US Military Veterans are Cowards

Why the fuck are veterans from the USA such fucking pussies. Why do they sign up for a job that includes welfare and perks and then cry entitlement and PTSD when they return?
>Because they fought for our country.
False, they largely fought against American interests and this doesn't explain why this sense of entitlement and extreme cowardice does not apply to veterans of other countries with the UK reporting that only 5% of their veterans experience PTSD compared to burger's with a whopping 30%.
Veterans are useless people whose only skills are bitching at cashiers for "much veteran's discount", collecting welfare, and just being pussies in general.

Other urls found in this thread:–United_States_military_relations


0/10 can you even make your own pasta?

>useless people
They’ve done a lot more than you have you eurocunt piece of shit.

Yeah they fought in foreign countries for Israel and came home and collected taxpayer money.

stop falling for terrible bait and sage you moron.

Not bait. US Military Veterans are worthless people.


When I visited the U.S, a woman in the airport asked me to donate money to american troops overseas.
I mean, why would a foreign person give money to a bunch of call of duty dickheads kill middle eastern kids for guys like Obama and big corps become even more rich and powerful?
How can anyone support this shit?
Not only you guys support those jerks while they invade other countries, you support them when they come back to the US. It's so stupid.

Not only do these pieces of shit suck up taxpayer money, burgers are so stupid they set up private campaigns to give them more money.
Pic related, 99% of US vets when they return.


Terrible slide thread you have here friendo.

350 ARRESTS IN PEDO RING (12-23-2017)

>QUOTE: What is abundantly clear at this point, is that “Pedogate” is a one-hundred percent reality, not just in America, but spanning the entire globe.


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my uncle was in vietnam and was a tunnel rat. He did pretty well for himself when he got back but gets ptsd over really enclosed spaces

So this is a slide thread despite the fact that I (the OP) have participated in it and made many replies which is not typical of a slide thread?
Ok burger.

PTSD in the US is a meme

how many Israelis have PTSD? none
how many Turks have PTSD? none
how many Finns have PTSD? none
how many Iranians have PTSD? none

No one in the US ever has or ever will fight for Israel

Americans truly believe they live in a free society. Unfortunately, they are slaves of the FED and Washington, brain washed since they are little children to idolize the state and its criminals, called FOUNDING FATHERS (that term makes me laugh hard) in their PUBLIC schools. God.–United_States_military_relations

perhaps its time for americans to abbandon whole conscript system and rather use smaller, more compact profesional career only soldiers?

when carpenter goes to war to do some abstract citizen service or whatever and then wants to go back to carpenting, why bother at all?

few months of training, then few years of warzone, alright, thanks, go on with your life

rather put people there whose trade is war, who want to be soldiers, not heroes, not guardians, not protectors of free world but a fucking soldiers, as a job that needs to be done

age of every citizen is potential soldier going from his farm to fight a war for king and country and then coming back are gone, theyll never be back, only type of soldier who can repeatedly endure modern combat and function in civilian life is educated profesional, when not deployed then constantly under training and excercises, thats the only way

I wish I was free... Like a Brazilian.


They are good goys!

This is now a death to America thread!

Humans aren't ants and termites.

In WW2 a solider on average spent like 20 minutes in a firefight for the whole war.

In Nam it was like intense all the time, you'd be in the jungle might get ambushed at any moment step on something etc etc.

In Afghanistan and Iraq there was IEDs, people didn't wear a uniform. Would shoot at you drop the rifle and walk out of the house and you couldn't shoot them. Mortor attacks and shit like that.

How many soldiers went over there compared to the UK and what did the UK soliders do compares to the US.

I have tried with the veterans. Every veteran has fucked up my life and fucked up my mind one string at a time. There's a reason they commit so much suicide. It's like, "THEY KNOW" what they are.

My advice to those serving: Please fucking die. Don't come back to the United States, you are unwelcome.

>What is a percentage?

We don't conscript anymore, it's an all volunteer force.

Agreed. You have to want it early in life, you have to want it all the time, you want to fight constantly, not "the end of war" and "fit back in society". Soldier is a career choice, YOU LIVE IT AT HOME, it's all your brain has ever been programmed to do, not a money making scheme, go back to carpentry Mario, you pieces of shit.

dont cut yourself on that
e d g e

I just know 15 or so veterans from different times. They walk.ALL.OVER.CITIZENS.IN.SOCIETY.ALL.THE.FUCKING.TIME. It's like "GUY. DON'T YOU KNOW 1776 HAPPENED BECAUSE OF THIS?"

