u guys arent turning cuck on trump over DACA like the media is saying r u?
we dont know whats going down yet and this mf has been winning for us ever since he plowed thru the 17 other candidates like weinstein thru fame sluts
my take on it hes still deporting illegals left and right and he recognize some DACAs are older and some are young. the ones that are already here voted democrat but now theyre numbers will stifle.
yeah they came illegally but for the younger ones it was against their will and trump is getting the dems to work for him on the wall like thats fucking insane to me.
i want him to get it all but getting the democrats to stop fighting him so hard onlys looks better considering they still dont have anyone to work up going against him in 2020, we're getting in year 2 and now his sudden "daca loverfest" is keeping them distracted AND on his side. fuckin stable genius shit
Henry Bell
you cucks are just libfags now, good job
Jeremiah Wood
If Trump was standing in front of me I'd take a huge rip from my vape and blow it in his face, then flick him off.
Evan Richardson
pennies make dollars
Logan Phillips
If trump was standing right in front of me I'd take a huge sip from my drink and burp right in his face, than flick him off
Jeremiah Powell
No, if Trump cucks on DACA I'm done with him. It's suicide for the GOP, and we don't need any more Hispanics in this country. They will NEVER vote Republican, nor will that be the end of it (see Reagan Amnesty). Plus, if he's weak enough to compromise on DACA, there's no way in Hell he's simultaneously going to be strong enough to end Chain Migration.
Aaron Bell
I'm tired of you lib trash acting like you're not libs and trying to FUD and then you get raped every single time. le drumpf is infinite moves ahead of you, enjoy jail if you're lucky if not have fun swinging.
Levi James
wtf are u even talking about lmao i know its hard not to be retarded but can u at least try?
Carter Anderson
What we saw today wasn't a negotiation, it was the master negotiator setting the table for the negotiation. The funny part was how badly both the dems and repubs were getting owned. Some of them had no idea what was happening.
Christian Rogers
how's somebody who made the worst choice a human can make, to be a lib calling anyone else retarded? it's pretty sad you're shilling transgenderism just so you can say being lib is no longer the worst choice.