Boku no Hero Academia chapter 135

>tfw eri is being exploited by overhaul
>tfw her screams can be heard

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw you could have saved eri but you listened to dumbfuck mirio.

More people are active now so might as well repost it

How will Tsuyu and Uraraka even be useful this arc?

>tfw eri is shown to have scarred arms when the bandages are removed and also revealing a harvesting machine with scalpels near the side of the chair.

>tfw she willingly followed overhaul when he removed her glove to protect izuku and mirio

>tfw your asshole dad is removing parts of your arms just to harvest you.

All of Eri's suffering is 80% Mirio 19% Nighteye 1% Deku's fault.

Who's this slut and why the shitty Tsuyu cosplay?

I hope Overhaul dies at the end of this arc, I mean how many times have we seen villains actually die by the hands of a hero?

Technically it's 100% Overhaul.


To prevent villains from making more quirk disabling bullets you have two choices:
>save Eri with the chance of one or more of your comrades dying
>kill her to end her suffering but everyone else lives
What do you do and how are you going to accomplish it?

So if Overhaul can supposedly heal people why are Eri's arms still bandaged?

>talking shit about based archervermin's work

Overhaul is innocent, he was abducted in Eri's lolivan, baited by the promise of classic rock CDs and beer in the van & made to become a villain by her.

>selling parts of her
>cutting her up
>the fucking scalpels near the chair

get sir knighteye to touch overhaul without him noticing
have him distract OH while you escape
nighteye dies, eri lives

Maybe she's so badly damaged that he can't, I donno.

>author isnt trying to pad this arc so he can make more money

You gotta admit, she doesn't look anything like Tsuyu.

A real hero wouldn't flinch at saving a little girl, no matter the risk.

I'm sure there are still stuff we don't know,limits on what Overhaul can do.Cause otherwise he'd be splatting the loli all day.

Where's my boy Bakugou? This series is nothing without him

I'd splat the loli all day, if you know what I mean.

Proof that Mirio's never been a real hero (or a real human bean)

Bakugou was the focus of the last arc, wait your turn.

>no big ol' eyes
>no hunch
>no yaoi hands

I mean, Deku's fine, it's just Tsuyu who looks odd

I don't know about that. Volume 13, which mostly focus on him and Todoroki, has been selling worst than all the other volumes, and has only been out for 2 weeks.

Hold up. I stop reading the manga a while back. Did Hori actually use my idea of a villain who kidnaps people with useful quirks and exploiting them which is basically slavery? If so then I might get back into the series?

I'm curious as to how the final battle between Shiggy and Deku will play out. It doesn't feel like their Quirks clashing would be that interesting unless Shiggy gets AfO.

>implying he isn't

right here

Leave Bakugo on the side for now while he thinks about his own place as a hero with AM and Deku, give some of the lesser spoken of members of 1-A a chance.

He can deconstruct and reconstruct using the deconstructed material. But doesn't have the ability to generate matter out of nothing.
He using parts of her to make the bullets. So not all of the original material is there when he heals her, and she'd still have like scars or some other kind of deformation.

>Overhaul can heal long term injuries through reassembly
>Shigaraki is almost certainly going to usurp Overhaul at his most vulnerable moment
>Overhaul is going to give a post-madman Deku a full restore to dick over Shigaraki at the last second

Well, if it makes you feel better, he has a flashback like two chapters ago where he helped Kirishima feel better

>kidnaps people

user, overhaul is a villian who exploits his own daughter just to make the drug.

The drug is made from her.

Mineta pls, you already have Momo.

Close enough.

>Waifuteam BTFO

I mean, he cuts her fucking arms open and drains her blood on what is most likely a daily basis just to make the drug so if that's your thing

To be fair, there's a decent probability that he will die at the end of the arc, he's done more than enough to be considered morally deserving of death (from a shounen manga standpoint at least). Though it's unlikely to be to a hero because heroes aren't really meant to kill villains, they're supposed to arrest them.

He'll either get killed by Shigaraki, arrested by heroes or MAYBE killed by a hero in self defense (but keep in mind that even All for One didn't end up dying after his fight with All Might, heroes aren't supposed to take lives).

This page was so fucking good holy shit.

I want Deku to adopt me!

He's gonna be my big brother!

Eight Precepts of Death x Eri doujins when?

we can only hope.

She's precious but now I want to see her die for the plot development. Goddamnit user.

I mean we got heroes, vigilantes, and heroic villains we've gotta get hardcore anti-heroes sooner or later.

I love Bakugou too......but,at least Kirishima is carrying the series right now.

