The Promised Neverland spoilers thread


Credit to BasedAnon

An Alarm echoes through the facility.
The bridge is far away from Emma's place.
'So what now?' asks a flustered Ray.
Emma has no intention to head to the bridge.

Don throws two or three ropes with stones at their end around to the opposite shore (beyond the cliff) and they tangle in the trees.
To erase the groups anxieties, Don overcomes the cliff, by sliding down the ropes.
The children confirm that he's safe and copy him using a PET bottle rocket, one by one.

Ray is speechless. Even this was planned by Norman.
One of the children is scared, so Ray holds it and moves to the other side as well.
Mama searches with everything she got, but can't find any of the children. When Mama climbed up the wall, the kids already crossed the cliff.
Emma disappears as the last person into the forest of the outside world waving goodbye to Mama, who can't see her.

[The Kids are free now and the Katana Demons won't even find them.]





But what about Phil


There he is on the OP








And Ray is on the cover

Someone crop out that dude with the spear

Honestly, the dude with the spear just makes me laugh. You got these giant ass demons and then this tiny man follows behind them like,

>Hey guys I can help too!

So that really was it. Norman found a part that was more near the wall.

People were calling him a mary sue but he was the only one who got to climb the wall, so it totally makes sense.

The demons are big guys.

Tell me why do they wear the masks?

Because they're ugly ass motherfuckers.

He is also the smartest out of all of them.

Ray and Emma would probably have figured out the same thing in his situation. Not like it's very hard, it was the most logical way by far if anything.

Good page

>Successfully kills one of the kids by throwing it randomly into the forest

So how fucked is Mama?

>Two Neverland threads with time difference 11 seconds.

At least I had the decency to spoiler my first pic

Which is why less people are aware that it's a neverland thread over this one

A good demon dicking or two and hellish torture for a few sessions kind of fucked.

>Lines on the first frame

Well, at least we'll have the ghost Norman.Better than nothing.

A familiar face next to Grandma we see here. Isabella's replacement confirmed?

Severed ropes, I guess


Something like this, I guess.
>Hey guys I can help too!
Well, kids will trust more human than demon, so there is a little chance that he might be even more helpful than all demons with katanas.

>Leave Emma to me!


Is Norman kill?

A little bit fixed version

Demon of fitness.

Bad demons and this weird guy will never touch Emma.

Demon Gains

Is he William Minerva?

Pretty sure it's just a female mama canidate with short hair

Can you get a bit of the ground? To show that he's running so excitedly he's skipping.

>Mark's near flowers
>Anna has a flower on the top of her hat
This is not a bad sign, y-yes?

Ray's inner Norman is epitome of smugness,
as usual.

*blocks your path*


Ray x Anna!

I like how they're still finding excuses to draw him while he's away from the main cast.


I don't. It means he can really be dead.

It's actually Ray x Zeemima now Thus completing the circle of the whole trio having a younger kid that loves them

Ray is gay.

Ironically, I think the scrawny dude with the spear is more useful than the demon. Draws less atention, and is probably more stealthy and can move better in the forest compared to a big ass demon you can see and hear miles ahead.

Meant for

To me it feels more like "hey, Norman's great, look, he's really great, please don't forget about him just because he's not here right now".
I don't buy his death.

>Emma and Ray
>Just like the cover

This guy is my new favorite

Not the same user, but it's not like Phil x Emma or Sherry x Norman were really going anywhere so does this really count?

Obviously? They are the MCs right now.

I like his face and design.

Goddamm user, my fucking sides.
Anyone can translate what is this about?

Good to see Gary Stu is not in the cover.

I'm guessing demon boss wants the plantations to introduce the kids to japanese culture for some reason and they're celebrating flag day or childrens day a japanese holiday.

He's "dead", of course he wouldn't show up.


>Ray lost to Emma.


The boss demon was deeply moved by the Japanese culture/childrens day that celebrates their healthy growth and development etc so as an experiment they contacted mama to adopt it in their plant.

>This gap between Neverland's and other manga's art style

kek more like a good luck charm to have them grow healthy by harvest time.


What do the hand signs mean? Oh, rock paper scissors?

I can only hope.

>rock paper scissors
>Gon is not here

This cracked me up.

For the record, they are very much naked and in close contact at the moment.

A'ight, I know i said I'd have it done by the time last week's chapter was out, but then real life took over for a while. Sorry about that. I'm keeping steady work on this, so don't worry.

Fuck yes. Good to see you, user.

>Katana Demon disappointed his boss and his ancestors by failing to catch the kids
Will he commit sudoku?

>VERY fast Mama running at incredible hihg speed


Emma is so cute, I wanna hold her hand.

What if katana demons don't exist?

Is mama gonna jump? She's dead anyway might as well as go on her own terms

End game right here. Norman will turn into the antagonist

No, she is a wuss.

I feel like we have way to many snk readers in these threads

I always liked the genki girl x antisocial guy type pairs.

It's so cliche.

And? I never said it wasn't, I just like them.


Stop with this crackship shit.

I am okay with it as long as Norman is actually death

Otherwise fuck no

I can already see what's coming because it's always like this.
Norman's not going to get real panel time for a bit like it happens to a lot of love interests. As a consequence, Emma's going to interact more with Ray since, next to her, he's the oldest. Ship will get fans despite no romance being presented whatsoever because muh subtext.
Emma eventually ends up with Norman because he liked her from day 1 and fangirls will sperg out about how much more "chemistry" she had with Ray because reasons.
It happened with Narutards, it happened with Bleachcucks and even Magi, with a smaller fandom, wasn't an exception.


character x likes character y = character x will get character y
It's not that hard.