I wonder what percentage of Sup Forums has actually seen a thousand anime

I wonder what percentage of Sup Forums has actually seen a thousand anime.

832 TV

Why should I bother with the inferior medium?

I haven't even seen 100.


I really don't remember how many I've seen. A lot, I think. And I've read a lot of manga. But nowhere close to 1000. Probably in the range of 100-something.
Then again, I'm also a filthy newfag.

>A lot, I think
>Probably in the range of 100-something

Less than 1%. The majority of people only watch anime in large quantities for an year or two. Then most get fed up and give up.

Assume out of 1000 anime, 50% are two cour. That makes 500 12 episode anime totaling 6000 episodes and 500 24 episode anime totaling 12000 episodes (discounting movies, 25 (26 episodes) and ongoing series like One Piece/Naruto which would make up 20 or 30 regular two cours). That's a grand total of 18000 episodes at approximately 25 minutes each (including OP/ED and specials).

18000 * 25 makes 450000 minutes or 7500 hours or 312.5 days.

Now comparatively the average working adult spends approximately 1800 hours a year at work (75 days) and 500 hours (21 days) on the road driving.

Considering this, watching anime once a day for an hour for 10 years would rack up approximately 3650 hours, so getting to the hypothetical 7500 hours would take 20 years for an hour a day.

That being said, most children in Japan spend at least an hour or two a day watching anime on TV throughout their childhood (say 6 to 16), which puts them well within that half-way mark.

I'd wager a great deal of Japanese young adults could put their anime watching time at close to 7500 hours or 1000 anime shows.

But that aside, manga is even more widespread in Japan and many older Japanese read for at least an hour on the train to work for most of their working life (35 years), which could put some older Japanese manga readers at well over 10000 hours of manga reading or more.

I'm moving through my backlog, man. Give me time.

>That being said, most children in Japan spend at least an hour or two a day watching anime on TV throughout their childhood (say 6 to 16)

Meh, if I'm not unlocking a cool achievement or getting a medal that I can use in real life, I don't see a point in having to keep track of the amount of anime watched.

Not me

True, but not only anime.

I'm fairly certain most people who claimed to have watched a thousand anime go to really dumb lengths to pad their list just so they can brag on MAL or something.

>I watched 200 5 minute shows I am the true master of anime

I'm at 251 completed. My day's watched is higher then the avg person with that many completed because I used to watch alot of long running shoune/ gundam and mecha shows with 30 eps +

Its like bragging about having no standards whatsoever.
>OH yeah ive watched dozens of shitty shows coz im hardcore
Yeah good job, you're the pillar of society.

Friendly reminder 300 completed anime (majority not being shorts/movies/OVAs) is the minimum requirement to post on Sup Forums - Anime & Manga.

I started watching anime in 2013 and I'm probably sitting around the 50 mark.

I don't watch something unless it catches my eye.

You grossly over estimate how much TV these kids watch, how much of it is anime, and till what age they watch it till.

I stopped counting 8 years ago.

I'm probably around halfway. Anime isn't my life but it's been part of it for pretty long.

According my MAL I got 823 completed 120 partial, and I haven't updated in in quite some time, so I would say that I'm one of the few.

>movies and ovas and shorts can't count as a whole series!
>but watching 970 episodes of pokemon is only one series!
Die die die die die

I have depending on how you count it. Would you consider Iron Blooded Orphans & IBO S2 as two different entities? If so I should be a little over 1,000.

I have 853 and I plan to hit 1000 by the end of the year.

>TV: 20
>under 300
Where do you retards even come from?

There aren't even 1000 good anime.

It's really not that difficult. Just watch the majority of seasonal shows over 10 years and you're mostly there.

>replying to each post
Where the fuck did YOU come from dumbass?

I watch around 5 shows a season minimum. I've watched seasonal anime since like 06 so let's say the minimum amount of shows I've seen is around 220. So probably nowhere near 1000 yet. Maybe 350-400.

I've seen 1420 anime, been watching between 18 to 26 episodes almost everyday since I started my job as a household guard 4 years ago.

I'm halfway there only if you count movies, a little over 300 TV anime, a bit less than 200 movies.

Easy over 1k if we count movies and ova

>Actually watching anime

>he watches anime


^ Fuck off back to V

Private residence or security contract? My brothers do the same.


Stopped keeping track of the number after I hit 1k a few years back.

There's a lot of shit out there. In fact, most of it is shit. That's why even a single good show makes the entire season worthwhile.

I'm probably getting close to 2k by now, but it's just not worth keeping count. Spend about 3 hours per weekday, and about 6 hours per day on weekends watching current seasons and working through an infinitely growing backlog.

All I'll say is enjoy the gems when you find them.

Its not really that hard if you only watch short 12-24 episodes anime, ovas and movies. Even easier if you count shorts.
I have over 300 anime in my mal but like almost half of those are movies or ovas, and the other half mostly short series with some longer ones like Gundam and Golgo 13 in between.

They are the same show. What you referred to would be MAL padding standards

All part of the epic mind game I knew since two posters made the same post at the same time I had to combo with another user to do a double back to Sup Forums

>caring how much anime you've watched
>caring how much anime others have watched
>caring about other people's opinions about anime
>not just watching anime because it's good and you like it

Fuck Sup Forums.

>close to 2k by now
Most people that say this never track it and grossly exaggerate how much they've watched. Once I got over 800 pretty much the only way to find stuff I hadn't heard of was to sort by year created.

t. anime embryo

there is no good anime, because the medium itself is bad

only 460, my best friend has seen just under 900, but he doesnt browse Sup Forums.

you underestimate the utility of keeping a good backlog and having an account on a good private tracker with tons of old shit that's still seeded

that's like saying "music is a bad medium because modern pop exists"

It really doesn't matter, your don't need to see more than 30 anime to enjoy Sup Forums so long as it's the right anime. Especially note with the generals.

