Shinka fucks Dogs !!!

Shinka fucks Dogs !!!

Stop projecting.
Only you want to fuck dogs.

There aren't enough doujins of it

prove it!

horses > dogs > pigs

you're in serious trouble, very serious trouble, and you know it, finally, deadly serious trouble, because this Shinka you thought was your one true friend, that you gave up all for, gladly, that for so long gave you relief from the pain of the Losses your love of that relief caused, your mother and lover and god and compadre, has finally removed her smily-face mask to reveal centerless eyes and a ravening maw, and canines down to here, it's the Face In The Floor, the grinning root-white face of your worst nightmares, and the face is your own face in the mirror, now, it's you, the Shinka has devoured or replaced and become you, and the puke-, drool- and Substance-crusted T-shirt you've both worn for weeks now gets torn off and you stand there looking and in the root-white chest where your heart (given away to Her) should be beating, in her exposed chest's center and centerless eyes is just a lightless hole, more teeth, and a beckoning taloned hand dangling something irresistible, and now you see you've been had, screwed royal, stripped and fucked and tossed to the side like some stuffed toy to lie for all time in the posture you land in. You see now that She's your enemy and your worst personal nightmare and the trouble She's gotten you into is undeniable and you still can't stop. Seeing Shinka now is like attending Black Mass but you still can't stop, even though she no longer gets you high. You are, as they say, Finished. You cannot get drunk and you cannot get sober; you cannot get high and you cannot get straight. You are behind bars; you are in a cage and can see only bars in every direction. You are in the kind of a hell of a mess that either ends lives or turns them around.

Dogs > monkeys > horses > pigs

That's a plus in my book.

Look, just post sexy Shinkas.

All women want to fuck their dog. It's a desire that's been imbued in them since birth.

Is this the chuu2 fap thread?

It's not a Shinka thread if it's not full of the weirdest bullshit of all time. There's been so many threads that each new one is like some kind of performance art or play.

You don't?

Octopi > all

>wake up tomorrow
>you are now shinka
How will you defeat ISIS?

futas fucking pigs > horses = dogs >

Oops, forgot to add pig at the end.

Gas the animal fuckers.

>"does that include shinka lol?"
Damn, you got me.

Tell me more

Single-handedly expand the pussy infrastructure of Syria and Iraq until everyone stops fighting.

Which breed does she like the most?

Is Satania going to get this treatment later on?
She even adopts her dog attacker.

What do you think?

So no one would be upset if I said that I want to passionately eat out Yuta's ass while stroking him off with well-lubed hands?

I see, you are a man of fine tastes as well...

Great Dane.

OP fucks nobody!

I'd curse them to death with the power of the chuuninomicon.

I want to cuddle with this sleeping fairy

God I want to fuck Yuta.

Fuck me

Animals like good people.

I would.

I don't even understand what's happening here.

Source? SauceNao/google/yandex give me nothing

Cat is fine too.