>>Larp flag
>>Disregarded and saged

what do you mean? there is reason why warriors was a separate caste of people for thousands of years in so many cultures

yeah, thats exactly why so many of them are traumatized, too little of training, too much of dreams and glorified ideals along with whole uncle sam needs you propaganda, that equals human being shattered

soldiers need to be soldiers, not just part timers that want to return to be whatever else after doing ,,their part" , thats recipe for disaster

Either way, good post OP. 1776 will happen eventually if the rate keeps going. The government knows it has a lot to fix, hence the "PTSD" and calling them "traumatized". They need to put into a nut house first before they come back to society. I'm talking, if they spent 6 months in Afghanistan, they spend 6 months when they get back hospitalized.

You've never been in a gunfight have you. You rely on your luck and training because the bullet will kill you before you even hear a report. Try walking around a war zone its could be walking one minute then head blown off followed by the sound of the rifle.

Said the pussy who has never been shot at or had a bomb land next to him or had someone they know get killed in combat. Neck yourself faggot.

>spend 8 years in service
>spend another 8 years in mental asylum

PTSD is what happens when you see your friends die and then get told it was all for nothing and that you were lied to.


>being this dense
Gas Americans

PTSD for me is missing the constant stress. Cant work without it now.

Actually it's an American. Idiot fagot to turn his meme flag back on in another thread.

perhaps less propaganda brainwashed citizens doing their part and more realists in army? i mean if someone dumb enough to think they are fighting for freedom in middle east that should disqualify them from the start due to insuficient mental capabilities?

self entitled arrogant assholes expexting to be greeted as heroes while at the same time acting like the criminals they are. Most of the PTSD comes from the shock that Americans get when they see that their bullshit is hitting them right back at their faces and they are facing actual opposition.

Which thread?

Very much.

Who do they think they are fooling? One Nation, Under God? Nope. Europeans faced wartime for thousands of years, and in their own yards. They had no choice to pick up the pieces and move on. Now, they have Jamal the tranny girl from Africa where the only fighting they do is over fucking bananas.
>ties on penal gord
>throws stick
>jumps around
Geee, funny PTSD did not start occuring after "diversity".

Sorry, just pissed.

>perhaps its time for americans to abbandon whole conscript system

the US doesn't use conscripts. it's 100% volunteer. has been for decades.

NEWSFLASH. Friends die all the time! OH LOOK AT YOU. You have a friend? They must be immune to all things human!

So then why is the PTSD rate higher than any other country. You can do your cool little speech about firefights and the toughness of being a soldier but all in all there are soldiers from other nations that went what you went through but don't act like such whiny, entitled pussies when they return home

LET'S NOT FORGET THE WOMEN IN WARTIME. Holy fuck, at least these "men" with "PTSD" aren't civilian woman in say Germany 1945. As far as I know, these guys aren't taking Russian cocks and spewing out half-inbreds.

I actually agree. A lot of them just don't have the right state of mind and are easily broken when dealing with real shit.

Side story from me: Even in basic people tried killing themselves. Had one kid try to hang himself in the shower with his boot strings.

I had no problems until my friend was shot and killed. Miss the guy, it could have easily been me. I have nightmares about it some times. I live my life as normal as any other man. I work, I have a wife, a little family, a house, dog all that. I BBQ with the neighborhood every so often. Thats all I have to say about that.


When you sign up for the military there should be no difference between how you behave and the standards of the military you are signing up for. That being said, you should also fit right in. No special snowflakes. No whining. When you leave the military, you should fit right back in with society and not cost the taxpayers more money. These people at home work their asses off and pay for you to have nice toys in the military, you have the best toys than any other military in the entire history of mankind has EVER SEEN OR WITNESSED. That's called PRIVILEGE.

reminder to do WHAT with these threads

They are fucking babies in training and still get though. I knew some of them they could handle the idea of getting hurt.

im curious, does anybody have ratio like how many people from all people who volunteer are discarded due to psychological evaluation and how many pass? like percentage?

because they are fighting for their "freedom" lol

Oof. Lack of respect jeez. That's expected though, and it's unfortunate.

Their is no psychological evaluation. They break you down in boot camp to Handle it.

So what you're saying is that almost all Americans are pathetic cry-babies?

An essential video that everyone here should see.

and therein lies the problem gentlemen, most armies in eu have psycho evaluation wich weeds out 70 - 80% of potential recruits before training even starts, at least in V4 im quite positive,

police also has to go through similar tests but tailored for them

They don't get shot at in training. Training for me was crawling under a hail of bullets. Stay with your squad. And don't fall behind. People died in training.

No one dies in training. People die in battle. They expect it to be like training but then their friends die.


Hahaha more like cocaine addicts killing each other's gay bunkmates

You seem to have struck a nerve on this board.

