How did Brazil go from this

So when do you leave your shithole? Any serious plan?

It is our fault man... Ours and of ours intellectuals, feeding the commie lie through years.

Sometimes I think it would be far better if the CIA just let the country go full blown communist. Being Brasil, 2 months later we would be starving and killing each other for cachaça. And after going back to capitalism we would have that sweet communist immunity.

Leftism, corruption...

The BRICS meme should really be just RC. Cuz the idea that niggers and poos are capable of "developing" and civilizing was bullshit from the start.

It's called marketing, goys!

brazil is a cia colony
it's right where the nazis want it to be

What potential? It's filled with nigger monkeys.



Vc acha que é apenas coincidência que aonde tem mais negros é sempre mais pobre e menos organizado? Já ouviu falar no livro the Bell Curve? Da uma pesquisada, pois isso aí é um fato que todos se negam a admitir.