The only character that can beat the protagonist is literally called Mary Sue

>The only character that can beat the protagonist is literally called Mary Sue
You cannot make this shit up

Other urls found in this thread:

Is she from another world too?

>sonzai X is just a mangaka who's really angry that people won't buy his stories.

fard on my dick

Tonya the ugly

>literally Wojak VS Pepe
What did they mean by this

More like the gamemaster in a role-playing game engaged in a pissing contest with one of his players.

Why do Japs want to be German little girls?



Same reason fat neckbeards want to be little Japanese girls. Combines exotic appeal w/ the universal desire to be a little girl.

Who the fuck doesn't want to be a little gir?

Go fuck yourself. The European front was a Soviet victory.
You can have Japan for all we care

>The European front was a Soviet victory.
>Soviet victory
>totally ignoring the fact that the US was the main source of the soviet war machine's materials

Hard to ignore one of the biggest mistakes of the 20st century, bro'.

>European Front was a Soviet Victory
You what mate? US fought WWII on both fronts and was the main source of power for the Allied Powers.

The Soviets could not beat the Germans alone. This is a known fact.

The veterans say otherwise
Stalingrad alone has killed far more Nazis than the entire Allied forces

USA is nothing more than the glorified supplier who dealt the final hit

By final hit, I meant arriving only when the Nazis are already at its breaking point. Berlin fell to Stalin nonetheless

>glorified supplier
>Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics

Do not cut it out.
"Novices talk tactics, amateurs talk strategy, professional talk logistics, veterans use luck"

"Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics."

So what does the politicians study?

Serious answer: law and philosophy

>sonzai X is just a mangaka who's really angry that people buy his story for all the wrong reasons


Sondage made with uneducated frogs, afraid that communist country would be right behind their border, so they voted Soviets
Sondage made with frogs that already learned history, and communism isnt a threat anymore

Who would guess

good luck little duck

US only opened the second front to halt Soviet's advance. If they hadn't done that the WW2 would've ended with the whole Europe colored in red. In fact google Operation Unthinkable, the so-called Allies were planning to sneak attack Soviet Union right after it dealt with Nazi Germany. Thankfully Stalin showed everyone the true power of the red army by pushing it to take over Berlin which resulted in horrible casualties but scared the shit out of the Allies.

More like: after the Soviet Union fell, everyone forgot about the heroism that they have done and used them as a scapegoat for their failures as a country


Like what? jumping into machine gun fire or mine field head-on? You could do the same with cattle, and i doubt that you would call cowa that died this way 'heroic'

The Soviet heroism of brutally raping and maiming German women as they advanced further into the country.

As opposed to sending the most minimal effort and screaming about it?

>expecting me to give a shit about those who got brutally executed by their own officers and then thrown into the meat grinder by the same incompetent officers put there because Stalin had to be a raging autists and purge anyone with a slight hint of military intrigue
You reap what you sow.

>Bombing German industrial centers into oblivion
>Minimum effort
More like minimum casualty

Where's the heroism for the german soldiers who just wanted to protect their small towns from the onslaught of the red army?

Oh, and you expect the world to believe that you were the hero who arrives at the final moment?

So the Amerigringos were smarter at it than the Rushkiepushkies.

Freedom ideology just makes a ton more money than Order ideology. Autocracy is still shit, though. Russhkies should never have changed for Autocracy.

Why would you assume things that were never said into my post? Are you this mad I don't suck off your glorious leader you can't have an actual discussion about wartime efforts?

No, capitalist economy > communist economy, that's all.

The museums I went to (except ones in Japan) said the evil germans bathe with soap made out of jews and read under human leather lamp covers.

>we lost more men, so we did more
I wonder who could be behind this post

If you makes so many movies about it, then surely you can make a list of achievments that could at least compare to what the SU did, eh?

Hitler fired the first shot, dumbass.
Where's the heroism for the Saudi Araibians who just wanted to protect their small towns from the Americans who saw them as allies of Sadam

lmao the ussr had so many causalities because they were shitty soldiers and useless people

Yes, shitty soldiers and useless people who has killed and devastated the Nazis that the entire European landscape + America cannot hold

>Hitler fired the first shot.
Thank you. I completely forgot. This reason alone is enough to demonize other humans and shy away from the brutal treatment the germans suffered under the red army. You're a real retard you know that?

Why do people still give a shit about WW2?

Nazism is dead, communism is dead.

It's old fucking news.

Why don't we get back to what OP (probably) intended the original thread to be about

Official remix of Jingo Jungle, hard to hear over Aoi Yuuki's voice tho

Pretty much. Afterall, no one cares about the Middle East anymore after what they did at 9/11

Soviets just got killed a lot more.
They treated their people like shit, it's not surprising their treated their soldiers like shit.

Soviets sent a lot more people into battle but got killed at a higher rate than any group.
They were like lemmings.

wanking over his-penises.
People that havent achieved anything in their lives tries to catch anything they can, and taking pride from something 'your ancestors' did is one of them

You mean like committing the greatest mass rape in history?

>Slavs historically always lose to Japs
>so they have to play up their role in the European theater
>even though they only got so far based on American and British engineering, equipment, and transportation lines
>meanwhile murrika devastated the Atlantic and Pacific at the same time then scared Russia so hard they hid behind a curtain

Slavs are more pathetic than Canadians.

