The idol is dying

The idol is dying
She bends back like a wave
As her spirit is climbing
Through the hospital wall and away
And I wanted to hold you
As you made your escape
But now I should have told you
When your eyes were /ai/ - Idle Activities

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>it's a Lily episode but not really
>time to be shoved into the background again for the foreseeable future
Cat, you are my only hope on Yotsuboshi's side now. Do not fail me.


>everyone go have fun in the boat next episode
>Koharu don't show up for reason

What? Cat goes to the boat with the other 3 but she focuses on trying to sabotage Kirara. Did you even watch the preview? We've known the synopsis for weeks.

>We've known the synopsis for weeks.
Not everyone goes out of their way to spoil episodes for themselves a month in advance.

Cat will get sidelined until the third cour when they're actually able to debut her new Brand.

>A cat who's gotten pushed aside in all the advertising and doesn't even have a brand

So, why did they change the school anyway? I didn't really get what was going on with this.

She doesn't need whole episodes as long as she's good in episodes not focused on her. Also, fuck it, use some of the time until she can get a brand and do something relevant to further develop KanaAko.

They upgrade it so Fairilus can live there. we hogwarts now.

The cat has never been in merch or advertisement. It has always been YumeRollaMahiruHimeYozora and now it's YumeRollaMahiruErzaKirara.

Little girls don't like Ako.

And they like Lily, your point?

Was there a reason given as to why they're now living at the school though? I just want to get this down now so I don't end up halfway through the season still confused

Little girls hate Otome and Kii their opinion is shi-shi-shit

I don't have a point.

Not really. they just make them live in the school for reasons

>he didn't watch Snack World after Pokemon

Nothing wrong with that I guess. Seems fun at least. Thanks!

>Watching Level-5 westaboo CG shit

I wish they still did the Aikatsu Ranking on the arcade to truly know who the little girls love. We can only know who are the most popular with big friends from 2chan and fanart and that's Ako and Roller. Mahiru is the least popular main quartet girl with big friends.

I wonder how little girls will receive Erza. They love OP characters like Mizuki but Erza is also mean.


I want to fuck Lala.



I love Mahiru and seeing how little love she gets makes me sad.

It has that ugly art style of western CG movies, although the CG itself is also a lot lower quality.

Ichigo has demon eyes.

I don't know about actual nip little girls but the little girls in youtube comments despise her.

It doesn't look anything like western CG movies though, those aim for realism. It's way more stylized in both the designs and the animation.

Its your own fault for having shit taste.

Well, she is rather superhuman. Maybe she really is a demon.
iRis - Make It!

She steals men's souls and makes them her slaves.

>She steals men's semen and makes them her slaves.


This ship I don't get.


It's kind of cute.

Females too.


Holy shit, is this going full gay?

Who's ready for "Top 10 battles in anime" next week?

Mizuki is the cutest of all idles.


>That Louis and Shin scene

I want to die


Get out.

But where will I go?

Miyu's miyus



Miyu posting already? That was fast.

Get it over with already, faggot.

I want to marry Miyu-tan.

One day soon, /ai/ will be 100% Miyuposting.

Miyu isn't even that attractive.

My dick doesn't need that.

I'd probably almost have that CD if it weren't for fucking Avex.

OGkatsu cutest.

Going with Love Rice instead of RiceMas or RiceKatsu

Untied hair Lala a cute!



That's more like lonely 17 year olds.

Pretty sure they stop commenting on Youtube before they turn 14.

Their brain does stay forever 14.

But mine has stayed forever 12.

How do pickled plums make Sophie's dishevelled hair so perfectly cut and shiny?

I want to fuck Seira.

They stimulate calcium production.

Should I make a Wikia account and talk to Pshu in Japanese?



I don't know.

Can you repeat the question?

This doesn't give me a clear answer at all.
I don't think you're actually trying to help.

Ask for nudes.

Sorry bruh.


>anime for little girls


>not talking to Pshu on Discord

What the hell?

Get out of here, degenerate. And stay away from children.

Don't do it.

There is a Discord?

>You wake up and this is the first thing you see in the morning
What do?

Tell her to fuck off from my bed.

What was your favorite pripara episode?

Mine was the one where the celebrities kidnap dorothy when they meant to kidnap leona and he breaks in to their hideout to free dorothy

The one where garuru rips her tomoticket for the first time for sure.

Beat her haitei raoyue lovingly.

Any Ran-tan episode
Or Shion-poyo


Mahiru is worse than Mahiru + Karate chop combined.