One-Punch Man
So are we getting the chapter this weekend or not?

More importantly, Tats is cute

Who would win in a fight Tatsu or Mob

Seems like it was already the case since volume 10 and its cover, but this drawing of her made me notice that I wasn't imaging things and that Murata made her much less curvier, she's got both a longer and thinner body compared to her in the Boros arc.

I don't dislike those proportions but I totally prefer the older ones honestly.

Exact words of ONE is that Tatsumaki is stronger than normal Mob, as for the rest of Mob forms, there's no response.

I feel like he took a safe response so he wouldn't restrict those character's powers at one point.

The old proportions also makes her much more petite looking. I think it fits her more.

I think I prefer today's Tats, because of her legs, which are a miracle of the universe.

The one who changed his looks the most is definitely Suiryuu, also in the good direction, imo.

kinda funny that Mob gets totally useless after being car sick. Wonder how a cold would affect Tatsumaki.

Pretty much all of Murata's "fanservice" characters (Fubuki, Garou, Tatsumaki, Suiryu, and LinLin kinda) begins with a less detailed design and focus on their body at the very first.

Yeah there are power gaps between Mob's strength. That first fight against the adult esper kicked the shit out of him before Mob went 100% literally tanked anything he threw at him without a barrier

And then the ???% obliterated the "strongest demon" when 100% was falling apart

You make it sounds like she didn't already have great legs in the Boros arc.

> That first fight against the adult esper kicked the shit out of him before Mob went 100% literally tanked anything he threw at him without a barrier

The spray also made him lose consciouness at 100% while it didn't work on Reigen that got his 100% strengh. Mob's level is very inconsistent, probably depends of his emotions at 100%.

A miracle of universe indeed, but her body changed shape a bit, in order to punctuate on her legs

I just think that her hips doesn't looks that good (not thick enough) in the "new" proportions. She almost looks like she's got anorexia with how thin she is.

Well, for Reigen, the exact effects were to give him a powerful barrier and essentially super strength.

When Mob was feeling ashamed and depressed over enjoying his power during his fight against the Claw boss, he started attracting all the debris into one huge clump around himself.

I mean, I think it's all about what Mob intends to do with his psychic power, what he wants to focus it on. Additionally, the 100% only refers to his emotions, after all. So he could conceivably be drawing out varying amounts of power, it's just that reaching a 100% emotional state is him being completely unshackled from all his mental restrictions and not his actual power output.

Can anyone translated what Murata said ?


Said something about tonarinoyj site taking too long to upload?

Yeah. All that can be said is that it's hard to set his limits at 100% (well, probably with the super baby ghost?) and that it would be very inconsistent depending on the situation anyway.

It's basically just saying please have patience, there's nothing indicating how long and I frankly haven't followed the uploading process of this series enough to know what that could potentially mean.

In that pic, Tats is walking like a JoJo character.

But she's flying.

>I have to keep you waiting. The data transmission for sending the OPM manuscript to the office takes time. I will inform you as soon as the prospect of the update is in sight.
Something to that effect.

We are keeping you waiting. And although Jean Wan Panman is in transit, it takes time to send data. We will inform you as soon as the update is planned

That should mean he finished the chapter, well if there is an issue with the site, he should just continue doing the next chapter as soon as One gives him the next draft.

>sitting on that crushed octopus monster
Tats is gruesome

OH, so he's not the one who is late, it's just the upload? That means we're getting the chapter today?

Two chapters are out

Holy shit that's a RIP for Suiryu

> nobody took care of Gouketsu

What a twist. So what about Suiryu and everyone else? They just survived because plot armor?

Would be hilarious if he just randomly meet Saitama after that.

And it seems Bakuzan didn't get much of a power up after all.

It's only in that picture tho.
Murata himself said that he can't draw lolis that well.

>Bakuzan actually does attack Gouketsu
>Gouketsu remains barely touched
>Bakuzan remains unimpressive
>Gouketsu just walks away

>it's over

so much for the kaiju fight hype.

only jobbers eat monster cells

gouketsu > boros

Gouketsu stronk

Not really surprising, Gouketsu was probably a lot stronger as a human. I hope he meets Saitama next chapter, WHCIH IS WHEN?

That was so unsatisfying

What is the point of building up Gouketsu to this degree? Is he going to be at the final battle of the invasion? If he isn't then isn't he just going to make the reveal of the other Dragons and their power less impactful?

>Suiryu in this chapter

Hoping Murata will show off proper scale of strengh for the Webcomic MA dragons too. Kinda want to see what Fhurer and Golden Sperm can do with the same kind of "serious" punch, if it was one.

