What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

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Well, the bull represents a profitable market. The girl represents women as immature standing in the way of a profitable market and a productive society.
So, the immature women bravely thwart the work of men (bull being male) by fucking up the economy.

fpbp, she should have spent 2 fucking seconds to actually check what the meaning of the bull was.

Fuck yo conflict, this is my street now, bitches.

Women ruin everything for everyone when they get snooty.

Let me help you understand.
Watch that a few times and you should be able to figure things out.

I walked past this thing when I was visiting new york. People literally just take pictures of the bulls testicles, the brass is rubbed shiny from the amount of people molesting them

it's a comment on post-feminism. that western women, being the most pampered and privileged demographic in the history of humanity, are so full of their own importance that they're no longer able to separate fantasy from reality or discern an actual threat

>Trying to stop a bullrun, which is literally a symbol of growth and progress.
>Thinking that the girl wouldn't get blown to smithereens by the bull.

Also what the fuck is this "women in leadership" shit about? Does this person who made this think that the market is a hierarchical structure?

>"she makes a difference"

yeah i suppose in a mathematical sense she might slow the bull by a kph or two