Why is cutting off part of a baby's dick considered normal?

Who invented circumcision? Was the purpose to politically control men by limiting their sexuality? I want to know what having natural sex with a foreskin feels like dammit.

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God teached circumcision to the god-fearing hebrew men.


Cutting off part of a baby's dick isn't normal. But on judaism it is. Jews - not even once.

>tfw moist, sensitive, beautiful uncut cock because my parents weren't brainwashed by the ZOG

But why? Even among Jews, what kind of a twisted fuck first came up with the idea? What was his reasoning?

Here in canada and USA doctors started routinely doing it because (((it was healthier and convenient)))

>Why is cutting off part of a head (hair) is considered normal ?

because human hair is incapable of love, and it is tax-exempt on a galactic level for this reason.

Because human hair gets worse if it gets to long, it also tends to get thiner.
Short hair is more practical these days.