Why do you care so much about race?

Why do you guys care so much about race? In the end tardigrade and other microorganisms have a greater probability of surviving on Earth than we do as a species.

We are running out of natural resources, we are destroying everything around us like a plague, the earth below us is a ticking time-bomb of anihilation, the sky above us is unpredictable and in the best case scenario we might nuke each other into extinction at some point because we are THAT stupid and you are worrying about skin color? For what?
We are not going to survive as a species in the first place.

From man made disasters to nearby supernovas, to asteroids, to volcanic eruptions, to pyroclastic clouds, to megalithic earthquakes and the sun itself dying out, the thing you choose to focus your energy on is RACE? Are you serious?

Nothing lasts forever -- not the Earth and certainly not any race.

So why are you so worried about race? Are you so stupid that it has never occured to you that none of this matters in the long run? Are you so desperate to find meaning in your pathetic life your tiny brains are only able to focus on solution to problems that are not even real problems, real threats to life on Earth?

I don't care for the preservation of any race, but I do want a genocide of the stupid, regardless of their color.

None of this shit matters. Life on Earth has a best before date and it's nearly due. It's just a matter of time.

We are all gonna go extinct. No matter our skin color, heritage or culture... We were not a species meant to last and most of you are imbeciles for thinking race matters at all when it comes to the big picture.


tl:dr there are hurricanes and earthquakes, therefore you should accept millions of criminal sub-50 IQ Somalis into your country

Make it sub-40 then, cuck
Why does it matter if someone has an IQ of 40? Lmao HURRICANES BRO, just open your borders bruh

>sub-50 IQ

I think *yours is around that if you see that as a fact as opposed to a scientific fallacy.

I'm not even one of the people you criticize here, as I'm not a racist of any kind, and even I can see the blatant ignorance emanating from your loaded question. You seem to assume that the only legitimate reason to care for anything beyond your own person is if the extension of this caring will remain for eternity. The racists obviously never claimed this, though. And it is perfectly reasonable to worry about the finite existence. Just because we humans are not forever, is it a fool's errand to elevate your family (e.g. financially)? No.

I seriously doubt your cognitive capacity if "hurricanes" is all you got from what I wrote. In fact, I don't think I said the word hurricane once. The fact of the matter is the Earth is gonna die one way or another and before that all species in it. I doesn't make any sense to me to be focusing on that instead of something productive.

No. All white countries need to be flooded with non-whites who will suck them dry and use their resources to breed more of them because HURRICANES BRUH.

I hate whiny depressive faggots like you

Life matters as long as I'm alive

>Why do you care so much about race?

why do the jews?

Give me your address. I will come to your house, take everything you own, live in your house and you will be fine with that because muh hurricanes.
Why does it matter?

uh because niggers,muslims and beaners are a plague raping and destroying entire cities.

I neve said anything about illegal immigrants. I'm simply talking about race. Race as is "why are you pissed off a white woman willingly chose to marry a black man?"
How is it any of your business and how is that relevant to anything. Who cares if at the end of it we are all mutts or chinese mixed.
I'm not talking about illegal immigrants ffs. That's not a race issue. That's a geopolitical issue.

Nice goal post shifting, retard tactical nihilist.
The race issue is primarily an immigration issue. Legal or illegal.
Interracial couples are inconsequential because of how rare they are. The issue is immigration, it starts with immigration and it ends with immigration.
No, just because the earth beneath your feet trembles or the sky is unpredictable doesn't mean people should be ok with fucking niggers fucking their countries up, you absolute retard.

We are all going to die sooner or later, which does nothing to give your shitty worldview legitimacy. What it means is that while you are alive, you shouldn't give a single fuck about being called a racist. No one likes niggers, kikes and arabs. You are going to die in 30-60 years, so you have no reason to pretend you like these people and want to live with them.

Who gives a fuck about the jews. At the end of the day japanese, jews, blacks, whites and whatever color advanced humanity in some way. Yes even black people.
Or do you think Nasa doesn't have any black employees or employees that are not white for that matter? The whole race issue is complete bullshit. Minds advance humanity, not color.

Are you sure that the jews aren't just trying to enslave all goyim?

Because that's what it looks like, and that is what is written in their religious texts....

