Let's go

Let's go.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's about cute girls doing cute things

A kiddo who can't get into a motherfucking robot.
He lives with a lot of cute females but he is gay.
At the end he masturbates to a dead teenager and there is orange juice everywhere.


She's not even my favorite but "Houki clone" is an insult

Gatari series is a typical harem anime except the fact that the MC constantly molest his sisters and the lolis

large breasted women molest each other to make weapons.

>He hasn't watched Eva in this day and age.

I mean come on Sup Forums.

It's shit and for babies

You mean all anime?

Hard Modo: stuff you won't just describe as "cute girls doing cute things" or "typical harem series"

MC just keeps fucking himself over because he's chasing worse girl

>useless moe
Thanks for the, laugh user.
>Gabriel Dropout S2: Yuri Edition

Meme magic anime.

Naruto: superhero edition

Idolmaster is about a bunch of underage prostitutes that sing for NEETs and do random things like cookouts together as well. Apparently the producer leverages his position to get with them. Also something about an insecure washboard going on an adventure?

It's shit

bunch of science nerds in a club

Some guy watched Evangelion and thought "You think that's sad. I can make something sadder. Instead of aliens the kids'll kill ENTIRE UNIVERSES. And instead of just 3 kids there'll be a whole bunch of them and they'll all die! Yeah, that's totally more depressing."

everyone in that picture already looks dead inside

>At the end he masturbates to a dead teenager and there is orange juice everywhere.
he should have that checked out. it's not supposed to come out that color.

Why have one Rei Ayanami when you can have all the Rei Ayanamis

Two best friends fight metal gears.


Poorly animated antropomorphic representations of African animals that were extremely popular for some reason.

Magical battle high school harem

Not him but to this day I haven't finished watching all of EVA despite trying many times.
I watched bits of the whole series and the final episode when I was a kid but I never saw the full thing. Last time I tried I dropped it around the time Shinji escapes from his house and meets his classmate (the one with glasses).
Shit is way too fucking slow for my ADHD.

explosions, retards, and a masochist play a videogame

it was probably popular for that reason

Sup Forums sure loves their moe anthopomorphism

>Kemono friends
>both have badly animated CGI


Literally the worst anime ever maid.

heavy object

basically is

/tg/ tabletop where everyone is that guy

Apparently it's extremely polarizing and has the pacing of a tarkovsky movie yet is very very good and depressing.
Never seen a bad Texhnolyze thread 2bh.

That's fine. I'm not going to be some kind of gatekeeper here. If you don't like it, then that's that.

If that's true, picked up

1999 is better than 2011. Greed Island is the worst arc. Every character is either gay, a pedo, transgender or some combination of the three. It's never going to end because the author plays Dragon Quest all day instead of writing.

>Ergo proxy
cyberpunk that pretends it has substance but doesn't. Goth girl is hot though

Internet: the anime

>Haibane Reimei
cute angels doing cute things

Kino with bacteria

>Ghost in the Shell
Android police officer doing police things

>Now and Then, Here and There
Sadist shows where nothing goes right

old guy who likes Hollywood movies kills people

more or less

they also use geometry, basic physics, and some fluid dynamics. it's interesting to see how they tackle each new one they face

Girl dies and is reincarnated as a Penguin Princess Survival Strategist who orders around her brothers who are based off of the cats from Night on The Galactic Railroad to prevent a pink haired terrorist from perpetrating the Tokyo Sarin Attacks

>Shit is way too fucking slow for my ADHD.
Watch 08-12 you'll probably love Asuka.

>Greed Island is the worst arc

Shit like this is why smart people never go into HxH threads. The actual "fanbase" have the worst opinions.

SAO is the pinnacle of edginess, it has an awful harem and it has meme power

>1999 is better than 2011
only nostalgiafags

>Greed Island is the worst arc
it's divisive it's either the best arc in the history of manga or the worst most overrated arc ever

rest is true

Toriyama trolling the powerlevelfags

Obligatory Lance of Longitude post


>tfw too smart for hxh threads

Justice obsessed idiot who doesn't understand the concept of death has to put his pOnOs in King Arthur's vagOO, but he doesn't know what sex is. Some tsundere also wants to fuck him, and because he won't she prostitutes herself to old men instead.

waifufagging: the anime
fap bait: the anime
i will just assume it's about a spoiled brat

He knows what sex is. The last part is true though.

Jigoku Shoujo with jews


>Samurai Flamenco
A wanna be kamen rider-vigilante in the world of no superpowers.
Then actually superpowers appear in the form of weaponized gorilla and shit.
Then there is a group of wannabes and they have showdown in the diet building.

it doesn't deserve to be spelled properly

Uh it's a total trainwreck. It was supposed to be about goofy heroes without any power but then a frankenstein gorilla jumps on a table, decapitates someone and shit goes crazy. It has QUALITY animations and there is a lizard telling people to sit down.

Teens that are THE NEXT STEP OF EVOLUTION fight in giant robots, colonies get dropped on filthy scum, someone gets laughed at

War is bad????

