How can ANYONE live in this shithole

How can ANYONE live in this shithole

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Same way as everyone else lives in all other shitholes?

It is even penis shaped....

City life is romanticized.

which shithole are you talking about? jersey or nyc?

Mixed-race individuals can only live in civilized environments, densely-populated and controlled urban areas. If you are actually White, your instincts will lead you to rural parts of the world. This is where you are most suited to be.

The whole 20-mile radius

Funny story- you can make any major city look like that.

I guess if you were born in it, wouldn't know any different.

being from the sticks, I couldn't live there... been there, but not going back

it a city
also test post

by existing, with probably the highest standard of living in the United States

i was born and raised here, and still live here

i want to say it's not too bad but i have no reference for what a "normal" environment is i guess


My pic is the Oslo sprawl. Kind of like Portland, OR we have an urban growth boundary so the city can't expand into the hills, but there's tons of growth on the flat land far on the outskirts of town. Norwegians love their big houses in the suburbs, quite unlike other european countries.

I stayed there for a few days on a vacation and I think I could get used to it, but holy shit finding food in certain parts of the city is fucking impossible.

I'd love to live there for 6-8 months (fuck winter) and really take in the city and all the cool stuff that's there, but I wouldn't want to live there any longer than that. Too expensive. Too (((diverse))).

Ye that's Dallas

T.garland fag

They got me before I realized this. Every movie takes place in a city... every sitcom takes place in a city. What happened to the Andy Griffith Show?

You norwegians have your heads on right. Suburbs produce the best people. Rural and Urban areas corrupt the minds of their inhabitants.

>make 500k
>have to live in NY

You can always distinguish Dallas by looking for the highway spaghetti.

That budget is so retarded.
>$32,000 PER YEAR in student loan debt
Fucking retarded.

That'll be a giant crater later this year right?

>1.5m house
>in jew york
>probably doesnt live in new jersey

>$18k a year in charity is considered hard living

>childrens lessons over ten thousand
There are retards who do this though, I'd bet you

>I'd love to live there for 6-8 months (fuck winter)

Sign of an amerimutt right here. Winter is the white man's season. If you can't tolerate the cold, you're a shitskin mongrel.

wow id have 100-150k surplus with this at least

Excuse me? Have you been on the streets of NYC? In the hovel apartments in Harlem and Bronx? Median income for the city is around $50000/yr. Median rent is around $3000/mo. Unless you're mega wealthy, NYC is a terrible rat trap of a city

That's realistic. Federal maximum rate is 40%, and then Cali has a 12.3% maximum rate, NY is similar. Taxes really are too damn high in this country.

Yep, it's big-D. We sprawl wide here- it's pretty difficult to get a full view of the -ENTIRE- Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area (shown) and make out what is going on, but pretty certain it dwarfs the greater NYC metro area in sheer land.

No need to preserve the hills or forests, there is just so much of it that is sparsely populated in all directions except for North and South. There are also a lot of municipal laws that require planting 1:1 for every tree removed, and leaving space for trees between suburban areas.


I don't know. I lasted almost 6 years on the UES, and despite a nice apt in a good building close to the subway it still sucked donkey balls. I still drag my miserable carcass in from the 'burbs daily, but moving out of the city was the best thing I have ever done.

probably lots of young pussy runnin the streets
so good you could just snatch one up and
yum yum yum num num num num

Heil Oden Sale Oden

Three fuckin vacations?

I'm a euromutt, but I'm 100% euro. Celtic-Anglo-Frank. But I grew up in the desert so I hate the cold.

>Taxes really are too damn high in this country.
I would prefer my taxes going to my state than the fed.
At least then I know something will happen that has even the possibility of effecting positive change in my life.

Eat, Sleep, don't get killed, repeat.

They're not people, they're bugmen.

Wipe out NYC, DC, Chicago, the entire Bay Area, and LA and watch this country fix itself.

this maybe applies to murray hill residents

>Clothes for four people
>Nothing fancy

This is good bait

If you're spending $2,500 on clothing every year and claiming that it's "average" you should kys

>live in new york
>make 92,000
>lose 42 of it in taxes
>Manhattan is disgusting, Brooklyn for the most part is too, Queens and the Bronx=lol, Staten Island where I live is almost completely transformed into a shithole and nearing it's final form

I have no idea how people actually dream and relish the day they end up here.

eyyy I used to live in apartments here

No you aren't. White people spent thousands of years adapting to cold weather and here you are bitching like a literal nigger.

