Who the fuck wrote this shit? What was Kyoani thinking green lighting this?

Who the fuck wrote this shit? What was Kyoani thinking green lighting this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Some edgy teenager probably.

Ok, I'll bite.

What anime do you personally think has great dialogue?

i almost want to rewatch Hyouka to screencap these now

It's because you chose to not engage with the show that you claim the writing is bad and can't even bring to mind all the visual storytelling that goes on at every frame. Hyouka is a production that undercuts a dialectic between the theatrical and mundane. The main thematic motif of the show is an Evangelion-esque study of relationships and empathy depicting subjective experience above all else, perhaps the reason for the Bach music parallel. It uses abstract Shinbo-esque colors, paper cutouts, experimental angle shots, spatial layout designs, meticulous character acting and long lasting continuity of quirks to establish consistence of performance, framing motion specifically tied to the edge of the frame and BGs to elucidate its fullness of vision of space. One shot of Mayaka's bedroom had more visual storytelling and characterization than the entirety of the Haruhi series.

Lucky Star.

So this is pasta now?
What a way to tarnish Hyoukafags reputation forever.

Kemono friends

this is the new pasta for whenever hyoukafags are around


Are you one of those Madara-posters?

and I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara posters...

Aria "muh embarrassing remarks are prohibited
Uchouten Kazoku "muh frog in a well, muh idiot blood"
Tatami Galaxy "muh rose colored campus"
Monogatari "muh oops I bit my tongue"
Utena "muh end of the world"
Evangelion "muh I mustn't run away"
Ojamajo Doremi "muh I'm the world's unluckiest pretty girl"
Ping Pong "muh hero, muh robot"
Jin-roh "muh red riding hood"




Didn't you listen? You have to change Evangelion to "muhstn't run away".

>SHAFT is a joke now
When their 3 latest Kizu films look better than most new shit out there ? Why the fuck you lyin.mp3

The Tatami Galaxy.

Hibike Euphonium

They look like shit, even the 3D looks very bad.

Araragi is what, 16/17? Of course he wants to put his dick in everything. I would want to in his position, too.

I'd laugh, but I'm too scared someone might take that seriously.

am i losing my mind or are you idiots just retarded, i swear to fuck i've seen most of these exact replies in a previous thread

i thought this was a hyouka thread, not an endless 8 thread

All of these are great apart from Evangelion.

NGE has great characterization but the dialogue sucks donkey balls

Great Teacher Onizuka
Eden of the East
Monster (official trad no fansub)
Lucky Star

Post the "Conserving Energy Is What You Would Be, Oreki" webm.

>great dialogue
Good lord how little literature you've read to think that show is anything beyond bottom of the barrel trash.

i would like to know when was it that it became reasonable to expect so much of anime
it's like it now has an obligation with being more than just fucking cartoons
i'd like to think it's just the brainless kids of the new generation but idk man ijdk

Dialogue is what makes most of the characterization. How can one be bad and the other good?

Hyouka a shit.

the thing about monogatari fans is that they think lots of dialogue is good dialogue. like how out of digging trash, you might get something valuable

That's what people that don't watch exclusively Kyoanishit always expected.

>Nothing I've said can be considered a strawman
>the rest of the post is nothing but strawmen
Brilliant. Just so you know, Haruhi is one of my all times favorites.
>the care in presentation is what make certain Kyoani works so ambitious in storytelling
Oh, I didn't forget the Visual Storytelling meme.

I fucking hate GayAni, it's all boring slice of life shit that only faggots and liberals enjoy. Good thing there's some MANIME this season like Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia.

>Dialogue is what makes most of the characterization.

Anime is a visual medium so most characterization has to be established through animation and direction. If an anime doesn't do this it's most likely trash.


characterization is information that can be conveyed by dialogues or visual elements
even if dialogues properly convey characterization, they can horribly fail at other things like feeling natural, pacing, overusing catchphrases and shit like that

Pretty sure dialogue is still what makes most of the characterization.

PW was mediocre but harmless. The only KyoAni show that actually pissed me off was Kyoukai no Asspull.

