Smiles that got protected

Smiles that got protected

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still hate her

Now make a "men who got NTR'd" thread.

You can't NTR someone who wasn't in relationship.

you can tho

At least they made her more moe in the adaptation. If they made her look anything like she does in the source it would be a lot worse. She looks straight up malicious in the manga because of how the guy draws people.



>Her smile is protected in literally all iM@S adaptations
Why is Chihaya so special? Miki doesn't cut her hair in every one, Takane doesn't go back to the moon in most of them, not even Yukiho gets over her fear of men in almost every adaptation. But Chihaya gets babied and smiles at the end of every manga/anime.



Oh no...

Actually you can. You're thinking of cucking. Dumbass

What Sup Forums actually sees.

>MC had the best mom, also the best girl won
what's the problem?

>best mom didn't win
The true tragedy


everyone won, apologize

even the cereal killer won

why is this allowed?

>in relationship
That is cuckolding, user.

She looks so happy.

I wonder if the author regrets turning his series into a meme

is it a meme in japan?


Now that the dust has settled, I'm fully convinced that the shitstorm was completely created by people who had not seen the anime, or had started watching it AFTER the episode came out, just to be more informed in their shitposting.

Otherwise I can't explain such a level of illiteracy in being unable to read subtitles for the whole show, and genuine autism/asperger in being completely unable to comprehend human emotion, that someone would actually feel "cucked" by a little girl who was just being saved by a 31 years old guy.
The fact that the shitstorm didn't start on the same day it aired, but several after, further confirms the theory that the main shitposters were people with no interest in the actual story, and who just wanted something to smear the most popular anime that season with.

In fact, there were even 2ch threads laughing at us and wondering if we were being ironic or genuinely retarded at overreacting like that.

Same happened with Rakugo, cuck spammers come to threads of anime they didn't even watch and shitpost.

>kayo and satoru on all the promotional material
>over half the show focused on those two and their relationship
>their friends often poked fun at how they seemed like a couple
>even Satoru himself found himself embarrassed at several points by Kayo cuteness
Even if you personally don't see the issue, are you really so devoid of empathy that you can't see where the shitstorm came from?

Kayo is dead in the initial future
The show starts with Airi being the obvious ending girl
Satoru is fucking 31 the whole time
He goes into a coma for 15 years

I can understand a "Uh, I guess they would have ended up together, but this makes more sense in the story"
Not an autistic screeching lasting months and several hundred threads going "REEEEEEE MC'S MOTIVATION HAS TO BE FUCKING REEEEEEEEE"

Anyone who didn't realize pizza grill was true endgame is a brainless retard.

go away leskinen

More like Sensei was the true endgame.

It's ironic that out of all the characters, Sensei and Satoru feel like they were destined for each other.

Rakugo was different as he was literally raising his wife's son. And don't even get me started on the implication of who the real father was that was revealed in the last ep.

So Rakugo really did end up being the thinking mans anime huh

I'm pretty sure anyone that just shot alot of heroin would look happy.


Every time.

Yeah whatever you call this degenerate fetish.


Reeeeee the cereal killer waited 15 years and she didnt

The only smile protected in that series. Big brother doesn't count, you know Akane won't protect that one

Cereal killer and MC were the one and only TP of that show, really