Want to be pure, strong, stoic guardian of the white race and european history

>want to be pure, strong, stoic guardian of the white race and european history
>like trap music and getting drunk fucking bitches

What do pls help


trap music is the chad choice.

fuck whoever you want to fuck user
but grow the fuck up by 30
>trap music is the chad choice.
ok Ahmed

step one: identify better ways you would like to spend your time. write them down. (in fact, always write down anything you want to do that comes after this moment.)

>like trap music and getting drunk
Into the oven you go.

i drink absurd amounts of liquor but my body has still not broken down and i still look good naked
trap music though is just completely pathetic

Be like everyone else

Slowly turn down the amount of partying over years and eventually find a white qt to settle down with

Then try to raise your kids to be different than you were, I don't see why your concerned?

Everything will be okay user just have faith

>guardian of the white race and European history
top jej

Travel around to find yourself and figure out what you want to do with your life. Always have a goal you are trying to achieve and allow failure to be a tool in which you learn from your mistakes.

Of course, all of that is much easier said than done.

I cannot wait for fascist revolution to begin in the future, hope im alive to see the cleansing.

trap music is not music. If you like aggressive music with lots of action in it I suggest you take a look at progressive anything. EDM , trap and other forms of electronical bullshit that masses call music these days must be eradicated and the records must be shoven up the asses of whomever producing this shit.

Pop Xans fuck Trans
Live your own life

What a fag

You need to die. You serve no purpose on this earth


why dont we have better rappers? we need to be supreme.

I don't like niggers but I have to admit it does seem kind of alpha to treat whores the way they deserve to be treated, making money without wage cucking and living life on your own terms. I think that is the appeal of rap music in general.

recognize what you see as a weakness and overcome what is causes within you, and learn from it and impart your wisdom on your kids

i was extremely ghetto a few years back but i cleaned my shit up, and even though i still occasionally smoke weed or listen to a drill song i don't allow it to affect my ideals or thinking

move to russia

You type like a ignorant nigger.
