Buyfag Thread
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Other urls found in this thread: container&submit=Search&pagemax=40 flashing&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=removing flashing models

Arrived today, I must say I am a little disappointed in the dress.


Yeah, but panties?


Show more angles of that trap pls.

mediocre and not worth the trouble, sorry mate.

please don't take mokou out of the baggy pants

ozzy scum


You mean Aussie? Ozzy is a British rockstar...

dont try to lecture me dumb criminal

NZ bro, get it right.

Anyone else here like collecting plushies? It's kinda hard to come across plushies from series I like that are also decent in quality, the only anime related plush I own so far is pic related.

Both the hair and the dress look bad, well that sucks.

The hair is a lot better than in the photo. But the dress is definitely a little disappointing. Though id say im more happy than unhappy since theres a violin.

Why won't they learn that transparent plastic looks like shit for clothing. And hair too.

Take a photo of the Granblue midget above her

Does Mai hold the record for the bustiest nendo?

I guess Iowa and Galko are worthy competitors though.

That's a cute biological girl user.

>send 2 support messages to change my shipping address because I moved.
>Still sends it to the old address.
Fuck you GSC

>mfw I just managed to get ahold of my holy grail
Feels good, man.

Charlotta is not a potato

What is it niga?

This. Sure cost me a whole bunch of my autismbux, but totally worth it because it's my waifu.

>muh holy grail

Everytime you faggots come up with a post saying "I-I-I GOT MY HOLY GRAIL BOYSSS!" it's always some ugly as fuck figure that probably cost only 5K 15 years ago that fucking nobody bought.


""""Her"""" soul has a dick.

Because other people are different than you.

You clearly don't understand the concept of a grail.

It's not surprising. Grails become grails because they're hard to find. No one is going to call the recent popular Alter/GSC/MF scale their grail. They're just going to order the damned thing.

One of the first scale figures that ever tempted me, especially after wanting the figma. I hadn't even played her game, this figure was just that compelling.

>Payment requested.

She does look bad in your picture user. That's a shame because the prototype looks amazing.

Something isn't right here.

Anyone buyfaging this?

Z-ton Centaur Girl retailers:

$38 shipping is a hell of a lot better than the $380 Amazon wanted to charge to ship to the US.

>delayed yet again

Fuck Alter, why is it so difficult to push out fucking re-releases on schedule?

Is this purely for storage or have I missed something?

>its just pure lewd figs and no decent nonlewd ones.
Tell me its not so.

I just want to get a cute miniature doll to dress up in adorable clothes, why are they so dann expensive?

Just storage. There is a whole line of those crates branded with different anime properties. container&submit=Search&pagemax=40

For Boku Girl? That's the only fig. Even so, it's technically not nude if you don't cast-off.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Does anyone know when I should be getting charged for these? Had some unexpected expenses and now I'm not sure if I should ask them to cancel one for me.

Stop buying with your dick.


What am I supposed to do with it then? Do my taxes?

How frequently do you guys dust your figures?

Alisha comes out on the 22nd.

Ripple is right at the end of the month. 27th.

Combined they'll both be charged some time at the end of the month. Since Arnas was delayed to mid-May they'll probably split her. You might get lucky and not have them roll the whole order into May, but that's not something you can count on.

Once every few months. My apartment isn't very dustly and the landlord regularly replaces the air filter.

Is this shit a good investment? I own figures of some of the popular characters and they're still unopened. Most recent purchases were konosuba figures.

>not have

i caved in and ordered HORSE PUSSY through fromjapan

>Is this shit a good investment?
Generally no. There are a few figures that will appreciate a lot, usually exclusive figures of popular characters. But by and large you'll lose money or get tiny return for a lot of work.

Not enough. I want to do it weekly or so, but I end up doing it yearly.

That's disappointing to hear.

I salute your dedication, but prepare your wallet. Her box weighs 42 pounds.

to purely make money off them it's not good at all since there's much better alternatives

if you enjoy collecting them and are wondering if in 10 years they'll be worth anything then also probably not :^)

So stuff like the kino no tabi figures are by and large the exception? I was under the impression that this shit gets limited runs. Scarcity and how retarded jap Otaku are with money made this seem like a decent venture.

