Why was Dangan Ronpa 3 so bad? How come hardcore Dangan Ronpa fans just eat this shit up?

Why was Dangan Ronpa 3 so bad? How come hardcore Dangan Ronpa fans just eat this shit up?

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I liked it

>How come hardcore Dangan Ronpa fans just eat this shit up?
Have you seen the threads? Even the biggest fan of DG thought the anime was bullshit.

Because it's one of those things that just ends up being such a mess it loops around to be amusing to watch. Taking the DR3 wild ride with Sup Forums was some of the best threads of 2016. Even the dub ended up being hilarious to watch.

Oh boy the dub

Junko said verbatim
>"Kamukura Kamukura yas queen!"

Jesus christ

I think the threads were the only good thing about DG3

A lot of missed opportunities.

And the fact that even if Saionji was bullied a lot, there were still FIVE entire episodes without it happening. It's a simple yet unforgiving mistake, because I want to bully Saionji and it ain't gonna stop any time soon. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.

Someone post the highlight video, it never stops being funny

Which in turn makes the anime good too, if it can entertain a huge crowd and make them stick with it wait for it and make them discuss so much about it the anime was a succes.
Maybe not storywise if you didn't like it but it did draw a lot of people in and the almost continuous threads made my summer one of the best summers I've ever had.


I miss the juzoboys.

Anyone who remotely enjoyed DR3 should never be allowed to have an opinion.

so what does "yas queen" mean anyway? everyone seems to hate it...

danganronpa 3 threads were honestly some of the best shit. even besides the memes it was fun to share all our theories

Probably because the first 2 games, and the anime adaptation, and the spinoff, and the new game are all bad.


what makes you say the first 2 games were bad? I thought they were pretty good.

It's a dumb meme from Broad City

It's not really supposed to mean anything it's retarded

okay, because people seem to love of hate that scene. to me, yelled some high pitched, random and cute in an otherwise non-sensical scene, so i have no idea what was ruined by it being in there...

do enough people who watch anime also watch Broad City?

It was fun to see the stuff people made on here

The threads had some of the funniest stuff I've seen on Sup Forums. I'm glad I followed this madness as it was airing.

The series itself had bad pacing and ruined several characters like turning Junko from a mastermind to a victim of circumstance, but watching it with the guys here was so damn fun.

How do we fix this franchise?

I always see that pic as a disgusting fatty

What music fits this picture the best?

Adding any memes to dubs dates them immediately. Dubs typically are trash but this just magnifies the issue.

Danganronpa dub was god tier though no matter what they did


The majority of the people in the youtube comment section of the OP seemed to like it, god knows why.

Well, they have shit taste.

>youtube comment section

Why the fuck are you even reading those?

And it is on Sup Forums because?

Because I'm a masochist.

I wouldn't call her a victim of circumstance. Like sure maybe she wouldn't have destroyed the world on her own but she still might fucked shit up.

It's fucked, user, just let it die.

We get a DR3 game like what we should've gotten with Chisa as MC.

No best girl.

>would snip your dick off at any time


Only cute guys, which makes her safe for me.

Yeah I had a ton of issues with DR3 but following the series with Sup Forums as it aired last Summer, with all the theories, memes and shitposting and the tons of threads it had. Made it one hell of a fun ride.

I really want to pull her tongue

I want to hold it out and drip hot sauce on it

This one?

The OPs were nice..

Wow that would be a really mean thing to do. now I want to do that



She showed up. Only in one episode, though.

>not wanting to bang a psychotic murder with a snake-like tongue


>trying to cater to hentai fags and destroy the dignity of the games by making it into a generic anime.

>How come hardcore Dangan Ronpa fans just eat this shit up?

Whatever gave you this impression? Everyone hated it but accepted there was nothing to be done about the quality and just enjoyed the ride.

>literally all of the new characters die except Munakata and Muh Speshul Dindu Animefag
>Animefag never learns to take responsibility because everyone forgives him for being a bitch
>Animefag gets a happy ending despite causing the whole series
>DR1 cast wasn't even utilized well, lacking moments like Chihiro interacting with Chiaki
>DR2 cast was largely unimportant until they were brainwashed into being evil at the last minute
>DR3 cast gets most of the development, but they all die so it doesn't even fucking matter
>UDG is so unimportant that the main villain just randomly fucks off to space

>fuck it I'm gonna be a space NEET

I don't think I have ever laughed so hard at the absurdity and the reactions to it

Anime was pure hot garbage, threads were worth shitposting in, especially the last episodes where shit got memetic. Literally.


>don't get in my face and threaten me like I'm some basic bitch!

My sides. Picked the fuck up

Does anyone have the thread reacting to that episode?

>DR3 cast gets most of the development, but they all die so it doesn't even fucking matter

No, about 3/4 remained undeveloped and were killed off for the sake of Class 78.

I fucking hated Seiko so much. I wish she would have lived so she could know a lifetime of suffering. She would have been way better if she ate some of Ruruka's sweets

Maybe because they enjoy despair.

Is Mitarai worst character? is the only character I completely dislike.

i'd argue Tengan was worse.

