Honestly amnesty for wall funding isn't that bad of a deal tbqh

Honestly amnesty for wall funding isn't that bad of a deal tbqh

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I mean, the daca order is set to end in march by obama.
What does it mean?

Terrible deal.

>Honestly amnesty for wall funding isn't that bad of a deal tbqh

Kill yourself faggot

How about they fund half the wall and you deport half the dreamers. Then you let Mexico pay for the other half and they just keep deporting the Mexicans for the next 7 years.

No deal

I thought Mexico was paying fornit. Why do we need to cut a deal?


Mexico cant pay for shit they are poor. Do we want this damn wall or not.

we don't need a Wall, we need US Troops at the Border.

Mexico has troops on the Border and sometimes they attack the USA.

Our military is good at two things:

1)destroy fixed targets

2)establish and defend a perimeter. Sure the "Green Zone" in Iraq got an occasional mortar shell, but that was because it was in a city of millions. During Blackhawk Down about 12 guy who survived a bad crash quickly created a PERIMETER about 3 miles total and didn't take any more causalities afterword. They did kill about 700 well armed hostile LOCALS who knew the terrain, had backup, etc.

In Speical Forces sniper school its a real big deal if a our best snipers can infiltrate against even our least trained boot camp recent grads and the boot camp grads have only their unaided eyes at night. With IR that drops to ZERO.

DAS RIGHT! But seriously, Trump butthuggers will now support amnesty and whatever gay shit Trump approves, just to make Ivanka happy.

I'd accept amnesty for college educated dreamers. Everyone else gets the boot. Also no chain migration. This, of course, in enhance for the border wall.

>rump butthuggers will now support amnesty and whatever gay shit Trump approves

Yup, remember those threads on here when he want to AIPAC? Remember when he fired Bannon? Remember when he bombed Assad and sent 4,000 troops to Syria?

Trump has so much leverage it isn't funny. 260,000 El Salvadorans have 18 months to leave the U.S if Trump isn't pushing for The Wall to extend TPS he is a moron.

Look at this communist leader that might be the leader of El Salvador in 2019, "Yankees go home" Trump said no, Salvadorans you go home. The irony is thick and tasty. These spics spit in our face, but cry when we push back.

I was told Mexico was paying for it

College Educated "Dreamers" are the people we need to deport the most, and deport first, so they can teach Mexicans basic decency.

I'm OK if the USA has a few less mediocre Liberal Arts majors hoping for a lazy Civil Service career.

>what is reagon's amnesty act 1986


There are ways to make Mexico pay indirectly

>famous last words
Good luck convincing the courts it's not evil and overbearing to ask a dreamer for proof that they were brought here as kids illegally

>Every other country in the world besides Canada would kick them out immediately
>Every other country in the world besides Canada wouldn't even hear their sob story
>Every other country in the world besides Canada wouldn't even give one iota of a fuck about how long they've been here
Honestly if he gives amnesty I'm fucking done and so is the Country as a whole

>Honestly taking on debt to reduce the deficit isn't that bad of a deal tbqh

Kek. What are you talking about besides "Canada" nigger Canada is tougher on illegals and refugees than the U.S

Like crashing the peso until they sell their silver while JPM has the price rigged back down to $3 or something, and then the US buys it and it pops back up to $60 momentarily to pay for the wall while patriotic Americans also ride the boom?

Not with Trudeau

1 post by OP... Shill. Shut down post. Don't respond. Be smart people.

Yeah great, we get 1.8 billion per year for wall funding, and amnesty for a million new left wing non-white voters, meanwhile as long ago as 1997, we were giving israel over 5,000,000,000 dollars per year.
>Recently Americans have begun to read and hear that “Israel receives $3 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid.” That's true. But it's still a lie. The problem is that in fiscal 1997 alone, Israel received from a variety of other U.S. federal budgets at least $525.8 million above and beyond its $3 billion from the foreign aid budget, and yet another $2 billion in federal loan guarantees. So the complete total of U.S. grants and loan guarantees to Israel for fiscal 1997 was $5,525,800,000.

The 3 billion dollar number they throw out is bullshit. Jim traficant estimated back in 2009 it was 15,000,000,000,000 to 20,000,000,000 dollars given to israel per year. There are 2400 households in israel. 20,000,000,000 divided by 2400 is about 8400 dollars we give for every household in israel. That's not counting the off the books weaponry and other aid they prob funnel to them.
Go to 4:36

It's a mirage that whole "welcome home" for Syrians was theatre. If you actually research how Canada deals with illegals and refugees you'll understand why they try to become U.S citizens instead if Canadian citizens.

Now I could be wrong since this act fucks refugees wanting to go to Canada


If Trudeau is such a nice guy he would Canada out of it.

>Honestly: Texas, North Carolina, Arizona, and Florida for wall funding isn't that bad of a deal tbqh
It's the last deal a republican president will ever make

Why the fuck are you glad with conceding something you didn't have to concede in the first place? This isn't an either/or.

No. A wall is permanent. If a fucking dem gets back into office, xey can easily tell the soliders to stop defending it.

No. A wall is permanent. If a fucking dem gets back into office, xey can easily tell the soldiers to stop defending it.

Cool, so we dont need to give amnesty to pay for the wall since Mexico is indirectly paying for it.


Ha nah, I read an article like a year ago on Breitbart or the Daily caller where a guy outlined ways to make Mexico pay for the wall, something to do with taxing remittances and taxing truck cross the border. I can't find the article and it's pissing me off.

you were told a lot of shit bro

>We are gonna build a wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it
>It's ok if Mexico doesn't pay as long as we get a wall
>It's ok if DACA is saved as long as we get a wall
>It's ok if they fuck my wife as long as we get a wall
The absolute state of Sup Forums

The wall is proof Trump was full of shit from the beginning. Anyone who has had direct contact with the illegal alien situation knows the fucking truth:

You want those wetbacks and whatever else fucking gone and not coming back?
Then fucking start locking up any EMPLOYERS and MANAGERS caught employing them. No defense for fake ID. If you've EVER seen the fake ID's illegals use, you know that defence is BULLSHIT.

With the drastically reduced number of illegals crossing, border security is practical again, especially with the upgrades already there now. It's a problem of volume.
Until we start locking up employers and dry ass cutting off welfare, this illegal alien conversation is just fucking bullshit.

Not gonna happen. It's the worst of both worlds for both sides. Repubs know that if they look like they support amnesty, they are gone in '18. Dems know if they vote for the border wall, they are also gone in '18.