its over, Sup Forums has been eternaly BTFO
Its over, Sup Forums has been eternaly BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
Op posts this topic EVERY SINGLE DAY, around the same time, each day.
(((Jon Bernthal)))
every. single. time.
All the more reason for anybody who hasn't cancelled Netflix already to just fucking cancel it. "Muh Punisher" is so grateful for his paycheck funded by your subscriptions.
The show is fucking garbage, but no one should be responding to this same shit posting spam topic that is posted every single day.
He also same fags using proxies and his phone.
>This thread again
Saging your bullshit slide thread.
Fuck you Shareblue niggerlord
I never understood how this uncharismatic, Jewish manlet was popular to begin with. He was awful in The Walking Dead and he's awful in The Punisher.
The Punisher is supposed to be a tall, muscular Italian-American, not a short, ugly kike.
Literally who?
Jon Bernthal
The question stands.