How many feet above sea level? Tick tock.

What kind of weird penis do you have that you think it looks like Manhattan?

I live in a city. I can walk to my nearest grocery store.

Because of this, many of my neighbors are old people who lived their whole lives here. They can't drive but can still get around by walking. I know dozens of my neighbors from the local park.

My relatives in the suburbs all have to move to retirement homes when they get old as they can't safely drive. They spend 10 hrs a week commuting in a car. They know maybe one or two neighbors.

Walkable cities and main street style towns are the only places worth living unless you are a farmer or something.

I'm literally on the way back from JFK into the city. I'm here for college and a few years afterwards but then I'm gtfo.

The convenience of having a Walgreens on every block, 24 hour pizza places, and not having to drive keeps people here. The jobs pay more too, but only to make up for the higher cost of living.

I hate this shit hole. But I can understand by beta cucks would like it.

>$36,000 a year into 401k
>$1.5mn home
>three vacations a year
>a bmw and land cruiser
>good life insurance
>private tutoring for chilluns
>charities, which are tax deductible
Yeah, fuck off.

Kind of looks like a dog penis, I guess.

New york is the greatest city in the world

I'm about to go there
Tell me the best places to

Daily Reminder that this will become the entire surface of the world if we dont starve ourselves out of existence first

>At least then I know something will happen that has even the possibility of effecting positive change in my life.
Why not just keep all the money to yourself and have a 100% chance of being able to use the money to make a positive change in your life? Why even let the government middle-men get involved in the first place?

Realistically of course, if you're ACTUALLY doing something worth $500k+/yr, you don't get compensated with cash and lose half to the tax man. You get compensated with stock options and retirement plans and other things to reduce your taxes to a more reasonable 13-20%.

The festering herpes sore on the face of humanity. Fuck everything in this picture

All that brake dust and exhaust got to your brain.

I know man, I've been to Texas on several occations. I mean I'm sitting here talking about the sprawl in Oslo, but Oslo is a fricking podunk compared to DFW. If you measure airline from the westernmost exurbs of Fort-Worth to the easternmost suburbs of Dallas (beyond Garland) it's 100km, sorry about the Eurounits but to give some perspective Oslo in the same measure is about 30km from east to West. North to South there is no comparison between the two. But to be fair the Dallas metro consists of 1 million people.

But man, I love Texas. I think Texas will survive in the event of a US collapse, and I think Texas will be the only state to do so. But we'll see. If Texas continues to grow at the same pace it has, there might be too many people for Texas to handle in able to continue being Texas!

lot of good concerts

>White people spent thousands of years adapting to cold weather and here you are bitching like a literal nigger.
I said:
>I'd love to live there for 6-8 months (fuck winter)
There's literally nothing good about NYC in the winter other than it kills a bunch of homeless people. Lots of the attractions and monuments of NYC are outside, or best enjoyed outdoors, and mushy white shit everywhere does not enhance the experience.

And while I do not prefer the cold, I'm going to DC for the first two weeks of February and it's going to be cold as balls, but everything I'm doing there will be indoors for the most part, so who cares. I can deal with it.

for a city of its size its air (and water) quality is outstandingly good.

Meanwhile, in the best state...

Lombardi's pizza is not that great and way overpriced avoid it.

>living in a city with an extensive subway system
>buying 2(!) cars anyways

Nigger, the point is that if you were actually pure European, you would come from a very long line of people specifically selected by nature for their natural tolerance to cold weather. If you actually cannot deal with the cold, your ancestry comes from a different/weaker line. Same goes for every "White" person who flees to warmer climates for the Winter due to intolerance to cold weather.

It’s like you assholes TRIED to make your cities disgusting concrete jungles

You clearly don't know what you're talking about

He probably lives in the suburbs on Long Island.

