How do we fix this?

how do we fix this?

Sound money.

Take "war" off the list of things that counts as productivity.

Gas niggers and kikes

Stop importing more labor that suppresses wages.

Mass murder of capitalist exploiters on a worldwide scale would fix this problem.

This will accomplish nothing, you will just have WASP oligarchs instead of Jewish ones like today.

That would actually make the graph more extreme for the gap between wages and productivity.

Go to college.

stop importing 3rd world slave-labor who drive down your wages.

Start trading shitcoins
>Productivity down
>Median income up

There you go

1973: End of Bretton Woods -> Gold Standard.

Resolution: New Gold Standard

I agree that mass immigration depresses wages, but immigration is not the CAUSE of declining real wages. Mass immigration is just another RESULT of capitalist-controlled government, just like bailouts, endless wars, and stagnant wages.

Hmmm I wonder what happened in 1971

You dont have to import third worlders in a world without economic boundries. Theyll just export the factories to the third worlders. Thanks Regan!

You csnt, because the currency is backed by nothing but the debt on itself. How people unironically thought this was a good idea, I will never know.

Fascist economics

Omg it's like, such a mystery. Can the jews help us with this?

You drop a bomb on some mud huts in Afghanistan, and it counts as "Production".
Think about it, dropping a bomb on a mud hut on the other side of the world counts as something produced, just like food or a television. That's why "production" separated from household income. Where do you think all the extra goods produced go?


Hey retard, do you know what productivity means in industrial terms? It includes automation. Of course a worker at Ford is going to be more productive making a car with heavy machinery and computers than all by hand. You're an idiot

I guess it will just remain a mystery, but we should promote communism just in case it's capitalism.

Second wave feminism is more likely the reason.


This change corresponds exactly to when we started importing millions of retarded mexican who would work for peanuts.

Nice Fake News dumbass.

Stop importing millions of cheap laborers that undercut the working class, and stop hiring women in a bid to look "tolerant"

>Productivity has been steadily increasing since the industrial revolution and mandatory education
>Productivity got even greater as computers started to pervade society

Maybe you should think about what this graph actually means, instead of looking at two lines and assuming they MUST correlate or else.

You don't, because most productivity gains are coming from above-median players.

Starbucks cash register operators have not become 250% better at performing their jobs in the past 20 years, therefore they can't expect a 250% raise.

at least your productivity is going up...
your graph really reminded me of pic related

Capping executive pay at 100 times that of the lowes paid worker.

If Chad wants a bigger salary better pay bubba a bit more. In turn it stops executives from draining money from a company.

Also executive bonuses should work the same. If nothing else it will encourage employees to give more of a fuck about the solvency of their employer.

My family has a business and the most red pilled thing I have found is if employees are genuinely invested in the solvency of the business then it will do better.

I could write a paper on this idea but im pretty sure the more intelligent of the people in here will grasp the full implication.

the "median" hasn't moved because of all the spics moving into the US who are poor

wonder how the graph looks when only looking at whites

shit get automated and women start to work. Weeew lad Now KYS SAGED

Kick women back out of the work force along with illegal aliens.