Sure, and they achieved what you cannot by pussying around

Literally wrong. You study history to become like the great historical figures you read about. Only retards and college babbies study history to prance around spewing garbage from their mouths.

Yes, and killing more Nazis that you could ever dream off

>raping innocent people is okay
Are you fucking insane?

Battle of Stalingrad
Battle of Kursk
Operation Bagration
Vistula-order offensive

Great things come at a great cost, I guess

So does Tanya want to gas the Jews because they are God's Chosen People?

German soldiers and civilians are not Nazis you commie LARPer. Jesus you're embarrassing to talk to. Do you wear che guevara shirts irl?

This thread's getting too much into real-world history.
Keep it down and talk about the Tanya-verse, or the mods will delete it. If you wanna talk about who had the higher nazi-kill ratio, you oughta do it on a board more suited to it.

>more Nazis that you could ever dream off
If you keep throwing soldiers at the problem, even if they are shit soldiers, obviously your shit soldiers will overpower the good ones.

How can she even compete with Tanya?

Is rape really the only thing you see?

I though he was talking about fags in this thread, not historians

>Do you wear che guevara shirts irl?
I bet he does.
We need some physical removal and fast.

Why do you romanticize war so much? Are you mentally sound?

Well, if you think that zer -rush is cheating, then maybe your oh so great of a technological advantage should have killed the Nazi forces faster

They killed more Nazi's that the entire Allied forces. That's all I was saying.
They had their faults but also achievements

>so great of a technological advantage should have killed the Nazi forces faster
But it did? Soviet technology was developed from German, British, and US technology you retard.

>then maybe your oh so great of a technological advantage should have killed the Nazi forces faster
they did, if the usa threw the same amount of soliders the ussr did, there would be far far more dead nazis

Maybe the americans valued their own lives far more than the soviets did. Makes sense.

Sonzai X pumped her full with power. As far as raw strenght goes, she actually outclasses Tanya.

Shame you are too much of a pussy to use them yourself, eh?

Man this is such a retarded series that tries so hard to look cool and edgy but I can just laugh.

Of course, such is the reason why America is so loud about it despite coming in only at the final year. Just like the loud cowards you all are

>shame you didn't waste the lives of humans like our great soviet dictators!
Literally lmao

>shame you are making such a big deal over something you barely contributed in
Literally lmao

>Mary sue backed by literal deus ex machina

>If you don't run into mine fields and bullets aimlessly like your commissars ordered you're a coward!
jesus christ

>this thread

Can we purge this to Sup Forums yet?

>this is coming from the red army LARP'er
we've reached max irony

They had shit tactics but they achieve what you cannot. Call them fools all you want. But we all know that the war was not yours

>but they achieve what you cannot
Why is your only argument saying "haha they killed more german soldiers than you ever could"? Of course they did. We're not at war with fucking germany right now where I could even kill german soldiers you fucking autist what kind of argument is this?
>But we all know that the war was not yours
Claiming the war was solely won by the Soviets is pure retardation and shows you have no idea what you're talking about.

Of course you are going to glorify and praise your side more than the others, user. People in Russia are still making movies about the The Great Patriotic War and the Second World War and the great sacrifices of the grandfathers. The Blockade of Leningrad and the victory couldn't happen in any other country, anyone else would just give up and surrender and let the Nazis in.

So, if I draw a doujin, the author of the original work takes 100% of the credit, you say that?

>comparing apples and oranges

>Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect

>discussing history is Sup Forums
Are you new here or what? /his/ is a board

Because your only argument is that the SU are cruel. Yes they were cruel but they achieved victory.
The USSR may not be the greatest nor the most moral but at least they have the decency of paying respect to history than claiming that the entire WW2 theater was their playground. As what you Americans are doing

>this thread

That feel when this wasn't always the case.

>As what you Americans are doing
Projecting. Not a single post here has claimed America won the european war 100% like you sovietboos are.

>They had shit tactics
because they were fucking dumb
thats what happens when the government controls everything, including knowledge

>Because your only argument is that the SU are cruel.
Not him, but the argument is that the SU was STUPID and forced countless people into battle, people that never fought a war before.

Of course because you cannot. But we all know what is going on outside of this thread.
Oh USA, Oh land of the Free


Instead of arguing about Soviets or Americans winning the war lets talk about hte important issues

Hitler should've won.

>Of course because you cannot.
So you literally don't have an argument? You just said we do, and then you said we don't.

>Hitler should've won.
Hitler was DYING anyway.
When he died, a moderate would have taken over and the country would move slowly to democracy. They would still be nationalist but they would be somewhat similar to what Japan is today.

America should have fought with Germany against the USSR honestly.

Also the holocaust didn't happen.

Are you really this blind to your own culture or you just wnated to deny it for the sake of convenience?

This graph proves nothing.
How are the french supposed to know shit?

Here's a better graph

A movie about Soviet soldiers dying because Stalin had army commanders killed and replaced with unexperienced ones doesn't sound that entertaining.

This is your evidence that the Soviet Union won the European Front and could've won it alone? This is just sad. Can you stay on topic?