>why do the jews?
Said whom? Some conspiracy theory? LMAO.
Jews care about your ethnicity when you try to infiltrate their state (e.g. Israel) they are smart to not give a fuck about something that happens 100s miles away and out of their business.

Nazism is perhaps the oldest and most basic concept, it is projection of tribal morality, e.g. you can/should oppress, slaughter/eat everyone but your tribesmen and you're god-chosen and purest and shit. I challenge anyone to tell me when this wasn't a thing.

And now there's sort of reverse-nazism where white people in majority white countries get oppressed or looked down on which is also unacceptable.

You guys wanna know what neo nazis have in common with leftists? VICTIMHOOD.
It's all based on victimhood. Go cry yourselves to sleep faggots.

>Hurr we're all going to die some day (assuming we wont advance as a species enough to colonize other planets before ours is destroyed which is very unlikely, unless the kikes have their way)
>Durr so who cares about anything
I do. I care about my ancestry, my ancestors that fought and died and sweat for my country to be what it is today, for some piece of shit subhumans to swarm the country and destroy it, crime spikes up, children being raped, terrorism, savagery, culture being destroyed.

>Conspiracy theory
Oh wow all that evidence and those (((coincidences))) must mean nothing you sure changed by mind, (((Ivan)))

t. low IQ sub-human
Made a shitty non-argument, got BTFO, goes straight to name-calling and his horse shoe fallacy.

>Said whom? Some conspiracy theory? LMAO.

They kick out anyone who isn't jewish.

They even say so themselves....

So, you are retarded.

why dont you go live in papua new guinea or democratic republic of congo for a year and come back and post in thread

>life expectancy of ~100 max
>talks about surviving as a species
You're a fucking moron dude. Humanity is the most superior thing on the planet. Always has been. Always will. That doesn't mean there's no differences between races and cultures.

Tell that to the left, when they stop attacking people because they're white or giving gifts to blacks we can talk.

I don't agree with either. Like I said earlier, both are based on victimhood. I want no part in it. Either far right or left, to me it's all the same bullshit.

>You're a fucking moron dude. Humanity is the most superior thing on the planet
So were the dinosaurs at some point. Do you see any around?

These ''centrists'' have already picked their side.
The left is accelerating the immigration and trying to get as much ''diversity'' as possible, the right is trying to slow it down, even by little. These ''centrists'' are attacking not the side that is creating massive problems and trying to completely transform white countries into slums, but they're attacking the side that is trying to stop that from happening.
The true neutral position would be to halt immigration, no more and no less minorities, but that position isn't seen as neutral anymore, that's far-right now.

When did I use any terms that refer to this dichotomy in what I wrote? I never said it was a left or right issue as both the left and the right focus on fucking race as if it was important. They all resort to victimhood.
I also never mentioned illegal immigration issues. I was talking about race.

I'd say it's more a hate matter than a victimhood even if the later is part of the issue.

So because tomorrow we could be hit by a meteor niggers are cool now? Gotcha.

You weren't even talking about race, you spoke about skin color.
No one has to accept your retarded rules and newspeak. People know what you're talking about and what position you are advocating. No one is falling for newspeak.

You came here to discuss with us (the right), about why our race focus is not important, this race focus only exists because of immigration, you din't mention either of these things but it's what we understand.

race doesnt matter guys



There are leftists on this board. Don't kid yourself.
I came here to argue with people who keep focusing on race and overlook the fact that a bunch of geniuses from different racial backgrounds have advanced are and advancing science as we speak.
This rivalry matters little in the long run anyway.

*and are advancing

Sure they're here, we often refer to them as "shills", people who come here to stop our plans, sure some of them come here just to have a friendly discussion but they have /leftypol/ for that.
Just to clarify things, we just want every race to have their own places, blacks have the entire Africa, asians have, well Asia, jews have Israel and we want some place to be white house, this feeling would not even exist if whites weren't treated as monsters that have to repay other by their crimes by blacks/jews.

And why are you of all people talking about this shit. You are Brazilian, man. You are not even white. No matter if your grandparents are italian or german, you still got some tainted blood. You might be white in Brazil, but if you go to Europe, Canada or anywhere outside latin america, you are not going to be considered white.