Wait, so I was right? Pff.

I imagine the show might as well be the OP on loop? Also US NEETS RIGHT?

Kinda like Chuunibyo, but the powers are real this time? Like that one fluffy hair chick has blood powers? I dunno if it actually all comes from her, because it seems like a lot of blood. I bet she even cuts herself too like an emo. Only thing I see from it anymore is the dance sequence webm and a few stray reaction macros

>Phantom World
Sounds exactly the same as KnK? But with tits? Seriously, I have no idea who are any of the main characters besides them sweater puppies.

And that one really hot villain milf, but she only shows up for a minute apparently? Just judging form how little Sup Forums talks about anymore, it really had no impact. I might have fapped to a doujin of it once.

The only think I know is how bad I want to fuck Utah. And uh, something about writing novels/LN pandering waifuwars shit idk.

>Oshiete! Galko-Chan
Same, but with Galko. Less waifuwars and author is nice enough to even talk to westerners on twitter. Lots of female body part talk.


>Waifuffaging:The Anime
Re:Zero's initial goal was to make an story about a silver haired girl so you're not wrong. But I'm guessing you're talking about Rem, but she was not part of that plan. She's a character that got away from the creators. She's just that good.

It sucks, and his kanojo is his imouto

Totally wrong way to describe that madness.
Totally correct way to describe that madness.

People fight big guys and they are part big guys themselves.

What actually is this show, image search isn't working

click on the replies and find out jackass

Heavy Object, friend

nu-Sup Forums everyone.

Card games on motorcycles!

I like it, it is much less of a cunt then old-Sup Forums.

That's actually surprisingly accurate.

Teenage boy has daddy issues and might be gay or something.

You would only think Sup Forums was being a cunt back then if you were doing stupid shit. Why should we coddle idiots. It's not even gatekeeping in this instance.

People are racing each other so they can listen to Eurobeat.

Is that really worth a userbase that is incredibly incompetent and depends on instant gratification? call me a fucking snob, but in my opinion elitism does much more good than coddling and spoonfeeding the retards who will eventually bring us all down with the rest of them.
Can you honestly tell me you would prefer Sup Forums that way?

>Yuri on Ice
Yaoi on ice.

lesbian harry potter


>Kemono Friends

It's about fun, apparently, except the main cat girl character keeps fucking dying or something.

having standards≠being a cunt. Most likely you deserve to be shat on.

more like being polite?
i'm and there's literally no reason not to share lol

if people are confused you've got to be some sort of jaded asshole to not answer a genuine question

A boy falls in love with a girl.

I'd happily answer if I wasn't so ticked off at the fact that he could have easily known the anime from reading the thread, please dont condone stupidity.

you are being shat on because apparently following a simple discussion is too much to you, the sauce was right in this same thread

Except he could have just looked seven replies up the thread.

How the fuck can someone not recognize a show that aired not-too-long-ago.

I mean, I only watch a couple shows a season, but I'm still not completely oblivious to all the stuff that airs, because if you actually post (or even fucking lurk) on this board then you can't help but learn about every show for every season (that people watch)

Seriously. If someone can't recognize Heavy Object then they're fucking disgusting normalfags who only come to Sup Forums to read whichever general thread that applies to them.

Okay guys, I'm with you on this but that's enough thread derail for one dumb poster.

>Prism IIlya.

CP that ruins Fate characters for fans of other parts of the series.


Everyone is anonymous's wife, everyone dies, also something about tanks.
A giant food fight consisting entirely of lettuce masterminded by a poodle

Saki is an anime or manga about cute girls playing mahjong in a jumpsuit. The mahjong battles are very intense life-or-death battles. When someone loses, the person has to do a humiliating punishment game or even gets killed, but when they win they get loads of money. The namesake Saki is a young schoolgirl with a brown ponytail that has inherited the debt of her brother and tries to pay off the debt with illegal (mahjong) gambling. Although it is a very cruel manga or anime full of suffering, it is also highly contrastingly cute.

>"It's time."
dont even know what that thread is after all this time.


>because apparently following a simple discussion is too much to you
apparently he's not the only one
i'm the one who posted about HO in the first place

that's a perfectly fair point, and you can yell at me all you want. if someone asks after a show I like, I'm going to answer regardless. i /have/ been answering regardless for years now anyways

>fans of other parts of the series.

Counterpoint: Fuck these people

Shingeki no Kyojin must be a show about a group of autistic faggots fighting each other inside their walls(threads).

>badly animated cgi

i got in there once, trust me, it's not worth it unless you like cock

>dont even know what that thread is after all this time.
BL/yaoi general

Kemono Friends is an anime about an underaged, backpacking girl travelling Australia and meeting anthropomorphized animals. She befriends those animals. They include animal girls such as hyena girl, very-big-beak-bird girl, pompously-feathered bird girl and giraffe girl. The girls are addicted to the backpacker in an unhealthy way and their parting when she eventually goes back to Japan will be very painful, but it won't happen this season.

Has a lot of hot girls and it's almost hentai.

He never watched it, so it checks out.