Big chin did nothing wrong. The girl with the shitty hair cut shouldn't have been such a wimp.

>What is social anxiety?

I felt bad for her until I realized what caused it. I felt nothing afterwards.

Onpu needs your help!

With what?

She needs a husband.

*unzip dick*

Why does she NEED a husband?


The first episode
The episode with the magician

I'm ready.

Interesting choices. I always though the magician one was one of the series' weakest.

The magician ones got SAMBA though

It has Aiko pulling a string, Hazuki turning her head around, and Doremi lenghtening her thumb, all without magic.


It's a fact that Aiko's 1 eyelash is cuter than the other girls' multiple eyelashes.
