Why was Hitler such an effective figure head...

Why was Hitler such an effective figure head? What about him made people listen to what he had to say how could one madman drive a nation of sane germans to commit atrocities in the name of the father land?

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Master orator, artist, well dressed, saved Germany from degeneracy and ruin.

>how could one madman drive a nation of sane germans to commit atrocities in the name of the father land?

Exactly. It's called the dept. of post war psychological warfare. The truth is the Germans, upon freeing themselves from the international bankers creating a near instant utopia, the gavel was brought down. The well received and charming Germanics were brutally exterminated by the financial parasites and their zombie army of Holodomor leftovers.

Because he had a genuine passionate love for his nation.

It's the cult of personality, the same thing that elected Trump and that he still has fans

This. He was trying to rid the nation of the deadly jewish disease, and people listened to him because he was right on most issues.

>master orator
Any good examples of speeches? I have seen some examples but never anything polarizing enough to lead a nation do do what he had them do

INFJ's make for great leaders.

He was the only one willing and able to save Germany from the Weimar democracy that was forced upon our nation.
Also, he was a master orator: youtube.com/watch?v=zu9aBznOIC8

He told the truth

Charasmaric and effective speaker

Imagine that an Islamic fundamentalist dictator took over the United States government and forced Sharia on everyone. After a couple years the dictator steps down and a proper American rules, but Sharia is still the law of the day and people know who's really in control. Then within a short number of years an American politician comes and says he's going to put an end to Sharia and kick the Muslims out of the country so that they've never have to be ruled by a cockroach dictator ever again. This is pretty much exactly what happened.

You're focusing on the wrong thing.
It wasn't words that motivated and transformed Germany.
It was the juxtaposition between the absolute despair of the Wiemar era and the prosperity, freedom, peace and security within the household that Germans now had after 1933.
Hitler was extremely intelligent. But it's not even about him. The Wiemar age created a political role that needed to be filled by someone. By anyone. Hitler simply seized that position from Fate's grip. Anybody could have as long as they had the passion to fix their nation. People in the Grossgermanischesreich were genuinely happy, for the first time in their lives.

I assume you are referring to the Weimar yes? I fail to see how this is an accurate comparison

It's actually quite a good comparison user
I don't think you're educated enough on the subject of interwar Germany to truly understand why the German people let out a collective sigh of relief when they elected Hitler.

Also do not forget on a magic that a good speaker can wield. Most of us will not enjoy the thrill of a speech done by a good orator, less a genius one like Hitler was. It can be insanely powerful.

Enlighten me user, or at least point me in the right direction. I want to learn

He spoke of hope, of love and high culture. His people were inspired to become a force for good in the world, this is the natural state.

He brought his people back from the brink and for this he was betrayed and his beloved all but entirely exterminated.

>He spoke of hope, of love and high culture. His people were inspired to become a force for good in the world, this is the natural state.
>He brought his people back from the brink and for this he was betrayed and his beloved all but entirely exterminated.

Honestly at this point, I'd just suggest you read his book (Mein Kampf) and learn first hand what his intentions and motivations were. If you suffer from the classic burger education, a history textbook or too will be handy to give you context about the historical events he mentions throughout the book.


>classic burger education



Unemployment was greater than ever, savings became worthless over night because of hyperinflation, political violence had become the norm (started by communists, though the other parties used it as well), the government was dysfunctional, there was the constant threat of a communist takeover, lots of coup attempts and revolts from both the right and the left. The Weimar republic was practically a failed state. At the end communists and national socialists had together more than 50% of seats in parliament, making it impossible for the democratic parties to govern without one of them. Eventually, President Hindenburg appointed Hitler to chancellor as a last resort. Hitler immediately set about fixing all of the aforementioned problems and was more successful than anyone could have ever imagined. He brought Germany back from the brink of destruction and from then on, the German people were loyal to him until the end of ww2.

> atrocities
wat atrocities user? Tell us more, we want to know

Let me oversimplify everything.
Germans resented WW1, and jews used that resentment to conduct a revolution in 1918. It failed, but they were given a (((democracy))), called The Wiemar Republic. Versailles was a shitshow, written by bankers (not even kidding, read "Tragedy and Hope" by Carrol Quigley). German media was taken over by kikes and they pushed degeneracy and an anti-family agenda. Perversions proliferated. Then the country went broke. Families were poor. Dirt poor. One of the only sources of income was foreigners from other countries in Europe buying prostitutes in Germany. Quite often child prostitutes. Fathers were helpless while their wives and children worked the streets to barely earn their daily bread for the family.
Then a small political movement began in the South of Germany. They were traditionalists. They promised a return of dignity. Not only to the nation, but also to the average German. They claimed they knew the cause of this abject poverty. After they were elected, they really did fix things. The NSDAP's surge wasn't about the party. It was a movement. Hitler was only its figurehead, though a qualified and deserving one.
Almost overnight, wealth was restored to the people. Dignity was restored. German families could finally be families again. No more prostitution. No more degeneracy. Hitler took Germany from the depths of despair and into the first world. It was an unbelievable movement. People don't flood to rallies as far as the eye can see because of a goddamn speech, like pic related, user.

I guess you should read about Wiemar (and it's creation after the 1918 revolution) and the 200k suicides per year, the poverty, the degeneracy, the perversions and then read about the German Economic Miracle.

Yeah my schooling always conveniently avoided the topic. The knowlege I have is all from my own reasearch the history/military channel from when I was a kid

user, that pic makes me want to cry. Look how happy those people are in the crowd. Hitler really did restore hope and dignity in the souls of those individuals. He was a far greater man than we deserved...Every city in Europe should have a statue of him.


You can feel the energy here.

Because he was sentimental and cared for his country and people

Stop believing the lies faggot. They called him a dreamer but he saved his land. Heil Hitler!

Damn Swedish brother I guess we just got the same love for Hitler cause it was the one I instantly shared also

Well said user, god bless Hitler and his giant murdered family

> no hoverhand
> alpha as fuck

mein neger

Madman? Atrocities?
>In a mad world only the mad are sane
Akira Kurosawa

Honestly I have czech grammar school and my knowledge from school isn't any good either. My history teacher was legit stalinist communist. Hardcore one at that, would send the whole antifa degenerate lot to gulag without even blinking. Now think about how (((CNN))) is able to twist things that are happening right now. Imagine how much (((they))) can twist and do twist events 150+ years old. If you are honest about being seriously interested, reading the source materials (without translations if possible) is the only way to go.