Shokugeki no Souma

Nene a cute! A cute!

She almost has the same color scheme as Alice. Just lighten her hair.

Newest volume cover looks nice.

>granny hair

How so?

I want her to pound my soba

>All of her strength in her lower body


Your limp noodle can't satisfy her.

Looks like it's the entire team.


How strong is her vagina grip?

Spoilers soon.

Her kegels can unscrew a stuck jar lid.

And tie a cherry stem into knots.







>that fucking cheerleading squad
I still can't get over that. What a waste of characters. They basically sidelined like 90% of the cast.

This series and these Shokugeki no Soma threads are DED

>favorite music act: Death Grips

That's Souma matches for you. They're just extremely dry. The series has been almost nothing but Souma matches since the Autumn Election.

This week's Jump cover with all its manga has a nice Erina.

>This week's Jump cover with all its manga has a nice Erina.
Because more people including myself love Erina more than Soma

>Erina in the cover
>Not Souma
I don't know how to feel about this

Salad is there and not Boruto, Ray is there and not Emma, Rizu and Fumino are there for Bokuben, but maybe most inexplicably, that brown guy is there for robot laserbeam.

What a weird selection of characters. I don't see the pattern. Is this dedicated to the second most important characters?

If that's the case I assume the smart science guy from Stone, MC from Bokuben (strange since I would think girls get placed over MC in a series like this. maybe he'll become based enough to deserve the slot over the girls.), and Marie would be on normal group covers.

Can't you say the same for all the series? Golf autisMC, Emma, that round spring weapon guy (I assume he's the one on covers), the scar guy from U19, Poro, Gintoki and Bort and a bunch of other MC's are absent.

Well no, I mean, Luffy and Deku and Fuyuzora are there too.

The dumb guy is there for Dr. Stone. Is he not the MC? I also could have sworn the glasses guy was the main character of Spring Weapon. And isn't that guy from Yuuna the main character? Do they just put the titular character on the front then?

The fact that Rizu and Fumino are on the front baffles me. I thought girls get shoved on the front cover for harems and romcoms.

Yuuna gets placed on collab covers over Fuyuzora doesn't she? And if Deku and Luffy are there to represent their series why are Bakugou and Sanji there?

Are they the most popular character from each series?

Full Version

Now it makes sense.

Characters on the left are the MAIN characters while the ones on the right are the Second Main characters

I'm pretty sure Fuyuzora is the actual main in Yuuna despite her name being in the title though.

Wow. So it is second most important characters on the front. Why do they all look so upset on the left though? At least some of them.

>science is the MC of Stone
News to me.

Also the dude in Marie is clearly the main despite the same situation.

>I'm pretty sure Fuyuzora is the actual main in Yuuna despite her name being in the title though.
Dude, Yuuna is the MAIN character so deal with it. Don't be a delusional fag

Why Soma looks so upset?

But I'll take that back since they swapped bodies, that probably is him in Marie's body on the left.

Never mind I just got it. The main characters are playing Paper Scissors Rock with the secondary leads. The angry ones are ones that lost. Fucking hell.

Large HD Version. Also sneak peak on what Vol. 24 looks like on the bottom left

Who is that between Erina and Takumi?

I look forward to the day we see Smugrina in the manga again.

Kuga. I think it's the A-team they assembled.

Kuga I believe

He lost Rock Paper Scissors to Erina. Just look at the rest of the characters.

That also makes me wonder why Tesshi's on the cover this time around.

Damn, I miss Erina so much! She is the only reason I read this fucking manga.

yes, he's the short one. Megishima, Gigga and Isshiki are in the back.

>Damn, I miss Erina so much! She is the only reason I read this fucking manga.
I feel the same way as well

It's not the full cover. Both Souma and Erina are on the cover. Same for Boruto and Salad.

Can you TL some of the comments on OPN?

Did you mean to reply to Royal. I'd love to if I could read Moon.

Yes, I clicked the wrong post.

Is this before or after seeing the full cover? I don't think she normally gets put on Jump front covers. As in the ones with all the MC's of each series.


>Where's Megumi?
She's the Third Main character, not the same second herione as Erina similar to the girls from the manga "We Can't Study"

>while the ones on the right are the Second Main characters


I think it's because they were introduced that way. They didn't establish a main girl which is honestly refreshing for a series like that. Erina was established as main girl since the one-shot.


