Danberu nan kiro moteru?

Are you ready to LIFT? GOTTA EAT BIG TO GET BIG, C'MON!!

Chapter 20 raws are here!

Translations here

Chapter 20: A Chapter in Gastronomy

Zina Void


Gyaru is wifely



Yeah, you ride that meat, Hibiki...


Machio and Sensei milking the audience


Another crossover, roughly #6 by my count




...or maybe you want me?

And that's Chapter 20!

Since we're running a tad behind, I'll dump the already translated Chapter 18 (Thanks Translator user!) and also Chapter 19 raws for some consolidation for our TP friend.


Chapter 18 - Arm Wrestling Tournament Part 2

[The day of the Arm Wrestling Tournament]

[The strongest people from each branch of Silverman's Gym are gathering.]
[They're mainly "heroes" but...]



[Sakura Hibiki]
Why're you guys not joinin' in!?!?!
[Uehara Ayaka]
No way, no way. I didn't stand a chance of winning if I couldn't even beat you.
[Tachibana Satomi]
I'm going to decline too...

Then there's Akemi...!
I didn't think that she'd catch the flu...
[Souryuuin Akemi]

I wanted to participate...

Maaan, this is rough. I gathered fewer people for the women's division than I planned...
Normally from here on, we would be following the official rules* and put you in a different category, but...
>*Aside from weight division, it's also divided by right and left hand.
Seriously no other girls?

There's only two people in the women's division, including you, Sakura-san
(Left)[***a Void] (Right)[Sakura Hibiki]
Straight to the final round!!!??

If Souryuuin-san didn't pull out, we had planned on doing a three-person round-robin, too...
There were three people MAX!!? Can't you try harder advertising this!!?

Hey hey, Sakura-san,
think about it.

If there are fewer participants, then you'll get closer to victory, right?
Y-you're right!
I'm gettin' closer to the home theater set!
There probably isn't a girl who can beat you in the first place.

I wonder about that?

>even less screentime for gains princess now

Okay, now let's hold the women's division final!!!!

[Zina Void (17-years-old)]
[Looking for a boyfriend.]

>A serious-looking girl just came out...

Zina Void. Born in Russia. Currently attending Kremlin West High School, an orthodox arm wrestler who won 5th place at an arm wrestling tournament in Moscow"
>I'm not getting her personal history at all...
>It's way too local

Anyway, she's pretty experienced in arm wrestling.
Looks strong, too.

>...so what if she's experienced!!

>I'm definitely getting that prize money!!
[Hibiki is the type of person who gets motivated when she gets greedy.]

Women's Division Final!
Sakura Hibiki, from the Silverman's Gym in Kubukukuri Town!

And from the Silverman's Gym in Moscow,
Zina Void!

What did Machio-san say...? Russia's filled with champion arm wrestlers.
She might be tough...

...I won't lose.

I need that money, no matter what it takes.
>This girl...! Does she have a reason?

I'm gonna have to cover my budget deficits going from Russia to Japan.
>It was more expensive than I thought.
Ah. What a surprisingly basic reason.

QC Note: This is the first time we've seen/heard where the story takes place! Kubukukuri Town!

Okay, the women's finals!!!
Let's begin!!!!!

In arm wrestling, there are two very different styles of offense.

The over-arm (hook) and the hanging-arm (top-roll). This can be further subdivided, but the major ones are these two.
[Zina Void (Looking for a boyfriend)]
I'll explain them each.

First, the over-arm.
It's a technique where you enfold your opponent's wrist and attack by covering it from above.

Competitors who overcome their opponents with strength like to use the over-arm.
Huh? "Tell us what you like about Japan?" Okay... The fact they have 4 seasons? Why did you ask me that just now?

Back to the conversation. The second one is the hanging-arm.

Try to pull on your opponent's thumb and use your whole body to pull it towards yourself.

Imagine yourself pulling on your opponent's arm and shaking up the triangular structure between their shoulders, elbows, and arms.
If you cause disorder in that balance, they won't be able to use their strength well.

Force them into a position where its hard to utilize their strength, and defeat them...
That's the hanging-arm.

My specialty is the hanging arm.
There are a lot of people who misunderstand this, but you can't win in arm wrestling with arm strength alone.
Huh? "What's my favorite Japanese food?" Do I have to answer that now?

Ah. its the Ossan.

Technique is essential to win in arm wrestling!
What's with that stereotypical Russian image!!?
And aren't you taking too long with the explaining and reminiscing!!!?
[Arm Wrestling strategies are applicable to regular arm wrestling, too. Try them out and be careful to not get injured!]

>Is she the same year as me?
>She's got some bad luck.

>I've never lost to a girl my age.
>I'm gonna take that prize money, with thanks.

Are you two ready?
>Also... why did the referee strip his clothes off?
>Some Japanese rule?

Okay then...



Th......this strength...!
It's like.......!!!

The eternal...
Russian tundra!?

As a skinny mofo, I actually managed to pull a stalemate with this on a friend today who's a real gym rat.

Granted, it was on with her non-dominant hand, and she was lauging too hard to concentrate, but hey; never say you can't learn from animu


QC Note: I'd actually prefer this page just get a subtext translation typeset to showcase the cool and dramatic Japanese font. That's me, though.

Congratulations! The winner is Sakura Hibiki-san!

>I completely lost...

Uraaaa (Banzai) Sakura.
Horosho (Great) Hibiki.

Hibiki... why don't you buy some clothes to change into before getting that home theater system?
Huh!? Why did they rip!!?
I don't remember any of this, okay!!?
This girl is slowly parting ways with her humanity...
[Hibiki takes one step closer to Machio's state-of-mind.]

[TN: "Uraa" is a Russian cry]

[Next Day]
Wheeeww... my DOMS finally got better.
It's amazing that you won!

No no.
It wasn't so simple.

Just when we were leaving, the girl said...
"Let's fight again one day, Hibiki."
It was something out of a battle manga.

So she completely acknowledged you as a rival.
I would have liked to meet her.
Well, but wouldn't that be too much?
It looks like it'd be a huge airplane fee.

Sakura Hibiki

I ended up studying in Japan. I won't lose next time!
It's not like, this wasn't just for revenge... no way, right?
What a beautiful rival relationship!
I dunno if that's a rival or a stalker...
[Zina Void joins the muscle training buddies.]


[She bought a home theater set with the prize money.]

Yeah! I'm gonna install it now!!!

During installation...

I don't have any room to do stuff!!!!!

[Hibiki]So I turned my bedroom into a movie room.
And now I sleep in the living room.
[Ayaka]That's the right thing to do if you're a movie-maniac.
>She prioritizes her movies over herself...

New dynamics, maybe SHE's the one gaining the harem...

He likes to put on a show!

And then you banged, right? Nice work, user!

I know TL-san found last thread, so I'll wait until he posts the Chapter 19 translation before I dump that chapter (like Chapter 18) ITT. His text file download was pretty great.

Also, question for Typesetter rakuen: do you notice the comment section on the Danberu page of the site? An archive link is posted whenever a chapter is translated in case you all miss it so you can grab it at your leisure when the thread is archived.


I thought we had an arm-wrestling tournament coming up


The author was teasing you, the "tournament arc" was Chapter 17 & 18. And yes, Hibiki got her home theater

S-sorry, I thought the raws were for chapter 18, I was confused and didn't check.


Bulking gyaru is my spirit animal. This series better end with her becoming solid, thicc, and tight.

c'mon gotta eat big to get big