Hi Sup Forums this is your mommy tonight, be nice or she will whip you

Hi Sup Forums this is your mommy tonight, be nice or she will whip you.

Yes please.

Either way I will end with a buttplug on me, so whatever.

Iris Heart, stealer of mens virginity and BDSM queen of anime.



worst nep

Thats a flogging.

>Iris Heart will never step on you
What did I do to deserve such a cruel fate?

Maybe your not even worth being stepped on?

Yes please I want Plutia to punish me hard.

How can a character be both the cutest fluffy ball and the hottest sex goddess?

why would you want to serve a useless goddess when you could serve the Deity of Sin?

She's really the epitome of ''tease''

Because shes an idiot who fails all her classes.

She's the full package, no one is better than her.

why do nips hate her?

Somehow I think she'd raise kids the right way.

With lots of discipline, of course.




She's too dominate.

*dominant*, user.

He's probably sore from his whipping session and can't thank straight

>can't thank straight

Seems like you're also affected, you lucky bastard.

Can I be nice to her, and get whipped as a reward?

You get it no matter what

we definitely need more plutia threads



Does it have to be mommy? Can it be onee-sama instead?

I never knew I had a submissive masochistic side until Iris Heart came along.

That's megami-sama to you.

Go away Plutie.

Me too. It was like getting an erection for the first time, but for the soul.

When you get domed it's fucking refreshing /blog

Neptune's wife is cute!

Umm no sir that is my wife/mommy!

Will she whip me with her butt?

season 2 when

are they playing Pokémon?

How fast would you cum if she mounted you/
I wouldn't even last a minute



Oi i kno dat song

Hey guys I upgraded your nep, shes a little more touchy though.

Thats a sexy Nep you got there.

>Takes Neptune into her home even though they just met
>Helps her become a goddess again
>Going Iris never fazes Neptune
They're OTP right?

Wouldn't be surprised if they are.

>Sega Pluto console as my mommy
Can I switch to Nintendo?


Is this a Plutia/Iris Heart thread?

I'm in, Plutiebros.

>YFW Iris Heart started leaking into Plutia

Fuck you, you ruined the power dynamics of the 4 goddesses, never get your comeuppance, and generally don't develop throughout your whole damn game.

>Neptune sees Iris=rape
>Quickly goes from bargaining with her to being a bystander to just flat out enabling her
>Neptune goes as far as setting her on some kids
>tfw Neptune never gets the Iris experience as a result

I can't decide if this makes Neptune an evil genius or just a cunt.

>You come home and Plutia starts grabbing her belt.

We have a saying in Spain. ''So long as you can outrun a fat man wearing red you will never get pulverized by the pull. ''

Smart but hidoi

>generally don't develop throughout your whole damn game.

Seeing Plutia/IH develop into something of a mother figure would have been nice.

May I ask why "red"?


Was that supposed to have been "bull" and not "pull"?

yeah i made a typo.


God I wish that were me.

Why do you want Iris Heart to rape you so bad?

Because I'm into getting abused by attractive 2d women.

When VR and robot waifus become real we will all get our annalual beatings.

Does Iris love Neptune in a romantic way?

Being desired so much it literally hurts is arousing.

Its a shame we don't see more Iris Heart hentai.

I hope NepAnon did Ex-Aid...

Me hoping for more Plutia/Iris Heart lemons...