Has anyone seen this yet?

has anyone seen this yet?
tell me about it!

and watashi only appears in one frame
fucking waste of time


BD when

6 months, probably.


I just don't like shitty love stories

go back to r᠎eddit

>didn't have any of the lives the MC has

I feel I wasted my college life
anyway which episode did you enjoy the most?

wrong animation, you faggot

You're thinking of something else. This is a different show.

I think you should learn what the signs of reddit are before you go accusing people of some ghetto site-goings but I will refrain from typing a string of capital Fs while I'm on Sup Forums from now on.

Have you seen it yet? It doesn't seem to be subbed and uploaded anywhere I've looked.

tatami is a masterpiece, the volume of writing on it and the other works of the director any go to prove that.

I can only hope this will be as brilliant, I've only heard good things about the LN. if you go into this expecting tatami, you might get disappointed tho

What is this? someone spoonfeed me pls

Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome

thank you my man

It's normalfag garbage stay away from it at all costs

Use fucking reverse image search. Took less than a minute to find the name.

You're part of the reason why Sup Forums's standards fall lower every day.

kill yourself

OP image returned nothing but moonspeak

'muh keeping secret knowledge to make me feel superior'

fuck off newfag, not being an asshole fuckfest was what set Sup Forums apart in the beginning

your probably not even on jpopsuki casual

why is he so hot

>'muh keeping secret knowledge to make me feel superior'
>implying encouraging people who are interested in anime to have basic problem solving skills or at least attempt to solve the problem before asking for things to be spoonfed to them is bad
>calling someone a newfag

You can be mad as much as you want, but seeing the threads on shows/manga that I love being filled with people asking what happens in the plot as translations are posted live in the thread and are uploaded to the fucking archive because they don't want to even bother reading the content in front of their faces is the end result of a board culture that used to not tolerate a lack of effort in trying to learn about something.

>expecting a average human bean who doesn't sit of his ass patting his own belly to be capable of recognising a unreleased, untranslated, no BD and hardly covered movie from two photos which bring back moonrunes

unless you know tatami well or know about it already, your not working it out user. got complain about something else destroying Sup Forums

>2nd result
>change two letters

from which anime is this girl

calm your tits dude

please refrain from using this board in the future if you are not able to work something like this out. Thank you.