Attack on Titan
Boom you've covered like 10% of Sup Forums right there.

You (and your friend) may as well stay on MAL's forums.
You're the reason Sup Forums has become terrible.

i had in mind shows that air on tv, which are mostly only made for pandering to otaku. experimental/independent art shit is where it's at

I still have a huge backlog (400+ shows but a lot of it is old mecha/giant robo because I don't usually watch them) but I don't even know what I'd be watching with double what I've already seen. You'd either be waiting for subs or waiting for raws on everything.

I just hit 500 completed yesterday.

You can enjoy most of Sup Forums by only watching seasonal anime, which is pretty funny considering how elitistic people like to act here

I've long since given up on expecting the stuff I'm watching now (except for current season) to be available with subs. Raws are the only thing that exists for a vast majority of content, especially older things.

Updated it right now with everything that aired since 2014, and funnily enough I added exactly 100 tiles landing on 923 completed.

You should start donating or supplying raws to groups that do old stuff like Saizen/HnG. Saizen is actively releasing Captain Tsubasa.

Yeah whatever, your opinions in what made Sup Forums terrible still doesn't make what I said untrue. 1000 is far far grossly beyond what you need to see to browse/enjoy Sup Forums and it has been for the longest while.
Especially when if you try to discuss 95% of that 1000, you get "tee hee we already discussed that series to death there not's much to say anymore go" and the thread ends with
>3 replies
>2 posters
If the thread even gets one reply.

Yeah catching up on 24 episodes of Dragonball Super will add more to the overall discussion on Sup Forums than watching Bottle fairies and Kaleido Star, or any two series at this point.

Is there even 1000 actually good anime? or even decent?
Sorry, I don't waste my time with trash.

Who the fuck cares about being able to discuss anime with Sup Forums or not? You don't watch anime based on that.

I never said anything about requiring 1,000 shows watched. But you're right, there's no reason to have watched a wide variety of anime when discussing new anime. After all, Madoka is the first magical girl anime where anything negative happens to the protagonists, and K-On is a good slice-of-life anime.

Exactly, it is caused they watched all the old shit and are now watching new anime as they aired.
Why do you think the taste gap is so huge between a newfag and some autismo dude with 1k anime under his belt?

I probably watched 50 or less and I can post just fine?

I don't watch all that much anime, after I started reading manga.

>I don't waste my time with trash
He says while posting on Sup Forums

I'm 525 completed, I'll tell you in a couple of years.

gtfo normalfag

Stop posting.

I'm surprised. Considering how much shit you watch each season and a NEET. I came her a year and a half after you and I just recently hit a thousand.

>he doesn't know

It's always interesting watching tripfags gradually becoming somewhat less retarded as the years go by and they finally get some anime watched under their belt.

>counting how many shows you're watched
ewww, I bet you also have a daily routine and a neatly sorted image folder

you replying to tripfags is proof watching 1000 shows doesn't mean you can post in Sup Forums

>bubblegum crisis

good start

I don't care what you think.

Are you calling yourself trash, user?

Generic shit which must've had an American release back in the day or else nobody would care about it.

I watch like 20-30 a season and barely backlog.

Isn't it such a wonderful story.

I'm only around 450 FUCK

I don't really want to watch old shit from the 80s though

I've watched 5 anime, I started last year. And I can post just fine.

>posting here for 5 years
>haven't even completed 150 anime

Your taste is shit. Macross II? An 8? Seriously?

Autism, not even once

In my experience a lot of 80s stuff is hit or miss. You have great stuff like Gunbuster and Xabungle. On the other hand you have complete garbage like Igano Kabamaru and KOR which for some bizarre reason are held in high regard.

Best way to get into 80s stuff is to watch classic OVAs to get the feel of it. Stuff like Magezone 23 and Bubblegum Crisis.

>heehee ur just an autist
Don't touch me, don't reply to me, and get off my board you filthy fucking casual.

lurk for 2 years before posting


>You have great stuff like Gunbuster
Stopped reading there.

Ace wo Nerae is hot garbage.

If you don't like II you are the cancer that is killing Macross

Watched around 100+ TV in my years here, it's not much but I don't really care about numbers as much as I care about the quality.

Anime is a pretty shitty medium, and there's no point wasting hours upon hours watching the same cliched bullshit over and over.

The only genre that tends to be consistently decent is Mecha, even shitty mecha shows trump SoL shows.

>Posted 40 seconds apart
Stop samefagging.

>Cherrypicking a 40 year old series commonly considered to be the greatest of all time vs some shitty low quality sol like A-Channel or K-On
huh you raise a good point

KOR is the protoype love triangle drama that is still used today. It was the first popular one, of course it is going to be highly regarded.

The pic was just a random one I selected, I was talking more generally, rather than about 0079.

Even Gundam:IBO S2, for how shitty it was, was the only show worth watching for the past 2 seasons.

>The only genre that tends to be consistently decent is Mecha

>100+ tv in years here
Kill yourself.

Whenever I see people who post shit like this, it makes me happy to know that I'm not like you.
Thank god I'm not a Tomino autist and actually like all sorts of anime.

If there's anything I've learned it's that you don't need to watch 1000 shows, all you need to do is act needlessly contrarian to everything that people praise and is popular, since that's all 1000+ faggots (or so they claim) bring to the table.