
Why is this allowed?

Dunno, ask /qa/

Because it makes fags like you salty

As long as there are containment threads for what is mostly Sup Forums users it's fine.

That board has been frozen for weeks nigger.

That's right indeed.

Same reason we will have general threads now, but at least the user above your post is right here.
Get used to it m8, welcome to /ag/

There was a mod that was going to clean up the generals but he got fired.

Try entering the thread. it's full on cancer

>Same reason we will have general threads now,
Because of Sup Forums cancer?
>Get used to it m8, welcome to /ag/
Fuck off

Nice meme

What happens when we have 7 of these at the same time? Will it still be ok then?

Goodnight sweet prince
I'm sorry m8, what else can we do?
We don't have that mod powers to delete these cancerous threads plus there is some bias from certain mods here as well so.

Can't be helped ;_;

>Same reason we will have general threads now
Why do you imply /qa/ has any power over Sup Forums and its moderation?

>As long as there are containment threads for what is mostly Sup Forums users it's fine.
That sure worked out well for /jp/
When the board is 90% cancer containment thread

You got like 30 generals already, they just don't have the templates and number yet.

SnK threads are mostly full of tumblrfags shipping in every posts


Woah... so this is power.. of self-moderation..

just forget the hardcore days
Sup Forums needs traffic and money, everyone is welcome

>Get used to it m8
How about you fuck off

Because it's the last thing I can think of fixing this shit.

Read my post above you, I can't think of any other things other than doing a fuckton of reports en masse.
What is this?

Generals of shows that are not airing anymore should get banned, like kememe friends.

W-What's that?

Twitch cancer.

Because every day there's a loli picture sharing thread and you fags say zero about it.

Stop cherry-picking and maybe the rest of Sup Forums will take your cries more seriously.

Oh, please do tell us what you are going to do to change things.

Get the fuck out

Loli threads are not full of tumblwhales.

Where should we go after Sup Forums is dead? Soon even recommendation threads gonna be allowed.

So they all keep their shit in one containment thread that you can easily filter.

There's no way that's rea-
>Scrolls up and it's right above this thread.

Oh look yet another meta thread
I am sure this one will be good unlike the last 5837592 threads

>in one containment thread

That's not gonna fix the cancer that breeds in those threads.

Giving them a safespace would make it worse

God, even e-celeb thread stayed up for hours last week.

There's not much choice than to make one here.

Remove the subject field.

I miss sadpanda threads.

What is that shadow that appears behind the locker?

Right. youtubers threads were popping up recently too.

Just a reminder that seasonal anime can't be generals by definition.

meant to quote

Give them an inch of safe space, they'll soon ask for more.

They even make multiple threads once it hits 500 so they could make their own meme OP

Sup Forums's true potential, forever hidden

>by my definition

This wouldn't have happened if DJT was still here
You have only yourselves to blame

/jp/ is a containment board. There's a difference between containment threads and containment boards.

I agree about that, but the thread posted by OP has the exact same formating as any general, it's retarded. Look into the thread, they aren't even discussing about the chapter posted or whatever, just meta-general shit.

>/jp/ is a containment board.
That wasn't always the case.

What a shit logic you got there. Off yourself.

Back in summer of 2014 a mod came to the Love Live thread to tell us he will kill all generals by the end of the year.

Where is that guy now?

The alternative is a dozen threads or containment boards.

>tfw didn't even realize DJT was gone

I knew something was missing

Nigga anything can be a general if you chain them and force one to always be up.

Six feet under.

Threads that are constructed like generals (OP picture, start with "x-edition" etc) should be reported.

When i've got over 30+ threads hidden at all times because they're generals you know there's a fucking problem.

Love live threads die by themselves now, so what?

Why should anybody care.

It is now.

SNK threads are the Naruto threads of this era

Fired because he tried to fight Sup Forums and got rekt.

Slippery slope fallacy.

I dunno, I think posters who actually cared about the quality of the board would make the board less cancerous. Maybe that's just me though.

Reddit cross-posters aren't used to seeing different content every day so they wanted all the threads to be the same.

Get rid of generalfags, fujos, yurifags and lolifags (you know the ones). Ban anyone who uses word "normie" or complains about incest or age gap romance. While we're at it, ban ESLfags who talk about machine translated LNs and random gookshit. This also goes without saying, but rangeban all of Canada. There you go, I fixed Sup Forums.

When you ignore cancer for too long, it spreads and then it's terminal.

Sup Forums truly is the death of Sup Forums

People in the AoT thread are mostly crossboarders, and to them threads like that (x edition, a dozen links, etc) are the norm.

We have examples on this very website.

SnK threads are pure cancer. I mean literally tumblr level of cancer. I don't know who let them in.

who /digibro army/ here?


Grrr! How dare they try to discuss things about an airing series! That's against the rules!

Ddin't we all agreed past year with the whole Flip Flappers generals that seasonal anime simply isn't a general no matter what?

Which is why you report them and tell them to lurk more so they don't bring their shit crossboarding habits to Sup Forums. Sup Forums should not perform the same as fucking present day Sup Forums.

Yeah because that mod told Idolfags to either fuck off to the shithole called /vg/ or to stop talking about the show.

YoI threads are just as bad but it looks like they're starting to fuck off lately because barely new info

but why are only specific series being targeted though and not others/?,
its seems more like a front for people who hate a certain show

How can anyone believe that's a fallacy after spending years here?

>Ban everything fun
Only in Sup Forums

> jojo, fate, loli, nge, re zero, trigger, kyoani, hxh, keitai, yugioh, opt, bleach, one piece, naruto, berserk, overlord, hero, lwa, kemono, fish, faggots, oreimo, recommendation thread, gup, dbs, neps
which generals did i miss?

>Ddin't we all agreed
If you have to start a sentence like this then you know the answer's no.

Why are they not banned? There are two tripfags and one spammer in snk threads calling for open shitposting and they are never touched.

You should go back to /r/anime.

The one where we rage about generals

Compare those to the OP PIC

Seasonal implies that those threads are only up while the show is airing, which isn't the case for AoT.


Why are you even commenting when you clearly haven't been here for long?

SnK thteads should be banned. They aren't even discussing the manga or the anime. It's just full on shippers posting.

digibro general


It doesn't matter if you link to the previous thread or maintain a standard OP or whatever; a general is a general, and Sup Forums is filled with them.

/ag/ would make perfect sense as a place for structured discussion on current shows.

Kinomod can't do anything alone. If you take a look any pretty much any other board, you'll notice that most are filled with "X general: Y edition". Most of the mods on Sup Forums don't care that the entire site is turning into /vg/.

Modcat had already resigned by them. He had only been back for a few weeks when he got himself kicked off a second time for quarreling with Sup Forums.

What exactly is your problem here

They are only missing the template. Inside is the same shit.

>That wasn't always the case.
But that's wrong kiddo.

Nothing I listed there is fun.

>airing anime can't be generals
>everything with a subject is a general no matter how often it's made
Frankly you faggots can't even agree on what's a general and what isn't.

Horrible comparison.