Still, I think that K-On is a legitimate masterpiece and Hyouka, Nichijou, and a few others are very good.

So Hyouka that constantly employs redundant exposition and monologue is trash.
Got it.

>Pretty sure dialogue is still what makes most of the characterization.
Learn the meaning of characterization and then come back, you're only embarrassing yourself.

>muh show dont tell meme

Dialogue is an integral part of characterization, at least if you want to have deep and complex characters, try find me a good silent film with better characterization than a Tarantino movie, you cant. Visuals alone are too abstract to convey the same level of detail and information. Visuals can enhance characterization, but they cannot carry it alone.

What's going on?

Hyouka is just a poor man's Haruhi.

None of you can prove the so called pasta wrong. Just face it, you're simply not intelligent enough to get it.

>try find me a good silent film with better characterization than a Tarantino movie, you cant

>Hyouka is just like Haruhi because they are both about high school clubs and Oreki and Kyon are similar.
Do you even process what anime is about past it's surface level?

No that's Haruhi

I'd do it, but I prefer conserving my energy.

Stopped reading there. you clearly know shit about any sort of fictitious art. Here's a couple of board suggestion for someone like you:

The Passion of Joan of Arc and thousands of others

Also Tarantino is one of the worst directors ever

>y-you don't know what you're talking about
That's a poor fallacy. You haven't told what was wrong or why characterization was something else, you just claimed it was wrong. Come back when you have something else than one-line posts.

The conversations in Monogatari are at least involving and interesting by anime standards bro

I really need to give Nichijou a rewatch. I don't understand why it's liked so much when its flaws outweigh the positives.

Tarantino is literally the best dialogue director ever. Pulp Fiction shits on your opinion.

>Visuals can enhance characterization, but they cannot carry it alone.
Angel's Egg

Visual wise Gatari wins hard, Hyouka has really nice shots here and there but overall it's plays out like a normal anime with good production. Original gatari had that "shaft charm" on almost every shot (probably because they had to be interesting with their poor production values).

Stories is almost unfair because all monogataris mysteries deal with the supenatural, that while in itself is not inherently more intriguing, when compared with Hyouka WAY mundane problems it's clear which you are most likely to be invested in.

Character wise the female hyouka cast is boring while the male is decent, monogatari is all around more interesting/fun with exception of snake.

Gatari for me.

You fags are simply databases who can't form your own thoughts

>redundant exposition
No. You have about two or three exposition parts and they all flow much better than whatever Hyouka's exposition is.

Compare Kyon's santa opening to Oreki and gayfriend discussing databases.

had very basic and one dimensional characters. Thanks for proving me right.

No that's Hyouka

Characterization is basically giving traits based on a wide spectrum of things to a character throughout the story. If you really think that can only be achieved mainly by dialogue you're either a troll or really ignorant because even in anime there's a wide array of example of characterization where there's little to none dialogue involved with said character.

>Visual wise Gatari wins hard
Monogatari has some of the most pretentious direction I've seen in any visual media.

It's like Nicolas Winding Refn on steroids.

Now even shit tier studios like deen can outsell kyoani with minimal effort, what went so wrong bros?

The entirety of Haruhi is exposition, and terrible exposition at that. Obnoxious and tedious monologue after monologue after monologue.


Does Hibike have good dialogue?

Are half of the posts here literally copied from the other KyoAni thread?

Also, it's because KonoSuba panders to the lowest common denominator. Pretty easy.




>pretentious direction
this is not a real criticism

phantom sales and meme dragon were terrible for starters, you cant slap the kyoani brand on a polished turd and expect sales just because.

The manga does.

nonironically this

Proof Tarantino is a terrible director. Like Monogatari he pretends that having a large cast of characters makes the same narration being spouted different and unique and interesting. The fact is every character in Monogatari and Tarantino films narrate the same way, just with a different voice and physical appearance. It's a deception.

This video has nothing to do with anime

>If you really think that can only
Never said that.
But it is mostly conveyed by dialogue which is the most used way to represent more abstract concepts which are usually the points of interest of the show. Visuals can and do work, but they're almost never to do most of the characterization job because it'd be a convoluted solution and wouldn't add much. In most cases, visuals work on top of dialogues which provide solid context and informations. Or at least that's how I see it.

