Remember that time Marvel made anime?

Remember that time Marvel made anime?

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Remember that time you already made this thread?

All I remember is how delicious Storm was.

Oh my

- hey, tony kun
- yes, captain san?

Remember when Wondy and Supes got married moved to Japan and had a redheaded super strong daughter who constantly fought with Tony Starks daughter ( also living in Japan for some reason) over an annoying loudmouthed blond?


They were pretty terrible.

Eroquis doujin was great, but I do wish more people drew some for her.

Wrong time line bro. Good movie.

Something something better than mcu something

I cringed a bit but I still want to see more

I thought it was Bruce Wayne's daughter.


>that time Marvel helped with capeshit in Japan
Weird how Green Denzi would be Tobi Uchiha's VA as well

You mean Japanese cartoons

Remember when marvel made Fantastic Four: Evangelion?

holy shit

>Remember that time Marvel made anime?
They are making another Avengers anime, but who knows where the show would be given a thread. It really belongs in Sup Forums, Sup Forums was never really that interested in it.

>that time Ryoichi Ikegami drew a Spiderman manga


I might as well ask, what's up with Stan Lee's upcoming new anime? I remember the announcement, but I haven't seen any news about that recently.

Speaking of Stan lee what happened with Ultimo?

>8 hours old
>20 replies
Let your thread die OP.

Remember when Halo made anime and it was kinda not too bad?

I also rememebered Stane Lee tried to make an anime and it kinda flopped (to put it lightly)

It was mediocre but better than their other attempts.

Batman animu was the only actual good cape collab. DC should just run to the japs. I wouldn't even be mad about it. The anthology is perfect vehicle for something like cape comics that have been re-interpreted and re-invented by 100+ different writers. Just ditch their own animated studio and go pay the jap studios.

Second try soon!

The Killing Joke was pretty good, pacing issues aside. I wasn't too surprised that the quality animation was done entirely by Koreans. A lot of the shots clearly had an anime influence, and the Joker was pretty terrifying.


Disk Wars was okay, the worst was probably the Wolverine anime. Iron Man was just boring.

>70 years of comics to draw inspiration from
>Hundreds of heroes and villains to use
>Still make it focused on a group on youngsters
Why? Is this what little Japanese boys want?

I always thought that was a shame I rather enjoyed Heroman.

come on m80, the animation was sub-par. When a shot from the panels is recreated meticulously; like the scene where bat-girl is shot; the jump in quality is too jarring for my own tastes

Because they were copying the monster collection formula with it, and they see the young children protagonists as necessary for that. It's why Monster Hunter Stories had a child protagonist too, rather than an older hunter like in the mainline games.

What anime was this suit referencing?

I liked Shaftpool