Can't wait when they become older pro-heroes at team up against Villains and in Bed :)

Yeah, he will take you to the park.
And hug you.
And pet you.
And play with you.
And tell you you are a good girl.
Just imagine.

It would be like having a chunk of your bicep sliced off, and then stretching and stitching the remaining muscle and skin together to mend the wound. You'd be "healed" but not the same as before.

Isn't a vigilante an anti-hero?

Literally on the way to beat DB

>He'll either get killed by Shigaraki
I think this is likely to happen, it'd do Shigarakis reputation as a villain wonders as well as knocking out a rival early on.


This guy knows.

kind of but not really
vigilante is like batman
anti-hero is like deadpool

It's not actually clear that she is her daughter.

If she was she probably wouldn't try to run and they would have a birth certificate. It would seem like he kidnapped/bought her in the black market.

He didn't exactly kidnap her. In fact (here comes huge spoiler, stop reading if you want) she is her daughter, and the actual scum is using her to make drugs that break quirks through hers. I think he himself "harvested" the quirk in more or less like Endeavor was doing with Todoroki, but that's only my own theory.


oh god no why

delet this! Eri is not for lewds. She is for soft, Deku hugs and kisses.

His daughter*

Fuck, I should head to bed now.

Let's see
>a glasses faggot with a shit personality
>a dude with the face of a Vault Boy who is a pussy
>Shikamaru 2.0
>some random whore
>some fat dude
>some nigger
>another random whore
>best sensei Eraserhead
>best girl Tsuyu
>literally who cares about the rest
>a cute loli who needs emotional healing
Let Eraserhead, Ochako and Tsuyu live and I'll willingly sacrifice the rest to save the loli.

>They both have fucking horns

>Tsuyu think Kirishima is cool
This tighten the hatches niggas, we riding this christmas ship.

Yeah, Nighteye got kind of lazy with that part of his investigation.
He could have tried to uncover proof of Overhaul kidnapping or buying Eri but instead just went "he said she is his daughter so let's take his word for it".

This arc took it up to 11. I thought it was just blood extraction, but they are using a fucking kids BODY PARTS TO CREATE ANTI QUIRK GUNS

>Have to choose between Fatgum or Ryukyu
I'm gonna have to go with Fatgum he would make for a good beanbag. Also I get to sexaully bully Amajiki as well as admire Kirishima's hardness.

>everyone voted fatgum too

Nigga's just so relaxed.

Deku likes horny children confirmed

>calling based Mirio who made his super weak quirk strong a pussy

>Deku could have saved Eri
Stop being so delusional user.

nighteye has been a fucking mong for this entire arc, he had the opportunity to tell mirio and deku about OH's quirk but didn't, he had the opportunity to see what deku and mirio were going to be doing during their scouting, didn't
he didn't even give them a proper briefing before they went out.

I kinda want to touch Kirishima while he's hard because I want to know what it feels like

He also gives free candy,FREE!

The worst part nighteye fucking admits this shit during the chapter

The problem with Nighteye is that Hori gave him such an OP quirk that the mere fact that he doesn't spend every single moment using it makes him instantly retarded.

"Kirishima is a fag"-supporting 'straight' guys (aka redditors) on suicide watch.

Imagine a froggy who can cut off your head by hardening her tongue. Blade-whip-tongue! All through the unstoppable power of straightness.

I really hope this is true and doesn't it's not a mistranslation on niggastreams part.

How would Sup Forums describe kirishima without using the words "best", "hard", "boy" and "bakugou's bitch ?

him being edgy doesn't make him a madman

A bag full of rocks.

OH's quirk disassembles, no super speed or anything, only overhaul was there.
deku had Eri in his arms and she told him not to leave her, he knew something was up.
if not for mirio he could have just used full cowl to run at the speed of smash right out of there and overhaul wouldn't have been able to do shit about it.

The token gay

A lovable bastard.

>yfw he intentionally tries to fuck this up cause that's how All Might dies
>yfw all goes to hell and All Might almost dies cause of him
>yfw the one who saves him is Deku while having his "I'm here" moment


i did not see FMA what's going on here ?

Straight man.

wait is he gay?

>I want to touch Kirishima while he's hard
that's gay

The purest,prime candidate for OfA imo.

post yfw deku says "don't worry, I AM HERE" to Eri

greatest man, stronk, katsuki's love

Best dad realized that the only thing better than having a daughteru and a pet is having both together.

How would you feel if this arc went full edge mode?

nah, we don't know. It just really speculated by a lot of people. He even has the nickname "Hard Gay"

Nope - only fujos and Redditors push that.

He got an erection from Momo and got horny when Mineta said they should spy on the girls in the onsen.

Daijobu, watashi wa KITA!