ITT: the most fucked up things you read in manga

No gore allowed.

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Bump. Why is Sup Forumsso dead

Go read some Yoshihiro Tatsumi and post that again.

not gore


that manga was so retarded
i regret reading it

2 nukes weren't enough.


Oh, hey, someone else screencapped that. I was saving it for an h-quote thread.

Yeah, this is so retarded. Americans are the upholders of the fragile peace in this world, they bring equality and freedom. It's inthinkable they would do something like this.

>feeding starving villagers by hacking off part of your own head repeatedly as you infinitely regenerate the flesh
I love how casually this manga treats its darker elements, without compromising the weight they hold.

Hi Donald.

Hey those soldiers probably paid for it with chocolates.

Haha are you shitting me? Jap actually feeling butthurt about women willingly fucking marines?
Is the entire concept of concent a meme to gooks?

How do you go from Battan death march and comfort women to cying about getting NTR'd

Jap civilians didn't kill anyone tho



Matsumoto Jiro. More than half the time they turn into some surreal metaphorical drugfest. It's saying something that Freesia and Alice in Hell are his more normal works.

I apologize for the watermark

Tsukihime by Sasaki Shounen