Damn.. I never really looked at it this way

damn.. I never really looked at it this way


If we feed all the niggers all we end up with is more niggers to feed.

lets say I have 30billion and want to end hunger
where exactly would I send that check??

So are we supposed to bomb Syrian schools with niggers now?

The best way to solve world hunger is to cut off all foreign aid.

Also having a strong military is objectively more important than feeding a bunch of useless niggers halfway across the world.

>30 billion
>per year

$30 the first year, $35 the next due to mass reproduction, now they're used to good food so they want better food so $65 bill 3rd year, farmers are now btfo by aid, as well as any existing industry, $100 bill, $200 etc

Why is it always the world calling on the USA to spend our fucking money to fix the world's problems? Fix your own shit you fucking dindus.

next thing you know everybody's migrating to africa for the free kfc