women are the niggers of gender
Women are the niggers of gender
Carson Cox
Parker Harris
Thomas Lopez
looks like a man
Adrian Price
>enabling of degeneracy
>emotional to a fault
>immune to repercussion
>cry out in pain as they strike you
>unable to admit wrongdoing
Women are the jews of genders.
Jose Perez
Dylan Edwards
Find me one man who is that pretty, I will let him suck my dick too
Ayden Williams
>women are the niggers of gender
What are trannys then?
Henry Myers
>Looks like a man
>Literal natural fucking woman
>Pink puffy lips
>Button nose
>Soft jawline/cheeks
>Looks like a man
Jace Bell
Fuck off to /r/incel
Levi Garcia
>What are trannys then?
The niggers of women.