999/VLR/ZTD x Danganronpa spin off

But that would ruin the Zero Escape franchise, and it doesn't need any help in that department.

It's much better to just let it die.

ZTD already did that. All we need to do is have the two franchises commit double suicide.

i'm watching it now after having played the first two games several times and it's the worst shit ever

i wish i had been around for the threads, i'm beyond caring what happens in the last 6 episodes

Tenga had karate at least

Yeah but they should've just left him as the good guy and not make him an underdeveloped "mastermind" if anything, if you were intending to make him a "mastermind", should've made him a pawn (though technically you could argue he was this to Chisa)

His biggest issue was his plan made no fucking sense.

Tengan didn't ruined Hope, Mitarai was the final boss and the only thing he did was cry on Hajime's shoulder and press the cancel button, Tengan was idiotic though.

>Kill everyone in your Foundation for some reason
>only good thing was he managed to kill an actual Remnant of Despair

Yes Tengan was idiotic, because of Munakata forcing him into a corner with his extreme views because of nice propaganda by Chisa

It's Danganronpa, none of it made sense

Revive Chisa.

Revive Seiko and make her feel bad for driving Ruruka to suicide because she wouldn't eat any of my fucking sweets

This user understands

It was a huge mistake to actually try explaining the ridiculous hope vs despair conflict and the events that set it off. Nothing was ever going to make sense. It only worked as a distant pretense for why things were so fucked up in this over the top world.

DR2's cast ironically became less likable by having them being brainwashed instead of falling from grace. It's always like this when writers decide to retroactively pull punches they made with popular characters. Not to mention them all being revived no strings attached. At the very least the ones who died should have stayed as they were in despair.

Those were the 16-hour-kun threads, subs were late

I'm a crab, which DR character is best for me?

>At the very least the ones who died should have stayed as they were in despair.

Gotta pander to the very vocal DR2 fags

I liked DR2 much more compared to DR1 because DR2 had a more interesting cast. Though, I agree the ones who died should have stayed dead.

It's okay to say DR2 >>> DR1 but the fans of DR2 were more vocal than the fans of DR1 and Kodaka caved in to make the DR2 characters Deus Ex Machinas when they should have never been in Mirai-hen.

I want to hold Kirigiri's hand with the gloves off

We never left, friend!

>Why was Dangan Ronpa 3 so bad?
I don't know, why? I enjoyed it. It was about as trashy as the games themself, but I still like both the games and animus.


i want to rape that tulpa

Nobody's saying DR1 and 2 were masterpieces of good writing, but they way they handled the DR2 cast, Mitarai and Tengan in DR3 was just a catastrophe of ass.
At least the memes were fun, so I'll give you that.

Danganronpa 3 was a masterpiece. All the characters were well done and the plot was near perfect..
Anyone who thinks it's bad is probably a retard who has never seen anime

Why? What's so bad about Mitarai and Tengan? You've got to watch DR3 as a series of enjoyable cliffhangers not and not like something serious.

>What's so bad about Mitarai and Tengan?

Tengan was an underdeveloped mastermind that just came off as Chisa's pawn and Mitarai was just a beta bitch who gave up too quickly and created an anticlimatic ending. He should've died off in Ruruka's place and THEN have the twist he was making a hope anime.

Well, that would be better, but I've still enjoyed the series. It was like DR2 all again: good but with an adiotic ending. I guess I developed some kind of tolerance to this kind of bullshit.

You probably have. But don't just make characters up, just to kill them off for the sake of a nostalgia boner.

More DR3 characters should've survived. Ruruka should've gotten the redemption that Hiyoko never got, and Kyouko should've stayed dead.

Well, I agree, but there's a lot of stuff in DR as a whole that could have been better, but wasn't. Eh, one have to deal with that kind of bs to enjoy anything nowdays.

Oh yeah. But DR3 just has bigger and more noticeable mistakes.

But the OP & Endings where great, the content of the anime was shit.

I guess it all depends on when you're start getting sensitive about those mistakes.

I got pretty sensitive about halfway. Then was just pissed off by the end.

Anime started out great, had a noticeable slide in the middle and ending is just garbage.

So, it was average rushed seasonal anime, which is not the worst description video games adaptations can get.

post mikan pls

It also had the most cancerous threads.
Jesus Christ, it was filled with the most retarded theories ever.
The best moments were pic related, anonsubs, 16 hour-kun, and watching everyone doing damage control after Kirigiri was revived.

I want become permanently ill and have Mikan take care of me forever!

The brainwashing thing was bullshit and made no sense. If it was being filmed live then the anime fag couldn't have done anything to the footage to make them hypnotized. Why did they need Chiaki to be killed if they were being brainwashed anyway? Junko could have shown them anything and there would have been a complete class of Ultimate Despair.

Kodaka is a fucking hack. The Japanese george lucas of mystery murder visual novels.

I liked the first game a lot, plot and writing didn't put it down when I started to me 2 and AE were really shitty and proved Kodaka was writing from the top of his head most of the time. I would have liked 2 more if it was set in another place and another time like the new Dangan Ronpa game is.

>Why did they need Chiaki to be killed if they were being brainwashed anyway?

Because nothing would break them more than watching their class president die on live TV.