Preordered best girl

They make bootleg Centorea figures now? Lalatina is indeed best girl, though.

holy h*ck i didn't think this through

It's really unpredictable. Those old figures are pricey because they're from before the market took off. Nowadays, although limited, production runs are much larger. So random cheap figure is unlikely to blow up in price. The people who want it just buy it and there are enough then floating around to satisfy the market. The figs that have huge return are either exclusives that are even more limited and required a proxy to get (still not a guarantee of return even then) or figures that are for manga/light novels that later get an anime that blows up in popularity. You also kind of need there to not be many alternative figures to keep demand for that one fig high. WING's Hana from Prison School is a good example. $100ish figure pre-anime that now goes for $400ish at retailers. The problem is none of this is very predictable. Stuff like the market being flooded for a popular character (Rem) can depress prices and a rerelease could tank your figure's value at any time. It's not that you couldn't make money if you were good at it, but that's true of most investments. Figs certainly aren't a no-brainer investment.

That said if you're a collector and just want to recoup some marginal value down the line figs are fine. Most retain at least some value.

Where did you have FromJapan order from? If it's Amazon you might be able to ask From Japan to cancel it.

there's no cheap option for australia
i get fucked no matter which shop i buy from
i guess i'll just buckle up and slide this slippery slope

Now we only need a good lewd scale of her.


380 €? Holy shit.

Finally finished Stylet yesterday.

I think it turned out pretty good.

I kinda want one of you anons to buy one then post pics so I can see whats its like. Might by some if they are any good.

Is bbts packing decent? With a box that heavy and the figure not being all PVC I'd be worried about breaking in transit

I took one a while back. Files large and i cbf scaling it.

I've only ordered from them once before and it was a while ago so I don't remember. There are a ton of western coldcast figs though and they specialize in a lot of the really expensive comic book statues so I'm inclined to believe they know what they're doing.

MFC feedback seems pretty positive, particularly on packing.

Damn, that's a really gorgeous figure. Shame I don't know the first thing about Granblue apart from what I've read in doujins and what made it into Shadowverse.

i dont like her ugly head

>No best girl Loki figure

I tried sinking some time into the game after I saw some of the figures. Got to about lvl 70 and realised that you have to really spend an absolute shit ton of time if you want to get any further.
Essentially a senseless grind.
Was fairly fun up to that point though
And some of the upcoming figures look amazing. Lucky theres the excuse of the anime now to get them.

>No waterslides
>Not even panel lined
You're not finished. You didn't do bad but look at your nubs and get those things done.

Pretty spot on for a Harvin

>I tried sinking some time into the game after I saw some of the figures. Got to about lvl 70 and realised that you have to really spend an absolute shit ton of time if you want to get any further.
Every mobage is like this, unfortunately. It's amazing how successful the business model actually is despite being complete shit. As you said, it's mindless fun for a little bit but I burnt out on these sorts of things years ago, and they're all the same shit in a different skin so I can't be fucked playing any more.

Hopefully the anime isn't complete trash.

>Loki literally in the picture.

user, no bully. I never read any guides or bought any tools. I can't get the stickers to stay on. What are nubs or panels?



>panel lining

You can use a fine point mechanical pencil instead of the Gundam Marker for lining if you're cheap.

Nubs are the little bits of plastic left after clipping then off the sprue. Its generally called flashing. flashing&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=removing flashing models

>No bully
No. Post your images and it's open bully season, I wasn't even being a huge dick.

As far as nubs go, I definitely see some on the bottom wings and I think the vag00 guard too. Revisit everywhere the pieces were attached to the sprues and make sure there's nothing sticking out. Take sandpaper to it if you need to. Also, read some guides.

Where to buy shirts that aren't on Amiami?

amazon jp, yahoo auctions or mandarake
Read the fucking guide

This looks legitimately useful. Does anyone own one? $60 for what looks like cheap plastic might be a bit too much though.

wtf? she's shipping before momo?

pic related just arrived yesterday. i'm impressed by the quality

> I can't get the stickers to stay on.
Pretty sure they're waterslide decals, not stickers.

>Preorders closed

>buying meme shirts

It takes time to find new workers after the previous died from plastic/paint/pp fumes.

Flash is a related but different thing.

They aren't stickers.

Read to learn how to use them.

He looks nice, I might get him to diversify a bit my collection (which currently only has girls)

Got some cute Satorin in the mail today.

is there a PUSSY on the other side

Pics for anyone interested.