Anyone else's collection getting to be a little too big?

Anyone else's collection getting to be a little too big?

I'm storing everything on one hd atm and I'm afraid of what will happen if it dies.

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I stream, so I dont have that problem.

>only 2.5TB
>his shit is stored locally
>not having a NAS/DAS store the files
>not having a 3 drive+ RAID5 setup
>not having a separate individual drive running rsyncd and constantly keeping it updated in case of data loss

Less important stuff
>no zfs
>no ecc

I dont collect anything.

ZFS is absolutely important.

Keep it user. HDDs are cheap as fuck and the anime archive sites of today are very shakey now.

You can still live using a shit FS like ntfs if you backup properly, ZFS is just a very neat when you want to save space with extra compression and better file integrity.
Also, encryption directly in the I/O pipeline, which is fucking awesome.

I just watch and delete after finishing.

I used to think I'd just re-download everything if my disk died on me, but with bbt going private I'm considering buying a new disk to at least have a backup of the hard to find things.

Yeah, I'm glad bakabt is fucking dead I ran out of space for anime.

What's the difference between this and streaming?

Just delete it. Why bother "saving" it? Download, watch, erase. Not hard.

Fucking normalfags

Not him but video quality, and some other little things like no watermark and more playback options.

Fucking hoardfags

Get out of here, normalshit.

I stopped collecting more or less.
Just sometimes save bluray releases.
In the past I even saved seasonal anime releases.

My image collection alone is bigger than that.

Kill yourself or just take your meds you fucking autist.

I'll decline, now go fuck off back to your wife's child.

To my credit I tend to rewatch a lot of series

Is the HDD going to still be the staple for memory in the future? Will the SSD take over?

In pure density? Nah.

>I'm storing everything on one hd atm
Don't do that, buy anoother one. EHD are pretty cheap these days.


I want this meme to end.
Flash memory degrades when left unpowered, and wears down in general due to writes. It's not for storage. And media doesn't require IO, so there's no real reason for SSDs.

I dont rewatch anime so I dont see the point.

Fair enough.

Buy some hard disk drives.

Get a new drive, several terabytes is $50. Don't tell me you're too poor to buy one.

>several TB is 50$


A 1TB Ext HDD on amazon is 50 minimum.

Try other sites, here's newegg for example

And for external

I have to get another drive, but I'm too retarded to pick one.
Also, I've heard that buying a HDD and an external case is better than a external hard drive. How does the case work? Any rec?

>I have to get another drive, but I'm too retarded to pick one.
WD red or Deskstar.
>Also, I've heard that buying a HDD and an external case is better than a external hard drive. How does the case work? Any rec?
Yes do that because if something happens to your external HDD you cannot get anything off of it because of the connection with the case and the HDD. Buying a HDD and then a external case is way cheaper and you can choose what you want and can swap out when needed.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums
Also fighting games are best in arcades and pc gamers don't have the mentality to ever support one anyway.

>only 2.5TB

Arcades are dying in Japan though.

get some help

hitachi deathstar 3tb

I delete 90%+ of my anime after they've ended or else I'd have a shitton of TBs full of anime. I mean four to five episodes are basically a GB nowadays.

There isn't anything wrong with that.

>Buying HDs
>Not uploading anime in a Youtube private playlist and don't share it with anyone

You should also kill yourself.

I just bought an external for manga because kindle rips have huge file sizes. Feels kind of nice I can stop buying physical copies for a while though.

whats the point? the occasional anime i might rewatch every few years or so is easily downloaded within the hour and doesnt need to waste hdspace

2TB? Those are rookie numbers. Call back when you have 16TB.

>disguised Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums

No such thing as too much data
I have a 6x3tb raidz2, about to add another 6x6tb raidz2 vdev for ~32tb usable

There is huge amount of Sup Forumsents on Sup Forums and likewise lots of Sup Forumsnons on Sup Forums. Boards are like brother and sister.

I'm in the same boat friend.

I have my 6TB of anime safe and sound inside my Google Drive account.

Who can match me? Protip: you can't.

Can I create a spanned volume with 2 drives and then mirror that with a 3rd drive?

Does porn collection count or only anime?

>my google drive account

>2.49 terabytes
What truly terrifies me is that this is probably pleb-tier to a lot of people


Same here. It's so liberating not having to deal with downloads. Plus, if a show isn't on Crunchyroll then it probably isn't good.

I've got a NAS server with 9 usable, and 6 worth of externals. Then about 3 in drives inside my devices. I still feel like I'm lacking. You're small-time.

ITT terrible data storage management.

Remember kids, all hard drives fail eventually.

do these hoarders ever rewatch the anime they stored on their disk?

I have almost triple that...

I'm at over 10 TB and I don't even want it anymore. Somehow I got the idea that I should keep all the TV releases, and I really need to delete them all and get BD upgrades for everything I want. I should do spring cleaning

I need to buy a hdd, but then I need second as backup too.

What would you suggest for data storage then?

I'm not a hoardfag, but I'm getting paranoid that I won't be able to access obscure anime in the future so I want to store a few old series.

Does anyone else ever do "spring cleaning" by shoving everything into a single directory?

I've done that several times now and now some of my files are like 100 ply deep because I kept recursively dumping my root files into a single directory to "clean" them up.

the worst part is the files include anime, hmangas, mangas, javs, etc. and now I'm too scared to actually clean it up.

My total data is around 30 TB gathered over 6 years and I bought a shitload of Toshiba 3 TB hard drives during Black Friday.