Gouketsu never showed off his fighting style in the end, are we even getting him for s2 in the end?

>all caps ha
what drives a man to fall this low?

what did you expected? how is that unsatisfying?
just wait for the story to continue and you'll see.


Seeing the biggest jobber of all time, not even close to Yamcha

Gouketsu ate monster cells so that's a moot point

>biggest jobber of all time
That's Atomic Samurai, not Suiryu.

I'm just happy tournament arc is over

So much for being over. So Murata didn't mean it was ending with Gouketsu being killed after all. Seems like the monsters are coming back to to the HQ.

it did'nt show the end of snek and max.
last panel we saw them gouketsu was walking towards them.
then they disappeared. wtf?

>taking down an already injured suiryuu
such job

Gouketsu probably disintegrated them with the sheer force of his punch


HOW is it unsatisfying, exactly? It's just continuing to ramp up the threat of the MA by displaying the strength of their Dragon levels. Elder Centipede, Gouketsu. Why wouldn't they be displayed as credible threats?

Continuing, why would this affect the impact of the other Dragon levels' reveal? It would be more shocking to reveal just how MANY there are of them, after they finally head out to face off against the S class in a full-on battle (nothing like what Elder Centipede did against Metal Knight and Metal Bat).

Dumping, I guess.

I like this, hope they make garou as strong as I think they trying to make him be



Suiryu was running away from them in fear, and the background noise gave away that they were being slaughtered while showing Suiryu's back.

Dont you mean the biggest pussy? He basically let Snek and Max fight Gouketsu by themselves after they bothered to save him.

How about you be patient for once and wait for this to end?


They got offpaneled, around the moment Suiryu decided to run away.


And people were saying Suiryu wasn't shitting his pants last week.

fucking pussy

I think Suiryu started shouting at them because he was wondering why they weren't preparing to run away like him, and they probably said something like buying time for him?


Biggest pussy in manga history since Sting when he gave up to Team Fairy Tail.

Shut up


Read both chapters.
Gouketsu measures Bakuzan to be at Dragon level.
Yet he completely dominates him with one arm.

Gouketsu seems to be a lot higher in Dragon tier than we originally expected.


How was that ending satisfying at all after having this much time and this many chapters and pages poured into it? The only that can be said is that Suiryu has seemingly been built up to have a role far later in the story.

The ending was just Gouketsu doing more of the same and walking away. He's a strong Dragon, we get it. Bakuzan jobbed as always. The other two martial artists, though their fate unknown, obviously will survive which downplays the stakes of this whole event.

There wasn't even anything clever or funny going on. This just felt like the kind of bland, run-of-the-mill stuff you'd find in any number of battle manga.

Saitama vs genos 2.0

Oh and also, Gouketsu tells Bakuzan that he believes the Monster King to be the strongest being in the world, and that there are monsters much more powerful than Bakuzan (including himself).

Which gives us some ideas of the upper hierarchy of MA. At this rate the Monster King just might be closer to Boros than we thought.




nah pham. Boros could probably beat him without shedding his armor.

Patient my friend

Page 44 here

A pussy because he isn't sticking around to senselessly being slaughtered like those two morons? k



>two morons

Can you not fucking read?
Those two heroes said they'll buy time so he can run.

They weren't morons, they were doing their duty you mongrel.

i don't think so. gouketsu destroyed a fucking stadium with a punch, and he wasn't even trying.
don't know if he's stronger than boros, but i surely think that would be a pretty tough fight between them.

Holyshit, i need this animated. This is priceless.


yea he's a fucking pussy for shitty on heroes and then now he's running away while heroes are saving him



So Gouketsu is Black Sperm level at least?


Orochi confirmed Boros level/Monster Garou


NAh, mid should be plenty enough. No way he's sperm tier. I still think golden is stronger than Orochi too.

Glad to see King back, what is he saying?

Hard to say, but likely close to Golden Sperm, Homeless, and Water yeah.
And Bakuzan is probably closer to Ugly Furor.

At the very least, I'd say Golden Sperm level. You know, if Golden Sperm is treated like the "final boss" of the MA, before Monster Garou comes out of nowhere and trounces him.

Oh I forgot completely about that rich kid, Will Season 2 end with this kid still kidnapped?

That doesnt make sense unless this goes 2 cours like BNHA.

Like this holds any weight. The kings were demon level and thought they could rule the world.

> I still think golden is stronger than Orochi too.

Doubtful. Gouketsu knows Sperm and others, yet he thinks Orochi is way above them all.