For me it's pic related and some others.
Have you ever stopped listening to the band due to band leader's political views?
Other urls found in this thread:
No because I'm not a weak faggot.
But why continue listening to something that negatively impacts your thoughts?
I get you OP, but I forced myself to ignore them. Music tastes shouldn't get political, no matter what.
I stopped listening to Micheal Jackson because he's a kidfucker.
Mines Nickelback and if anything it’s made me love Trump even more.
See the problem was that you liked Nickelback in the first place
Croatia, you need to worry about bigger issues you cunt.
>make pol thread like this is my blog
>not a faggot
NOFX has lost its appeal to me. Used to love 'em.
Funny, I started listening to him because he's a kiddy-diddler.
Jew me.
>sees hundreds of famous men get fired over anonymous sexual allegations
>still thinks jackson did it
I only listen to NSBM, Martial Industrial and 80's Hair Metal so no.
I unironically thought Rammstein was scary nazi music for a while until I found out all the members are lefty commies
so naive
>TIL Sup Forums listens to faggot emo bands
Cnn was right about you nazis
Stop allowing your life be dictated by politics. You’re more than your political views.
I used to fucking love The Clash too, but even in my middle school days I found it weird that Joe Strummer was writing Vietnam protest songs almost a decade after the war ended.
Just imagine how bad he would be with Brexit and Trump though, I guess it's good he died before he could destroy his legacy
For me it was Michael Jackson. I can't listen to pedo music. I always change channels as soon as this piece of shit nigger comes up.
I don't think they're that lefty tho, Till is a fan of Putin.
I started listening to country music to reduce the chances that I'm supporting anti-American trash
You should have got a clue when they released a song called "kill all the white man."
Joe's political views were actually the band's manager's views. Mick Jones was kicked out of the band for challenging the leadership of manager (((Bernard Rhodes)))
No. I may listen to faggotry like the first Coldplay CD from time to time, but I couldn't care less about the lead singer.
Stopped listening to KMfDM about the same time I became right wing.
Nope, I like Green Day.
Guys was woke on JQ, why do you think they fucked him like this ?
Jew me, sue me... his song said.
I worry about many things. I just wanted a clever discussion.
As much as he hated capitalism he loved Ny.
T. Clash fan
Them too. Man KMFDM was like every antifa's favorite band
Yes, used to love mindless self indulgence but main singers wife turned him into a huge faggot and sjw so i cant
OP is right dude.
If someone was like "I'm in favor of killing whites" (Implying you are that color)
You would find it kinda fucked right?
He was probably the only person in Hollywood who wasn't a pedo. The charges came from some kid and his kid, and the kid admitted the charges were bogus
If it infects their songs, yes.
Ted nugent
Do you know how many artists are underage groupie fuckers? It's hard for them to not be degenerates.
Yeah pretty much. I know he would've hated Trump and that's all fine and dandy because he's an open leftist, but if he cucked for the globalists it would've crushed me
I can remember my family trashing the Dixie Chix CD after they spoke out on Iraq.
>not posting the real song
>Implying that you liked Nickelback in the first place.
Spit my fucking egg nog
I guess?
If it had a killer riff I wouldnt care but lefties dont really are into metal in the first place
What problems?
>Have you ever stopped listening to the band due to band leader's political views?
Not only because of Maynard's political views but also because I grew up.
I would care if i didn't had enough music for 100 lives. I hardly listen to same album. What one musician done also million different ones done exactly the same.
Yeah but at least "don't call me white" was about not having white guilt.
I've been blah I've been blah. Been to the bottom of every bottle.
Not yet.
The only people I frequently listen to is Zack Hemsey and Laibach.
Zack is has his own blog which even attacks (((Google))) because of (((Youtube))) and then some other themes that were nice.
Laibach are....Laibach.
The ultimate political shitposters,making even North Korea getting fooled for letting a band that was strictly making fun of totalitarian systems and the leaders.
Music industry = low IQ niggers, feminized beta males and no-talent whores who fucked their way to success.
I've never dropped an artist for their views, but I do listen to particular ones for certain views.
if i did that i wouldn't have any thing to listen to. Although I will say I would never buy or seek out RATM or Green Gay again.
I rarely look up their politics. It's pretty easy to know if their music is shitty though.
Green Day had good music before Billie came out as a fag.
You listen to just 2 artists? Sounds autistic and nerdic.
Trump supporters have mostly been desensitized to all the hate Trump gets by artists they like because... Well, everyone in Hollywood parrots each other, so who cares? I feel like all the liberal bullshit they spew ends up having a negative overall affect, because conservatives are more likely to just not really care and get over it
I get upset when artists from predominantly white genres like metal come out as leftists, though. Like Black Sabbath, that was painful :(
No. But when Radiohead shat on King Crimson and other prog bands I slowly stopped listening to them. Fucking hacks
They are entertainers. Even when they are rich, they are lowlife. I like to hear them play music because they are good at it. I don't even want to know about their pathetic lives or opinions.
it was ironic then.
