Kraut was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora athiest) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.
Kraut's sekrit Discord is leaked revealing a massive dox & pilpul operation of Skeptic Stasi working with /leftypol/ & the NYT, to infiltrate, gaslight, dox & erase every Alt-Right/Race Realist on the net (& fake their nudes) called Operation Mincemeat & Red Mackerel. Kraut's world comes TUMBLING DOWN & he delets everything.
With the Skeptic gatekeepers now kill Race Realism begins the takeover Pop-Science.
What if I migrated as part of a group. A collective of individual that are interested in this thread and topic. Am I still an individualist? Academics, please respond.
will he take revenge for gamergate on the stepfather ?
Charles Perry
honestly, you can't trust a word that comes out of sargon's mouth. his whole bullshit rant about hating the attention and doing this because he has to do it was infuriating. he's definitely not doing it for the attention and the shekels. why? because he said he hates that! he'd rather be making shitty vidya but he's more than a content creator, and that's not his ego talking. he doesn't have an ego! what a lying cunt.