Where did you find the raw chapter?

> Nendou is actually the second main character
Holy shit

I'm still wondering why brown girl is allowed to steal so much of their panel time.

weibo but it's not the full chapter


Since this is going to be long, like the election, I hope we get to see a lot of reactions like this.

Momo and Rindou a cute.

More Elite 10 OVA news. Could someone translate?

Your guess is as good as mine. I didn't expect them to introduce a 3rd girl at chapter 4 either. I mean hell Nisekoi took over 10 before introducing Tsugumi and 35 or so before introducing Marika.


>Smug Erina
I need more

The threads were pretty active before the Souma match started.

People love this for the waifubait, or more quality husbandos like Gin, Italy or even Naked Apron.

We all know how every Souma match plays out.

Kek. This is great

I want to see Soma and Erina playing Paper Scissors Rock. Maybe that'd be more interesting than this match.

I just want Soma and Erina to fuck. Is that too much to ask?

Because there's nothing to discuss

Just read the Hisasi doujins

Anne a cute.
How old is she by the way?

>conclusion of match won't be until 2 more chapters

I read them all multiple times

I want them to get married

so Nene is going to lose because she adheres to traditions instead of following the food evolution?

Melanin enriched brethren

We need a new one.

Now that's a
face, if I ever saw one.

Let's see how badly my phone fucks up this post.
>kek’d when the duck he was using became foie gras
>fwa!? Girl Who Leapt Through Time?
>that’s it?
>why are the judges eating so much? There are more dishes to judge after this, will they be okay?
>lame. Are we going to waste pages again on this?
>it’s crazy enough that they had six helpings but they want more?
>if the judges want seconds… just go to a wanko soba tournament or something
>how is Souma supposed to win against this. His dish looks rich and heavy and if it makes them full, that’s a problem
>it’s her loss because they didn’t strip
>toki-kake soba, is this Joshiraku?
>I had to laugh at the judges finishing before they realized it. You’re judges, make an effort and stay conscious. How are you supposed to rate something you ate unconsciously
>this development is super slow…
>it really is slow. Why are they dragging this out? Are they planning for S3? Or is the author struggling with the story?
>if they ate it without realizing, they fail as judges - how are they supposed to comment
>these spoilers are probably real… sigh…
>it’s not Nene’s fault, it’s the author’s
>so these three-star people are satisfied with a high schooler’s dish
These were the early reactions. Much of the thread is dominated by a heated meta argument about how terrible the manga has become, how cancerous the fans/haters have become, blatant baiting and people biting the bait. I haven't the heart to sift through that mess for nuggets of actual discussion.

The only new (?) info there is they're adding an anime original scene.

Thanks Royal, you da best

>>why are the judges eating so much? There are more dishes to judge after this, will they be okay?
The eternal question. I remember people saying this in the election too. Because yeah, in reality judges just have a bite of your dish, they can't afford to scarf it down.

Thanks royal.

>this development is super slow…
>it really is slow. Why are they dragging this out?
The author want to kill this manga

>they're adding an anime original scene
>tfw it's a SouRina scene

literally Arranged Marriage: The Manga

Senzaemon planned this

Cover looks fucking nice.

well, he had to if you think about it. One of his children married to the Culinary Stalin and the other one is a race traitor that Japs wouldn't recognize as his heir.. He needed a strong heir that would carry the Nakiri banner and that's Souma.

Will there be a clean version of this without the words?

>>it really is slow. Why are they dragging this out? Are they planning for S3? Or is the author struggling with the story?
This is actually a good question. I mean, it doesn't seem Tsukuda is strgglinh with the story, but we still can't explain why he's draggin this too much.
And I'm not even talking about this classic
>first serve
>last serve
I'm talking about why he had to include the Isshiki-Nene backstory in the middle of the match AND the judges introduction. Both should've been made before the match.


Haven't kept up with this since forever.

Have they made any reference to what Soma's father told (or was going to tell him, I forget) about the secret to being a great chef was cooking for someone you love?

>the other one is a race traitor that Japs wouldn't recognize as his heir
Are you kidding? They would enthusiastically approve of him having not-Irisviel as waifu and fucking Alice as his daughteru. Especially the daughter part, look at how they worship Erina both in and out of the manga.