>cousin is marrying a Chinese girl
>They're probably going to have hapa kids
Completely lost respect for him.
Cousin is marrying a Chinese girl
>my cousin did a thing that affects me in no way
>fucking cuck ass race traitor I can't believe you've done this
Have you ever considered suicide?
Fucking a Chinese girl now, is like buying bitcoins in 2012
I've fucked Chinese, Korean and Japanese girls. I'd rate them in the same order, with Chinese being last.
he shares genes with his cousin so i'm sure he has some creepy obsession about how they are coupled. fucking weird and gross, like most "white concerns".
How does white decline and changing demographics not affect him?
If that affects him so much he'll lose all respect for his flesh and blood, you'd think he'd he doing more to stop it than shitposting on a Mongolian throat-singing forum eh?
fuck you, race traitor. It isn't just white people he's fucking up, he's fucking up Chinese genetics too. It's because of selfish cunts like you we have happas being born.
At least its not a nigger
And the retard emerges to tell other people what the can do and who they can screw, completely missing the point of the freedom his country grants him.