At every level we need to encourage California to try and secede from the Union and form it's own state.

Of course California's functionally illiterate population would never think through such a proposition since the Federal Government would rather turn the entire state into glass than give up it's Western seaboard.

Martial law would be enacted and every pinko in government would get a helicopter ride.

Their government and citizens would become a pariah and most would be forced to return to Mexico or face summary execution.

What do you think Sup Forums?


fuck that you treasonous bastard.

I was born and raised in california, and I would gladly fight and die for my homeland to remain part of this great nation before I ever give up and let the shitskins have it.

Instead of just letting it all go to hell, fight to make it right.

Let than all die of HIV/AIDS.

I also was born and raised there. Left for the Inland Northwest. Went back to visit last year and holy fuck I don't even recognize the state anymore. It's literally Mexico, and not the cool parts like La Paz

I vote in every election, I spread the word to everyone I know that we need to cure the sickness the our state has.

Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Jerry Brown are what are wrong with our state. do everything you can to get them out.

the influx of shitskins and high taxes are symptom of the real problem.

So you're just gonna mumble away about your experiences like a beta while he called you a traitor? Call him a faggot at least.
Is this how Americans stand up for themselves and their opinions? Don't be a weakling.

sadly, this is the state of a lot of our youth today. They would rather just flee their problems than do something about it.

the very people that have a ability to make a difference are the ones that abandon their homeland. we all lose when this happens.

Start your own thread faggot.

have fun losing a bunch of your water access when you secede faggots

Seriously, you need to get the fuck out of California. We've already lost that state.

you are the problem. you are part of the reason that my state is going to hell. fuck you.

Well what else are we supposed to do. This state has a lot of economic opportunities but that's about it. Many people and the culture are usually complete trash in the urban areas and real estate is very expensive(500,000+ for an ok home).

Marxism has it's roots deep in the state. Back in the 80s and 90s while the business class and producers were snorting coke, making deals and bringing in jobs. The Marxists (looters) made huge headway into the education system and local governments (including Apple).

Basically CA has a real problem w/o an immediate solution. We're kinda fucked boys.

we have reached peak (((nose)))

How about you stay the fuck out of California and enjoy any of the other 49 states. It seems to me that anyone who wants to "retake" California either is envious or afraid of this state. California does its own thing, not our fault the world looks to California for guidance.

Nevermind, retarded OP has no reading comprehension either lol

As long as the Mexicans are voting for marxist ideologies, they are definitely the problem. All the proselytizing in the world won't dissuade them from their gibs.

>Well what else are we supposed to do.

educate the ignorant. when you see cultural behavior that is hurting our society, point it out. ridicule it. teach others why we should not tolerate it. when you see homes being built for unreasonable prices, protest against the greedy fucking jewish developers.

I'm moving to Cali this summer. I'll start writing some pamphlets to rile up the plebs

again, in the case of california, it's useless. As long as the population is mostly Mexican, they will never listen to reason and will always vote for more gibs. There's nothing to be done about it at this point.

Hmm, interdasting, but I'd just go with the simple Massive Nuclear strike option, then take things from there. Simpler, less variables.

Will the incoming generation of Half-Mexican half-White Americans be considered white? I see them popping up all over Southern California, especially the former white areas of Orange County