I don't look into my favorite musicians political views. Most of them are dead anyways
I've only heard one band that has a song about "killing whites" and that's NOFX. Pretty sure "Gassing jews/kikes" is a fairly common thing to post on this board btw.
Fuck no!
I'm not some liberal that can't handle being exposed to different political opinions without being triggered.
If the music is good i don't really care. Lyrics altogether never really interested me.
So from RATM to NSBM it's all good.
This. I love the Clash, Sandinistas being one of my all time favorite albums. Also love Fugazi, and neither of their politics bother me too much because their is a sincerity with them. Most leftists are limousine liberal faggots, sucking off their masters. I’d hate to see Strummer go down that road.
I systematically don't listen anything English or coming from USA. English language is retard certified when it comes to music, especially foreigners trying to sing in English, that's just pure cringefest. American record labels are extreme Jewish-Christian faggot fest. Just think about all those Swedish rock artists under American labels singing about being warriors makes my cringe levels go up to heart attack levels.
I listen to almost every genre. Though very few artists stay on my favourite list.
And these are those two and Hotline Miami music kek
What posses me off about all the 90's skater punk bands is that they were anti establishment as fuck, but in current year we have the ultimate anti establishment president that the media (we weren't supposed to trust) hates, now they are full on pro establishment fuck boys.
Ever since child, I have been a die-hard Guns N' Roses fan that has ascended into super fan status. Most of the band, including my life's idol, singer Axl Rose, have been open about their Never Trumpness. Broke my heart.
Has always been a dream to meet Axl. Now, I don't think I'd be as enthused.
I can definitely say that I have.
not for being anti trump. i get that. but falling for the russia bullshit? thought they were smarter than that.
Lead singer was a vegetarian and one of their albums was titled "Cannibal," and he made some stupid ass comment about how he saw someone eating chicken wings and if it were human meat the guy wouldn't notice the difference or some shit. "Dead World" was a song about how the economy sucks and was made sometime during the Bush era. I stopped listening to them for a while after I read what their intended message was behind those songs and albums.
The lead singer died of a drug and alcohol overdose after releasing a solo album where he talked about going clean and not being a degenerate from now on, so whatever.
The Clash were posers. It's easy to parade as Communists but selling off to the CBS, dining at top restaurants and having more drugs than needed for overdosing.
Those are weak thoughts, you don't need them.
>Dropkick Murphys thinking they're IRA and shit.
>until I found out all the members are lefty commies
That was all damage control post Columbine. I suggest you really listen to Herzeleid closely.
>still believing this meme
Good goy
Seaking of leftist musicians. Did anyone see Roger Waters recently? His Anti-Trump shit was hilarious. It was borderline satire.
Was Boney M. ever real or are they all playback?
Yeah I thought they were joking. Wasn't red pilled back then.
A few times. Mostly, I stopped listening to all hip-hop after spending a decade getting into the "decent" underground stuff just because I can't stand listening to nigger voices any longer. I told my wife that if I had to pick between no music ever again, or, just hip-hop/rap, I'd take the nothing option every time now.
You can't be serious. Nothing is more badass than a hot blonde chick singing about being an ass kicking ninja.
So Bad Religion are pretty much neocons
Roger Waters. Fuck that cunt. Still listen to early floyd though
Never. They're all lefties, who cares?
A lot of punk bands besides like The Ramones, X, Misfits and a few others.
Damn right
Strummer (((Mellor))) was a middle class jew. His dad was a diplomat.
I used to be a fan but they were as middle class leftist cunts as you could possibly get.
>the original band was called the London SS
Nickelback is essential post-patriciancore.
KMFDM have always been one of those bands where, I've liked the "radio songs" but have never actually sit down to listen to fully but always plan to. Can you elaborate just a tiny bit on Herzeleid?
Same here. The last straw was canceling the NC show in 2016 due to the bathroom bullshit.
The clash are too good for me to stop listening too.
I expect all artists to be default liberal. They're just going along to get along in a lot of cases.
I wanted to stop listening to God speed you black emperor (which, ironically I found because of Sup Forums) but their music is too damn enjoable when I programmar at work.
Gonna need you to be a bit more specific brah
>Boney M
you mean Milli Vanilli desu
Glenn was very anti-Obama and is very likely one of those people who always votes completely Repub in voting booths (even though he may try to convince liberal interviewers otherwise)
I saw them perform live twice. I even took a picture of my friend with her, but I will not post it for his privacy's sake..
eminem has been pretty shitty for a decade but his latest album was just embarassing on a lyrical level. as if it was written by a wannabe rebellious 16 year old with pimples and not an over 40 year old grown guy.
yeah not a band i know
Sweden was one of first countries to reject its own language in music, this is why they are so cucked these days. You can measure the cucked countries in Europe by the amount of English they sing. Poland and Hungary have a lot of bands who sing in native language. Sweden has hardly any rock bands that sing in Swedish, very rare. Sweden was singing English back in Abba times, they are extinct now due to lack of native identity.
How'd he get away with it?
kek speaking of