why is there so much hatred for ukrain on here?

>nearly 100% white
>btfos r*ssia
>beautiful women
>literal nazis

Other urls found in this thread:

You have to remove Jews before you can call yourself a Nazi

how did the btfo russia?
>they are the poorest country in the european continent now they even make less money then albanians
>gasprices skyrocket
>Fuelprices skyrocket
>curropcy higher then ever
it's the literal shithole of europe

This is a Russian shill board full of fags who would rather suck Putins cock and sell Eastern Europe down the river

You said literal

Russia tried to invade ukrian and all they took was a useless peninsula

>Literal Nazis
>Ukraine is controlled by jews

Pick the last one

Ukraine is poor as fuck, nigger tier.
Just send your women here.

all they took was the only valuabel thing in all of ukraine the only military port russia had to the black sea

dude after they took it they even found CIA offices already bought and prepared on that halfass island

>beautiful women
>posts Russian whore