Red pilled books thread

Red pilled books thread

Less reading and more applying knowledge from the books you read immediately.


This book was so fuckin' red pilled it got a movie. The wife loved it.

Pic related is the only answer.
It's unironically a redpilled book. Women want to be abused.

One of the greatest books I've read.

the book is terrible.
i say that as someone who majored in classics as a UG before realizing it and latin are useless in the real ZOG world. I've never met anyone who actually the read the book, just retards who made sure the press jews saw mattis carrying it around and gave press access in exchange for not reporting that he's queer as a $3 bill.

The International Jew, Mein Kampf, World At The Crossroads, You Gentiles, Germany Must Perish, The Trail Of The Serpent, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, 200 Years Together, A Program for Jews and Humanity, Protocols Of The Edlers Of Zion, Culture Of Critique, The Jews Must Live, On the Jews and their lies, Morals and Dogma, Proof of a Conspiracy, Magick, Talmud, Nos Book of the Resurrection, The Kybalion, Zohar, The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, The Lightning And The Sun, Dhammapada, Vedas

You thought I was memeing son?
Everyone should read that fuckin' book.

this book just describes the reality of the games people play to save their ass


How do you get over Evola's writing style? I tried giving it a look but it's insanely overcomplex and I'm not even a brainlet


Is the stalag edition of Mein kampf any good?

Do you have any idea how boring this book is?
kike lover
It's aristocratic, his writings are not meant for plebs.

This book illustrates why we should fight.

>kike lover
Why did you sign your post?

You don't power read it. It's like eating your broccoli. You gotta chew that shit.

It's an entertaining book about power, influence and relationships

This book was my final redpill.

Literally the greatest novel ever written

This book is a very good primer on Traditionalism, written in a modern style. Those who find Evola's writing style too esoteric should probably read this first so that they can better understand Evola's state of mind. Great book if you want to understand the underlying causes of the collapse of the West.


Hoppe's book on Democracy is a must-read for anarcho capitalists.



Marcas was a fag and a failed emperor that chose his own son over the empire. kek off with your "red pilled" bullshit. For redpilled see the letters by augustus, tiberius, claudius, vespasian, trajan, hadrian, and pius.

Not Cicero?

Jean Raspail - The Camp of the Saints

Against Democracy and Equality.

Women want to be dominated, at times in degrading animalistic ways.
It shows the depths of the depravity that women will find arousing if they aren't kept in check by moral men and a judging society as a whole.

Humans are base animals. We're not that different from any other beast in this regard. Civility is a thin veneer over our true nature, and if this isn't maintained then the best runs wild. As we become desensitized to depravity we lose sight of what civility actually is. We'll one day awaken and see people wallowing in filth, and we will have forgotten what it meant to build cities.

>Women want to be dominated, at times in degrading animalistic ways.

Oh boy isn't this the truth.


The Redneck Manifesto.

This should be required american (usa/can) reading. He was one of us.

Kasinksy was a fucking boomer cuck who fell for flower children memes about tech, and a total waste

The Unabomber manifesto.

Im about finished with meditations right now. I read most of it yesterday. When i woke up today i felt great for some reason. Its been an amazing book so far.


>How do you get over Evola's writing style?

by not being a pleb

Also, pic related was my first redpilled book.

If you haven't read Trump's
You ain't shit.

I fully agree with you there. The section in which he describes the modern left and it's over socialization would be beneficial for all on the Right to know.
I think pacifism/peace is a requirement for those flower children. If he'd only fallen for that, and never realized the ill effects of the modern Industrial System, I don't think he'd ever go about killing 3 people and injuring another 23 in the span of 16 eco-terrorist bombings. Seems kinda, not pacifist, don't you think?