I focus on race because I moved to a city that is 25 percent black and there are places I very likely will be robbed and/or killed if I wind up there at the wrong time. I have to drive my friends girlfriend home every night because a large mob of black kids threatened to rape her when she was walking home from work. My fiancee if an RN and she is forced to park in a parking lot know colloquially as "the shooting gallery" and it's not a white or asian neighborhood. So what you are thinking is some type of generalization and I HAVE TO deal with cold hard reality and it sucks. I guess I'm supposed to ignore or be welcoming of the group of people who have lowered the quality of life for everyone.

It's because you and your ilk are wrong in the long game. You spoke of geniuses yet cave when one confronts you.

Let us have a place where we can exist as an ethnic hegemon, why is that so hard to ask? Why are you so opposed to this idea? Are you a liberal?

I'm not a liberal, but perhaps I need to contextualize. When it comes to race, the way I was picturing it as I was writing: I wasn't thinking of illegal immigrants. I was thinking about Americans, born on American soil, who happen to not be white.
Maybe we should have picked our own cotton for your demands to be met. The fact of the matter is we didn't and I consider an African American, for example, just as American as I am. If they were born in America and their families have been in America since colonial times, that makes them as American as I am.

so wich one are you?

Except the founders of America lived and died under the law that said only whites are to be citizens.

Why do you placate a nihilistic view on human species and use it to discount the need for racial pride but not moralistic nothings like your feeling someone deserves to be a citizen because they were born here a slave?

This is a cause to which I agree, no reason to not defend it.

Think of it this way:
What if Europe becomes white homeland and the american continent stays as a multicultural continent.

And the more recent generation of African Americans born under a law in which they are considered to be free citizens. Therefore they are.

They were born in American culture and would not adapt to African culture, as they have no ties to their country of origin any longer. And besides, we are also immigrants. We had to come here by boat. Why don't we go back to the UK then and leave America to the natives? Your logic doesn't make any sense.

What if, mexico stays for mexicans

And brazil for slaves

No my logic is their is no need for morals in your world view and just the same way the law changed it can change and has precedent to dictate they are not citizens and should be deported. For you to reply with any emotional argument is again sign you don't actually hold consistent convictions.


We dident go home because we conquered it.... Again if humanity is a blip and fuck pride why would we care about the Indians or any one else if we can't even look out for our own

Emotional argument? Excuse me? How was that emotional?
They don't speak the native african language, they don't know the customs, how would they adapt? They are American.

You saying otherwise is the same as telling me I'm Scottish and should go back to Scotland just because of my heritage. I was born in America, I'm not going anywhere.

I strange suspicion that op is not white

Seems good but if Brazil is for slaves then who are the masters?


It's emotional because the fact they would have a hard time is not our problem and to care about it is a emotional issue. If we wanted you to leave you would..... This is the point m8 in your world view morals means nothing and we should live in the moment and that cuts both ways so if we wanted to as a society deport you there is none emotional argument why we shouldent.

>babbys first le big brain nihilism

Because I want calm, civilized, and normal people to live with and for my children to live with.

>Why do you guys care so much about race?
I care because I am morally opposed to genocide. I am not a narcissistic I care about more than my own financial prosperity. I care about White children not being replaced in their own countries and not walking as strangers in the country their ancestors founded. Why do you think White children do not deserve a homeland?

>Are you so stupid that it has never occured to you that none of this matters in the long run?
It doesn't matter TO YOU. You may be a White person who doesn't care if White people are ethnically cleansed from their own countries. My ethnic group, essentially my extended family, matters a great deal TO ME and I don't want to see us destroyed.

>the fact they would have a hard time is not our problem and to care about it is a emotional issue
I'm sorry did they willingly come here? I swear I learned we took them by force as a commodity. They didn't choose to come here. Like I said, your idea would be fine had we picked our own cotton. We didn't.
If they were born in America at a time they were considered free citizens and have been in America long enough not to even know where exactly their ancestors come from, then they are American. It's not a hard concept to understand. To me they are just as American as I am.

Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and "assimilating" with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to "assimilate," i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-Blacks were brought into EVERY Black country and ONLY into Black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I'm not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane Black man to notice this and what kind of psycho Black man wouldn't object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the White race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

OP btfo

>Enlightened Nihilist
>Woah dude like nothing matters, man.
>The Earth will end one day so that means it’s all pointless, man.
>That’s why I have no values other than hating stupid people (anyone who disagrees with me), man.
Go fuck yourself or read some Kirkegaard. Not guaranteeing a fix, but it can’t hurt

Again your making a emotional argument the fact they were given citizenship they can be taken away and you just repeat things that are not actually stopping that from happening besides hurt feelings

Having someone else pick your cotton then giving your slave freedom does not mean you can't take it away there is no magic barrier or God that will stop you. Your objections are based on emotion.

I have no ties to Scotland or Ireland anymore. Should I go back to any of those places? Imagine if Irish/Scottish culture was Chinese and I didn't speak Chinese or knew the customs. Yet I was born in America and my ancestors came in the 1800. I have no place in either Scotland or Ireland because I am an American. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
I don't know which political side you lean towards, but it's definitely a very fucked up one.

>I have no place in either Scotland or Ireland because I am an American.
American = White

Why do you want to turn the United States into a non-White country?

>SJW: You should care about other races
>SJW: Why do you care about other races

>Fags: Look at what degeneracy I can do to kids
>Fags: Why do you pay attention to our degeneracy

Et al and so on.

Only respect I have left is for militant Christians

It's not the 1700 anymore? Those blacks help build the country just like us whites did. Only difference is we forced them to. Sorry but that's the truth. We did force them and they helped us grow economically.

Except your not making a argument why should we give a shit how you feel or what you will experiance if as a society we decide to deport you....

You see I remember being 14 and a nihilistic faggot but I guess you haven't gotten past that yet.

If I can't love my race because of the forgon death of humanity why the fuck should I care about your little faggot ass if we decide it would be benificial to deport you......

>inb4 emotions

>a genocide of the stupid, regardless of their color

I'd subscribe to that. Still, that genocide will be terribly biased along population genetic lines...

>if as a society we decide to deport you
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you want to deport AN AMERICAN CITIZEN, born on american soil?

That's inconstitutional and that's anti american.

>It's not the 1700 anymore?
So you're saying because its [CURRENT YEAR] that the USA can't be allowed to be a White country?

What does the [CURRENT YEAR] have to do with you supporting White genocide?

> Those blacks help build the country just like us whites did.
They were the labor. They weren't responsible for the creation or advancement of this country. Also, blacks were never intended to be citizens of this country.

> Only difference is we forced them to.
American Indians were the first slave holders in North America.
A black was the first slave owner in the colonies.
At its height less than 5% of the White population owned slaves.
Blacks sold other blacks into slavery.
Jews were responsible for the slave trade.
Whites ended slavery (at the cost of 600k White lives in the USA) in White countries.
Slavery still exists in Africa to this day.

>Sorry but that's the truth.
So you're saying that the only way to get blacks to contribute to White countries is to force them?

>We did force them and they helped us grow economically.
Without blacks there still would've been a USA. Without Whites there never would've been a USA.

Alright. I'm not gonna argue anymore.
I'm glad that your way of thinking represent a minority. You guys are fucking sick. With all do respect.

Dude, your intentions are noble but you should reconsider your reasons.

>everything is meaningless in the long run
Okay, fine, so since all choices are equally stupid and meaningless, I choose to focus on race, and you have no logical reason to tell me not to. Even if we listen to your retarded argument, it doesn't work.

>Alright. I'm not gonna argue anymore.
That's because we all know you can't refute my logic.

>I'm glad that your way of thinking represent a minority.
Yet you're the one supporting the genocide of the White race. That hardly qualifies you as having the moral high ground.

>You guys are fucking sick.
Again, you're the one supporting the genocide of the White race.

>With all do respect.
With all due respect, you're going to hang on the day of the rope.

Why do you care if others care about race?
Seems like you're the imbecile to me desu

>wtf you guys are sick
libertarians and traitors like you are disgusting

Because everyone else does.
If everyone else is playing on a team and you’re a bunch of individuals with no team you lose.

>That's because we all know you can't refute my logic.
No, because at this point it's like beating a dead horse.

>Yet you're the one supporting the genocide of the White race. That hardly qualifies you as having the moral high ground.