Oy vey

Anti-US military threads are shill threads.
Don’t reply.
>the more newfags know


Forgot the EU flag?


The modern west requires men to fight at the same time that war as such is criticized. It demands heroes while proclaiming pacifism as the highest ideal. It demands warriors while it has made 'warrior' a synonym for attacker and criminal, since it has reduced the moral basis of 'the just war' to that of a large-scale police operation, and it has reduced the meaning of the spirit of combat to that of having to defend oneself as a last resort.

Oh hey faggot how's Europe doin

>muh oil war heroes


Oh look it's a meme flag fag

>0 Israelis have PTSD
That's because the kikes enjoy killing Palestinians. It's like a fucking national pastime for them.

Fucking cuck

>In WW2 a solider on average spent like 20 minutes in a firefight for the whole war
stupid statistic. or maybe on western front, it would be possible.
have some heart cunt. most of those guys had no clue what they were getting into, got redpilled during deployment, got even more redpilled when they got home and then just said fuck it.

WTF I love kikes now

>they largely fought against American interests

That's not their fault. They did the job asked for them. They didn't know there is a difference between "US Interests" and "American Interests".

PTSD is overdiagnosed, I agree. Some are merely hypervigilant (which I think is a benefit, but not everyone is cut out for that 24/7).

I don't fault warriors for doing their job. I fault myself for not stopping them from being abused by politicians.

>Middle ages
Death was normal and no one was thinking about suicide then.
Soldiers kill/see being killed a few people and they get mental illnesses and commit suicides.
Why are people so weak now?

Probably because they go to war, see their mates die, get cheated on by their gfs, return home and military give no fucks about them. So they decide to get as much as possible out of a bad situation.

Or they have legit issues.

I wouldn't expect subhuman to understand the human mind.

america died when it started valuing one citizen over another, when it started valuing the "brotherhood" of a bunch of people forced to work together because they had literally been brainwashed and abused until they accept that they are brothers over a the brotherhood of actual citizens.

this recognition of the false brotherhood has decayed what is required for a democracy to run, an ACTUAL connection and understand between people as being equals.

As long as their is an elitist class that thinks of itself as "better" or "stronger" or expects some sort of special treatment there can never be democracy in america.
This is why you have tyranny.

maybe they're traumatized after they figure out they were tricked and realize what they did.
so the think the country owes them

This, honestly. I've picked up programming as a hobby but I have so much free time that I'm always bored. I can't sleep for more than 6 hours a night anymore. I don't know what to do so I shitpost on Sup Forums a lot.

The un literally is Israel, shill

>something something some faggot on the internet

I guarantee you PTSD rates will drop significantly due to the conservative administration.
I have a theory that they were only high because of the ultra Marxist PC direction our country was heading in, making it acceptable to be anti military.

Soldiers would come home after watching their friends die and losing limbs just to be hated in society by the ultra liberal majority.

I bet anything the rates will get lower every year as we move towards the ethnostate.

Screen cap this because it's fucking right

The patronizing sympath (this is what raving libtards truly are. It's not empathy, it's a patronizing sympathy) views anyone who engages tangentially in violence as subhuman. It's a conditioned mentality that precludes them from even comprehending warriors. The only service they know is one that brings dopamine from social affirmation, attention.

There will always exist in-groups and out-groups in society at large, just as they do in its microcosms. Overt or not. It's naive to think nature will cease being because you pretend it isn't nature.

>100% disability for PTSD from RPA piloting

Having to screen what you say when you're already hypervigilant is fucking taxing. I could see that breaking people over time.

shut up you stupid fucking nihilist.
ohh boo hoo it will always be this, this will always be that.
your inbred conception that "nature" controls man is why you have failed in life and kept going rather than attempted to fix your wrongs, you believe it was fate.
there is no fate, just idiots like you that doubt their choices and believe nothing was their fault.

kill yourself with a rifle shitbag.

Bullshit, they fight for israeli and corporate burgerland interests. Do a little research.

>hol up so you bes sayin we wuz fightin for freedu-
>*kills self*


Whole thread and no mention of the over prescription of pshycotropics.

why do you think the US has the largest military?

>US military has been protecting Europe for past century
>calls US military veterans cowards

WEW. Looks like some Private or Airman fucked your frau, eh Hans?

um that's over. btw the us wasn't doing it outta the goodness of their hearts

I was in a airport in the states recently and some cunt wandered over to some fucking kid in uniform to say thank you for your service (little cunt probably worked in a library or something), and he had to walk past like ten cops, who actually do take risks and protect their community, said nothing to them.

Good luck calling a soldier when your mum's getting raped.

Fucking lel