Fact: City dwellers are not people

How hard is it to not be a total blight on the face of the earth?

They're fucking stupid?

>If you actually cannot deal with the cold
I can deal with the cold. i prefer not to, and nothing in NYC is tempting enough to put up with even that minor inconvenience (hence why I said "(fuck winter)" rather than (boohoo I will literally die of vitamin D deficiency and frostbite if the ambient temperature drops below -5C).

Is that like Podesta's Pizza Palace?

That image would make one hell of a vidya overworld.

Brooklynfag here, I enjoy living in the city

if anyone is legitimately curious ask me anything.

Women all gravitate towards cities, because there's an endless supply of cocks there to pay attention to them. They don't want to live in rural communities where there's like 40 dudes who are mostly sick of her shit and don't buy her free drinks. Chcken and egg, there's an endless supply of cocks there because that's where all the fucking women are.

You see it a lot - complaints from women about 'there's nothing to do in x area' = no nigger dicks to suck.

Come home, white man

San Antonio? I love that city.

>Sign of an amerimutt right here
Fuck you douchey I spent my weekend throwing two feet of snow out of my driveway in -25 degree weather. 55 straight hours of snow. I didn't see a plow for over a day. I live in NY. That storm probably would have killed you.

Queensfag here, been in Astoria 10 years.

ve.. thats not vegas

The only right thing within that picture is Alex Jones and the 85 mph freeway.

>I can deal with the cold. i prefer not to

Sure thing faggot. White people are naturally at home in that climate. Your desert blood is clearly much more suited for some third-world shithole.

I've always wanted to see an open world RPG like Skyrim set in Puget Sound. Shit would be fucking AWESOME. You could work your way up to getting a boat and then boat around to islands full of bandits and dungeons with old native treasures and curses.

You're all such faggots NYC is the best city in the world. What's better? Londonistan? Paris? Rome?

You're all just poor faggots and can't afford living in a nice area, or you're a pussy white nationalist who is afraid of living in an area with minorities.

If it was still 90%+ white, with mostly Dutch, Anglo, Celtic and Germans then it would be a paradise.

But alas, it's (((diverse))) and infested with them. We lost a great city that WE built...

Then congratulations, you're one of the shrinking few Americans who actually still have pure European stock.

This. Will never leave the city.

It's pretty comfy desu

I’m kinda impressed you guys each got one. I probably shouldn’t have given such an obvious hint.

holy fuck this guy is delusional, why does anyone like this guy

Every city is decent if you can afford to live in the wealthy enclaves. Moscow is actually one of the best cities in the world if you can afford to live in the wealthy neighborhoods.


Why do you think the best city has to be a dense overpopulated shithole? Think Dallas, San Antonio, Phoenix, in Europe think Toulouse, Frankfurt, Stavanger, Madrid. Back to the US, Indianapolis is great, same is Orlando, Tampa. Kansas City and on and on.

Cold areas gave us the ultimate cucks. Swedes, Germans, British, Canadians, etc. Cucks.

Spanish reconquered Iberia from Muslims, Italians gave us men like Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, etc. Greeks had Spartans, Macedonians, Athens, Byzantium, etc.

>White people are naturally at home in that climate. Your desert blood is clearly much more suited for some third-world shithole.
Wew, okay lad. I think you spent too much time in Winter-chan threads. I have actually thought of doing consulting work in Singapore for a few years but I'd have to hire private security and living like that just ain't worth it.

Cold areas are inhabited by cucks. Warm areas are either shitholes, or inhabited by shit people.

Hey NYC Anons. My Mom loves NYC and wants to go back this year to see the Christmas stuff again and see the Tree at the Rock. But I was reconsidering going because it is a liberal shit hole. Last time I was there in 2013 it seemed fine. I had a great time. But since Warren Wilhelm has been elected, it seems to me, but may not be true, that the city has gone down hill in the last 4 1/2 years since I was there last. Is it still a cool place to visit? There is so much I didn't get to do when I was there the first time. And I try to not let politics get in my way, but I can't help it.

>3 vacations
>children's lessons
boom now you have money

Nothing good about that place.

I live on this island, pretty comfy.

Satellite maps give me a stiffy.