As long as I fuck within my race and leave American citizens to do what they please and fuck whom they please, I'm standing by libertarian principle and not supporting any genocide, but being just and leaving people to their free will.

>Again, you're the one supporting the genocide of the White race.
Read previous reply.

>With all due respect, you're going to hang on the day of the rope.

Only a brainless cunt would want to kill one of their own because they don't subscribe to extremism.

>libertarians and traitors like you are disgusting

Glad I'm not a psychopath.

There's no team. For humanity to advance the stupidist thing one could focus on is skin color. There are highly capable people from all racial backgrounds who have IQ's higher than the IQ's of everyone on this fucking board.


Thank god we have space shuttles and methods for living in outer space and other planets.

>reconsider your reasons
I think libertarian principle is a good enough reason. The nihilist baiting was just bait. I don't subscribe to this way of thinking because of libertarian principle.

>No, because at this point it's like beating a dead horse.
...Because you can't refute my logic.

>As long as I fuck within my race
Why would you because you quite clearly don't care about the existence of the White race and the future of the White race?

>and leave American citizens to do what they please and fuck whom they please,
Even though they've been subverted by a race that wants to destroy them?

>I'm standing by libertarian principle
Libertarianism is Jewish.

>and not supporting any genocide,
You are standing by, doing nothing as the White race is being genocided. You are therefore complicit in it.

>but being just and leaving people to their free will.
Free will implies that Whites knowingly chose this path. It's not free will because Whites have never been allowed to vote or even have a say in our genocide.

>Only a brainless cunt would want to kill one of their own because they don't subscribe to extremism.
Said the person who sees the genocide of his race happening and responds with "I don't care, fuck you."

>Glad I'm not a psychopath.
But you're a genocidal maniac.

>I think libertarian principle is a good enough reason.
Libertarianism is yet another Jewish, anti-White ideology that supports the genocide of the White race under the guise of "muh freedumbs"

>Omg nothing matters we're all gonna die anyways
>Omg stop talking about race ffs!! Nothing matters!! Listen to me!!

You're a brainlet

I don't. You keep making all these dumbass d&c threads about it though.

do you know what bait is

insecure boys

>do you know what bait is
If you had a logical argument you wouldn't have to resort to bait.

im doing my part to mix out the white race

I think this is probably what a black lives matter supporter sounds like, only it's backwards they'd be telling me to go kill white people and enslave them or some shit.

Both sides of the coin are truly pathetic. I'd rather just go on, living my life like a healthy human being.

K. Calm your tits Adolf.


>I think this is probably what a black lives matter supporter sounds like,
Of course the difference being that BLM are liars and this is a White country.

>only it's backwards they'd be telling me to go kill white people and enslave them or some shit.
BLM wants to kill Whites and enslave us.

>Both sides of the coin are truly pathetic.
The difference being, we're trying to save the White race and you're trying to destroy it. Why must yours be the default position?

> I'd rather just go on, living my life like a healthy human being.
While you ignore the greatest injustice in history being done to your people.

>K. Calm your tits Adolf.
But there's literally nothing wrong with National Socialism or Adolf Hitler.

>stretch marks
>yellow skin
What a fucking disgusting whore

my skin looks yellow too you retarded amerimutt, its due to the lighting in the room. and what's wrong with stretch marks, cant handle a real WOMAN? also shes not a whore, her cunny was ULTRA fucking tight when i got to it. actually my dick was really sore and numb for a few days after i fucked her for an hour. tight isn't all its cracked up to be desu.

>my skin looks yellow too
And you can't even focus your camera.

>you retarded amerimutt,
Said the one fucking a dog.

>and what's wrong with stretch marks,
Shows that it can't take proper care of its body.

>cant handle a real WOMAN?
Non-Whites aren't human let alone women.

>also shes not a whore,
Just because she doesn't charge you doesn't mean she doesn't charge everyone else.

>her cunny was ULTRA fucking tight when i got to it.
Well you did start to fuck her when she was 6.

>actually my dick was really sore and numb for a few days after i fucked her for an hour.
That's the STD's.

>tight isn't all its cracked up to be desu.
inb4 your dick starts cracking from all the diseases you got.