This is your best friend now. What do you do?

This is your best friend now. What do you do?


Gender-bending is the creepiest fucking shit ever.

Wake up

Don't you become a girl too if you fuck her too much


I could fap to futa for days, but I just can't get behind this gender-bending shit.

Give her another baby.

I don't remember this ever being mentioned, but if it was I'd get all over that for exactly that reason.

Ask if she wants to play video games.

>best friend
Fuck that, I wish that was me.

Marry him.

That happens to his friend Ryou

Is she a slut or can we have a monogamous relationship?

This is important.

patiently listen to her complaining about her boyfriends

Hilarious roundabout that plot goes.

Dude gets turned into a chick, fucked by a dude and impregnated, then the dude that fathered the child also becomes a woman.

That kid has a fucked up family tree.

Yeah, I remember seeing that at the very end of one of the books (I think. Been a while since I read it). I don't remember the cause being stated to be that though.

Completely possible I'm just retarded on account of not having fapped to this specific series in a long while though.

fuck and dump for the first two episodes
shits wack after that my dude, old men smegma and preggo is gross

Seethe with jealously.

Doesn't she(he?) get married to a futa at the end? I vaguely remember that but I'm not sure if it's this one.

Not even a boy gender bent into a futa?

Why so many of you want to be the girl so badly?
I would rather have the entire galaxy burn than giving up my penis, as small as it is.

the fetish, from my understand, derives itself from a curiosity about how it feels for a girl, and the common thought that girls get more enjoyment from sex

It started off great with him being molested by his friends and went downhill.

Those shorts look like a big censor bar.

Yeah that's just weird. Especially considering she was a dude before. At least women are kinda sluts so it's more plausible they'd be so disgusting and depraved, but former men should know better.

Get him a therapist in order to recover his self-stem and identity issues. And a lawyer, in order to sue that shitty doctor who made all of this shit on the first place. I mean how does that "magic" cure wasn't public afterwards? if they know how will his new body would react, why wasn't he get interned until he adapts on his new body? Hentai logic and sick sissies fantasies, I suppose.

those nukes made the japs a strange bunch. no other culture really takes it in stride like they do

>What do you do?
Best friend things

Such as?

Because we want to be CUTE

In other words, we want to stay at home and do nothing except letting a guy fuck us from time to time. Sweet, sweet life of sex, vidya, and anime.

You know, things and stuff

that can be arranged

Girls are cute, and beautiful, and wear cute things, therefore I want to be a cute girl to do all of those things.


Honestly, I'm fine with all the drugs, black people, and urine and all that shit

BUT WHY PREGGO? There's nothing sexy about it. In fact I'd argue that it's done deliberately to be as unsexy as possible because Shindo takes his STORY too fucking seriously.


Lots of people like preggo. It wouldn't be a tag on so many sites if people didn't like it.

There were black people?

It's the third best fetish behind skinsuits, and time-stop at number 1.

I don't remember if it's an append or something but they are in the disco.

I think Shindol was going through a list of fetishes seeing how many he could put into TSF, if this had a bit more of fantasy he would have put vore too.

I guess I was hinking about OP and Henshin together



>preggo, the whole point of sex
nigga you gay

>because Shindo takes his STORY too fucking seriously
You ever get the feeling Shindol wants people to be disgusted? Like he's trying to disgust people and the fact that people just keep fapping pisses him off?

>>not pranking your bros
Boring faggot.

In the latter parts of his longer stories, yes.

It does seem like he wants to be extra real and edgy, which is fine I guess, it's his vision. But it's not fun for fapping.

The start is always the best. Like at the beginning of TSF when she was went from kissing her friends to getting banged in the bathroom.

Are you kidding me PREGGO is the reason why I watched it I love that shit. I'm so gone I can on fapp to gender bender preg. Help me God.

>liking preggo

You mean my best friend turning into that? I would just call him a faggot and everything would be the same. No way im fucking him.

But if you mean that this girl suddenly appears and says she wants to be my best friend, then fug.

So, what did you think about the animation?

>I would just call him a faggot and everything would be the same. No way im fucking him.
Oh user.

Take your shit and leave.

It did the best it could with the nonexistent budget, so, whatever I Guess.

Honestly it was fine for a hentai. It gets the job done.

So you guys hate it when they get pregnant at the end or that they're already pregnant and fucking?

>pregnant and fucking
I fucking loathe it. It's just not right.

Pregnant and fucking.

If he's fucking a chick, I guess that might be okay.

But if he's fucking a dude or another gender bent futa, yeah i dunno, I'm out.

It's better if there pregnant and fucking. More belly shots=good

the latter. only the depraved fucks get off on that shit.

I'd rather just not see pregnancy at all.

But if I have to, I rather see it in a somewhat dignified and sexy way, like an actually curvy and sexual woman getting fucked while she's pregnant, as opposed to a vulnerable and damaged pregnant teen with barely any meat on her getting fucked in a car for 20 dollars.

Who you calling depravred user.

>I would just call him a faggot and everything would be the same. No way im fucking him.

>I would just call him a faggot and everything would be the same. No way im fucking him.

Fucking gay if she a grill she a grill pussy is pussy.


>being friend with a girl
Gay as fuck.
She is not my friend anymore.

try to have sex with her or at least that she let you watch her while she is doing it with other guys.

Suck her dick

holy shit I have a friend now? Cool




I'll fuck it. If there's a penis, it's an added bonus.

Amen. I'll tolerate it if the art is amazing, but if that's the case I'll just ignore the story.

Futa stays filtered though. Shit's gay

benis in vagina until she gets pregnant
then keep going

Roll through the bars and pick up guys for threesomes. She'd seriously step up my game.

>What do you do?
I unfriend him.

>see OP in catalog
>oh damn that girl is hot
>open thread and read it
So she's a dude? Or was a dude? I wouldn't really mind as long as she's physically a girl now but then
>ShindoL character
All right what kind of horrific shit does she go through. Amputation? Cocaine? Miscarriage again?

Do I read this or watch this?

The kek