One Piece

Spoiler pics tonight.
Is anyone seriously and UNIRONICALLY hyped for this chapter?


only if carrot shows up

Who's year is it?

Ch. 863 Consummate Chivalry

3 and a half ours before invasion, Luffy proposed a plan to capture a bunch of animals from the forest into his appearance and erupt from the cake.

Present time
The wedding cake collapses due to the bunch of Luffy's erupting from it.
An enrage Big Mom demands that the cooks bring out a new cake.
When the cooks refuse asking her not to ask such impossible demands, she releases her powers.
She chants "Life or Wedding Cake" and takes their lifespan from their bodies.
Her power "Soul Vocals" is addressed to a person's attachments, and if they show even a little fear of death, then she takes their lifespan.
Everyone follows Luffy and enters the venue.
BM yells about which is the real one, and Bege snickers in reply according to the disturbance plan. However, Bege is shocked when the real Luffy simply identifies himself.

Luffy aims for the picture stand, but Katakuri reads the future,extends his leg, and sends Luffy flying with a kick. He is covered by Katakuri's foot and becomes immobilized.
Katakuri interrogates Luffy to where he heard about the importance of the picture.
Jinbe rushes in and "Black Tea Current One-armed Shoulder Throw" and soaks Katakuri's feet with tea. Katakuri's feet muddily dissolves and Luffy escapes his grasp.
According to Jinbe, Katakuri has the Logia "Mochi Mochi no Mi", and it's possible to escape if he becomes wet but it's better not to be careless.


Name 5 good manga or anime besides One Piece.

I'm tired of this hack, worst chapter yet.

>no spoilerino
I'm disappointed

Bravo, user.

See you next chapter.

>have to wait 1 more week for Puddingfags to get BTFO

Jinbe protects Bege by stating that he was the one who told Luffy about the picture. Luffy is ecstatic as Jinbe declares to BM that he wants to quit her crew and join the Strawhats.
BM demands that he take the punishment of leaving, but Jinbe accepts on the terms that she doesn't harm anyone else.

She uses her Soul Vocals and states to Jinbe "Stay or Life", who chooses Life. Normally, she should be able to take his lifespan, but nothing happens because Jinbe doesn't have any fear facing Big Mom.

"Why would a man who will be a crew member of the future Pirate King be afraid of someone like one of the four emperors!!! If you don't take my life, then I'm returning my pledge of loyalty! With that, I quit the Big Mom Pirates! Thank you for your previous assistance!"

An enraged Big Mom orders Zeus and Prometheus on Jinbe, but in the confusion Brook destroys the picture stand.


Yup, looks like a pretty good chapter.

I don't want her to join because she makes me feel funny. I don't wanna be a furry.

>nothing happens


Monkey D. Luffy (Captain)
Roronoa Zoro (Swordsman)
Nami (Navigator)
Usopp (Sniper)
Sanji (Cook)
Tony Tony Chopper (Doctor)
Nico Robin (Archaeologist)
Franky (Shipwright)
Brook (Musician)
Jinbei (Helmsman)
Pudding (Spy)

t. god-tier CoO

HYPE spoiler pics when?

>several anons doubting the spoilers
How new are you people? I don't think there's ever been fake spoilers that are confirmed by the fucks at AP.

is doubting the spoilers the newest forced meme?


Based gODA making Brook the new first mate, sorry Zoro.

dumb frogposter

Real Spoilers say Sanji kissed Pudding in front of Katakuri

Reminder that Oda is tricking everyone into believing Jinbe will join when in actuality he going serve as another major tragic death in the series.

>Luffy: I wont be too weak ever again and let any other of my niggas die
>hurr fishy will die
Jinbe is a nigga already, its over he cant die now

>Luffy: I will become the pirate king
It's over he's gonna be the pirate king, he can't lose.

It's obvious that Jinbei will die.

He's a relic of an old generation. He has no place in Luffy's new generation of pirates. Jinbei's death will serve to help push Luffy towards that Yonko-level power he lacks right now. It will feel so good to see Jinbei die since you know he won't die without serving an important purpose.

I like Jinbei as much as the next guy, but he has 0 place in the SH crew.

Fishmen are the one mistake in God's nearly flawless creation. They are a blight upon this world and a scourge upon this universe. Their very existence demeans any and all wonders, beauties, and purposes in life. They shall not and will never be worthwhile in anyway. There are no good fishmen and no good use in fishmenkind.

Well yes, in the end he will be the pirate king. Are you stupid or something?

>It's obvious that Jinbei will die.
Stopped reading. Jinbe has a zero percent chance of death.

>good use in fishmenkind.
mermaids make great sluts tho

Why not drop the series then? Ambiguity creates narrative tension. Just because a character says a thing doesn't mean that the thing is true. I wouldn't read the manga if the character was an infallible god.

makes sense actually, in the first chapter he said he wanted 10 crew members, so if we don't count himself that fits. But why did you make Carrot a spy?

>threadly reminder that Praline is best daughter

Luffy will become Pirate King. This is a fact.

So you are retarded, I see.

Why are shark girls always the best females?

Merfolk are different than fishmen

Hyouzou for example is a merman
Merfolk are top half human with bottom half fish. I have no problem with merfolk and may they prosper and live.