Yeah, it raped my patience. Seriously, why the fuck do you guys like this crap really? I can understand liking some dumb shit that's at least fun, I can understand liking some slow show that's actually well written but fucking Hyouka spent an entire episode with those dumbfucks trying to understand why the teacher was angry.

Hell not even the cases are really dumb but the way they "resolve" them is also retarded

It's okay, MUCH better than Hyouka's.
Characterization is also far superior, Kumiko makes Oreki feel like a joke character.

Hyouka aged like milk in terms of dialogue

Did K-On have good dialogue?

To barely scratch the surface:
Kirito doesn't have any logic to his actions. He has no reasons for being the way he is other than the author's need to create a childishly perfect character who 12yos can idolise. There's no reasoning behind why he's so impossibly better at SAO than anyone else, why every girl he meets falls in love with him, why he suddenly has enough technical skill and knowledge to hack into SAO itself and change the rules of the game when it's conveniant for the plot (not to mention why he doesn't just do that at the very start and break everyone out of it), etc etc. What we're informed of about his charcter through exposition completely contradicts what we are shown in the story itself. He's meant to have a perfect, lovey dovey relationship with Asuna, yet they never tell each other anything important, barely interact when they're with each other, and are perfectly willing to let each other be put into mortal danger when it's, again, conveniant for the plot. The parts of his character that COULD be interesting (his PTSD-like obsession with VR technology, his drive to fully resurrect his AI daughteru) are never expanded upon more than them simply existing and are thus squandered. The list of problems with his character goes on and on.

But none of it relates to him being "unrealistic". It relates to him not following the logic of the story itself. If he had proper reasons behind why he acted in crazy ways and did seemingly impossible stuff, he could be fine. If any of the things related to him were expanded upon, he could also possibly be interesting, but left as barebones as they are, he's boring and unsatisfying to watch. I don't like Hyouka that much and I by no means think it has masterfully written characters. But they make sense in the context of the story through having reasoning behind their actions, and are at least set up to be interesting, even if you don't find them so. Comparing them to Kirito is massive overkill.

Uchouten Kazoku

Yes it is.

Fast paced cuts, over-saturated meaningless visuals and awkward interspersing of character's thoughts is the definition of pretentious.

There's barely any exposition in Haruhi. When, say, Kyon explains something about Haruhi, he has a reason to (other than "there you go watcher :^)" ). It's much more natural and flow a lot more nicely.

muh frog in a well, muh idiot blood, muh benten

I've never been closer to dropping a show than with PW. Good thing I'm a completionist.

1. Maidragon was actually good and harkened back to what KyoAni did right in shows like K-On. It was also the third best-selling anime of the season even without considering the KyoAni store, and had more fanart than any show besides Kemono Friends.

2. Terrible anime sell well all the time.


muh muhmeme

Only when they're not doing cheap drama

Yeah the reaction of boredom by how much he overuses the slow motion head turn, close up to eyes, close up to mouth, full body pan combo. Truly a genius

>"as regards the greater part or number."
>"used to say that a statement you are making is true or correct at most times or that it describes a usual situation or condition"

If you use the word "mostly" you're only narrowing it down to dialogue, which is stupid, which goes against many visual and literacy principles. So yeah, educate yourself.

Real talk why has Haruhi aged like milk? Nothing about the show is watchable nowadays.


>Sup Forumsutists having any kind of idea what realistic dialogue is

I expected this thread to be shit just by looking at the title, but jesus christ guys, you didn't have to exceed my expectations by this much.

>"as regards the greater part or number."
>you're only narrowing it down to dialogue
Before telling other to educate themselves, read your own post.

>It was also the third best-selling anime of the season even without considering the KyoAni store
Konosuba, Marginal Kiss, GabDro, Youjo Senki, LWA, and Kemono sold more

this studio war schlock is pathetic
vermin scum

Are Hyouka threads the new Madoka threads?