I need help, Sup Forums.

Plenty of times. Sometimes I rewatch the whole thing, sometimes just an episode, and sometimes just a scene. Of course, for me at least, part of it is still just "what if" and hoarding autism.

No. Why would they? The vast majority of anime is garbage.

>Six year old Western Digital and four year old Seagate

I should be scared but I'm not.

Tape for archives

I'm a 'hoarder' (around 10 Tb stored anime, manga & LNs) and I often rewatch. After you've been watching as long as I have, you forget lots of stuff you've seen, so if it's a crap season I have plenty of options. Also, muh backlog.

you know one day soon your backlog will clear itself

>Does anyone else ever do "spring cleaning" by shoving everything into a single directory?
Don't remind me. My downloads folder is a mire of shit I save and then stuff into a never ending rabbit whole of "temp" and "New Folder".

Sup Forums, why do flash drives last so much longer than hard drives?

Ive never had a hard drive fail completely on me, even the one from the first computer I built in 2004 still runs. Its power supplies that I have go on me at the 5+ year mark.

>why do solid state devices last longer than mechanical devices

I've got all of that stuff on newer and sparsely used externals, but I do need to back up last year's Sup Forums folder and some important notes.

It's not too bad, yet I guess. I'm thinking about clearing it out some, I really haven;t ever sat down and re watched anything I have downloaded yet. But it's comforting to know I can watch through a healing series if I want to.

Damn, didn't even know magnetic tape was still a thing.

Flash/volatile memory is not for storage.

Depends on how much you're storing and budget. absolute cheapest is maybe getting a blu ray burner and bunch of disks. but I haven't bothered with that route myself

Solid states wear down based on how often they're used. So if you leave them alone and don't touch them they'll last much longer than if install your operating system on it. They actually have a bunch of extra capacity hidden on them that they move to when the old bits die so you don't see the damage.

The chances over all are pretty small, better for smaller drives, and after the first ~4 years the chances stabilize, maybe about 2-4% a year depending on brand. So even running a drive 10 years is about 1/5 odds of failure. It adds up the more drives you run.

Failure rate is based on just time and not on usage?

Mostly usage but leaving a hard drive unused for 2+ years can also cause damage.

Does anyone else use Plex, or similar program, for their viewing and organizing pleasures?

I have 4-5 drives now, but I only really backup images. I should start storing the rare under seeded stuff on 2 drives for safety. Then again I don't give as much of a fuck as I did in the past.

Blu-ray disks are expensive though, it's cheaper to use HDDs.
Cheapest storage per TB I've found apart from tape is the white label 6tb drives from goharddrive. I'm using them for my zfs pool

tapes won't survive an EMP attack
radiation is not good for HDDs and DVDs/BDs
Is you collection end times ready?

Hold my hand. My current collection is on a 4TB WD Green but I wanna get into the whole redundancy game while expanding the space. Buy multiple 2TB WD Greens?

I only have 300 gb ;_;

It's basically for industrial use. they're much more resilient to environmental factors like shock and water damage. not worth the cost for your average rig.

Unless I'm making a dumb mistake amazon is listing 1.25TB for $25. Actually not sure how long blu rays last but mechanical aren't reliable enough for long term cold storage. also if you're running more than 4 drives once you'll probably want to invest in a separate computer to turn into a NAS. also you can store disks in a fire proof safe if you're really paranoid.

>not having your collection on gold plated punch cards

pfft enjoy your erosion via oxidization

If you're planning on storing 6TB+ on spinning drives I'd look into how to build a NAS, or buying a pre made one if you have the cash.
There's a lot to consider so I'm not going to bother typing it all up, just googling free NAS and RAID should get you started

If I care that much about losing something then it stands reason that I'd just buy the damn physical copy. Everything else gets STREAMED.

Unless you only watch seasonal anime or stream, hoardfags are the reason why you can watch whatever you want.

That will probably be plan B but what if I wanna buy time and sit at around 6TB? It took me mostly 2 years to fill up my 4TB at a slow pace so adding 2TB would suffice. Or would you say just still go full NAS?

That's not spring cleaning. Spring cleaning would be if you actually deleted the shit you don't give a shit about anymore.

I really need another back up drive.

I want to thank all the hoard fags in here who continue to seed old shit.
It is much appreciated I assure you.

Seconding this. I've always been too selfish to spent the time or the money to hoard anything more than a few shows at a time, but without the hoarders we would all probably have to watch streamshit.

Don't fall for the NAS/Raid meme. Raid is not a backup solution. Think of redundancy as uptime. Do you need your files available 24/7 and do you need to access those files away from home? If no to either of those, then you can make do with a cheaper alternative by simply buying an enclosure and putting some hard drives in that.

Let me repeat myself since it is important, RAID is not a backup. It is redundancy. You have no reason to be running a NAS server unless you have the requirement of needing it to be on all the time. Businesses, websites, etc would benefit from this. You wanting to backup your anime won't. It can be convenient and there's nothing with wanting to go that route, but do not think of it as a replacement for backing up your data. If you still want to do NAS/RAID, you will still need to make backups separately.

>My current collection is on a 4TB WD
Buy another 4TB drive and make a complete backup on the new drive. Now you will have two hard drives totally 8TB, but only 4Tb of that is usable since the other half is being used for backup. You use this same idea to keep expanding your collection. Need 2TB worth of space? Buy two 2TB drives. One to store files and the other to backup that data. You may think of it as a waste of space but this is what a backup entails.