You are right there is no proof Sanji is a Vinsmoke

>tripnigga making reddit tier posts
Every time

But unless you think there is a chance he won't, then there isn't a point to following the series further. Similarly, Jinbei living wouldn't have meaning unless you think that there would be a chance he could die. Narrative can only be interesting if it is ambiguous.

What's going to happen to pudding by the end of this arc I wonder? I mean no matter how much I love the idea of her and sanji ending up together, I doubt she will be joining the crew. Definitely if she unlocks her third eye ability. BM definitely won't let her go. Plus that would make luffy crew literally have everyone who can actually get to the one piece which would be unfair. But I can't see her staying with BM either and not being used. S

Fairy Tail
Boku no Pico
Sword Art Online


He'll die, but not this soon. Mom, as great as she is as a crazy super villain, doesn't have the narrative weight behind her to pull off killing a major character

Are you retarded? It's the Journey that's fun, not the goal. So what if Luffy becomes Pirate King next chapter? It would be meaningless.

Will Dellinger and Katakuri ever meet? I want an excuse to ship them other than "they'd look good together."

Both of them will meet you in hell

but dat nigga know his one piece tho

Nobody watched Indiana Jones to see him have a kid and get married, they watched it to see him shoot brown people and melt Nazi faces.

>Big Mom's fatal flaw is that if you're not scared of her she can't hurt you
>this makes her nothing but a mook with a hard shell
>barely defeated Brook before her powers were even revealed

>barely defeated Brook

Nice delusion.

>Something happens

Again? Seriously, Oda?

Big Mom didn't even fight Brook, Zeus and Prometheus did. Brook lost.

Fucking speedreaders

> Fire
> snow
> ice
> swamp
> smoke
> magma
> light
> darkness

Now we have Mochi, a food item, did Oda run out of ideas?

Did you run out of ideas? Is that why you keep spamming the same shitpost every thread?

Shanks, Whitebeard, and Kaido for sure wouldn't be scared of her, so she's the 2nd weakest Yonko, no?


Why did they give this mook a fatal flaw as well? We already have characters whose powers don't function well in water stop fucking repeating tropes. Nami would oneshot this guy.


Do you think his cum tastes like mochi? What kind?

S A N A!

Not just a mook but a commander
It's just disappointing, maybe that's why they gave him future sight

>waah fruit has a weakness

That's one ugly nigger


Well yeah, Slavs exist you know.

Luffy is a Brazilian nigger

Luffy is vulnerable to swords so you have to be a good swordsman
Water leaves you unable to fight, transform and is such an attainable resource to get

Luffy is neither Brazilian nor black.

Delete this

D: Nice to meet you, Oda-sensei. I have a question. If One Piece was set in the real world, which countries would the nine Straw Hats come from? Pen Name: MICHAEL JACKSONS' BROTHER

O: Well. I'll just put what fits with the character's image.

Luffy: Brazil
Zoro: Japan
Nami: Sweden
Usopp: Africa
Sanji: France
Chopper: Canada
Robin: Russia
Franky: USA
Brook: Austria

>It's another episode of "X character is a nigger"
Do you even read One Piece or do you just like to shitpost here?

I don't see why he needs a devil fruit, anyway. I mean, clairvoyance and using jelly beans as bullets is already a unique fighting style.

The allure of trusting a shark girl to suck you every night without chomping your cock clean off.

Big Mom topples over like a Jenga tower

Sad. Who wants to put bets on Sanji/Pudding, betting odds are 2:1 against.

Pudding will fall for Sanji, but only after he's left the island. Nothing will change.

Made an edit
Lips not pink enough

I'm not even the person you're originally replying to, but it's true that Oda thought Luffy is Brazilian if One Piece was set in the real world

>People thinking Pudding will join

Does "Memu Memu" read out as 2-9 2-9? Didn't think so.

>that Robin
Fuck me, desi saree dresses just fucking do it for me man.

So I was right. Luffy isn't actually Brazilian. Thanks for clearing up the confusion, champ.

One piece isn't set in the real world though, so "X character is a nigger"-posters can fuck off.

>willing to defect the BM crew for her hubby

she's literally best waifu

It just stops his grapple in logia form. He wouldn't even have to use it on Nami.

>Is anyone seriously and UNIRONICALLY hyped for this chapter?
"Hyped" doesn't describe it, but based skeleton is carrying Luffy all the way to Raftel, again.


Posting when Usopp repilled Luffy on the BBC


Doesn't kuma's fruit read out as 2-9 2-9
Nikyu Nikyu
If Carrot eat kuma's then she can join and get cute paws

alternatively, she can eat the niku-niku no mi and join as the logia/dinner member of the crew

Getting lost

Year of Jimbei's death

>Zoro ends up at Raftel instead of Wano after taking control of the ship

Is it just the speech he gave that made people think he's going to die?

That's more like fuel for the fire that they don't want him to join. People are thinking of ways that would stop him from joining the crew, and death looks like the only way out now.

Usopp literally is tho

Who will the Kaido job to?

Himself, he will realize that Luffy is the most reckless pirate in existence and his greatest chance of dying is by following him into whatever stupid things he does.

>beaten like 10 times
He already has

This is why I can't understand rape fantasies. Isn't it better to completely dominate someone with your dick?

She'll look at her hands eventually and realize she has paws.

Law. But Law will die.