Australian detailed 2016 census data

Cunts, the detailed 2016 census data has been published, go search your suburb to see if it's CHINKED or BLACKED, or ruled under the Sharia law.

Here is an example of Glen Waverley, VIC - fully CHINKED.

Those figures don't add up. There is another 40% with different ancestry?

>tfw living in a 95%+ white area


You could put 2 different ethnicites in the response if you wanted so it will not equal 100% that is my guess.

My suburb has around 350 indians which doesn't seem alot but i fucken rage like a spastic when I see just one in my block. I think 350 is low enough to get rid of in a targeted propaganda campaign too.

>living in Melbourne
You should be ashamed user. Why are you not in a more civilized, right wing state like Qld.


Looks like Australia has a serious Irish problem. What steps are being taken to address the influx of potato niggers?

so chinks are just 3.9% of your total population?