Is it worth going to the theater to see this?

Is it worth going to the theater to see this?

Other urls found in this thread:–Levy_9

Seeing an anime on a big screen is definitely something to experience, especially a film that look as nice as Your Name.

>look as nice as Your Name.

Nanoha 2nd was better

Having already done so myself, I can give you a resounding 'yes'.

Well, maybe if you have someone to go with anyways.

I would be going by myself since none of my friends actually care about anime, so I am a bit iffy on seeing it in theaters.

worth every penny.

Yeah, it works really well on the big screen. Dub is fine if that's your only option.

I went with my brother and friend. Brother didn't watch anime, now he's watched every major movie by Shinkai

Yes, any film is worth seeing in the theater.

I went alone. Many other people did as well but I would say still go. How often do you get to see anime on the big screen? Not often.

No, everybody who went to watch this and said they liked it are just posers.

What do you mean by this?

>"Car X is a fast car"
>"Car Y is faster"
That is effectively what you have said. Whether or not something else looks nicer, does not negate the fact that it looks nice.

Yes, absolutely. No doubt about it.

Just went to see it earlier today. Worth every penny.

I really liked it the movie. I won't say that it is highest grossing anime movie ever quality, imho, but the theater definitely made the experience more worth it. I think.

Is going to the theater a big commitment for you?

It's mainly that the only theater showing it is like a 25 minute drive away, so I can't be assed to go and pay to see an anime unless it's really worth it.

Not worth the ticket.

I'm not saying is bad, but do not spend your money in this.

I mean it was pretty fun to watch but all of the people here saying it's the best shit ever are clearly newfags. It's anime for people who don't like anime. There are enjoyable parts but at it's core it's just kind of a dumb chick flick. If anything, see it just for the novelty of seeing anime in theaters since it's kind of rare. I mean it's not actively BAD, it's just kind of dumb, but it has its entertainment value. Yeah I'd say it's worth it if you have someone to go with, but it's not good enough to see alone.

It was overrated Anime Movie, so no.

Just watch the leaked 720p on nyaa

It's good, very good even, but it's not the transcendent masterpiece some reviewers are making it out to be. Aside from one awkward CG segment, it's a visually stunning film and in my opinion entirely worth paying to see on the big screen.

>I mean it was pretty fun to watch but all of the people here saying it's the best shit ever are clearly newfags. It's anime for people who don't like anime. There are enjoyable parts but at it's core it's just kind of a dumb chick flick. If anything, see it just for the novelty of seeing anime in theaters since it's kind of rare. I mean it's not actively BAD, it's just kind of dumb, but it has its entertainment value. Yeah I'd say it's worth it if you have someone to go with, but it's not good enough to see alone.
It brought back ronery threads.

Maybe normalfags like it. But so do hardcore fans. God, I've seen 1200 anime at this point and I fucking loved it. It's going in my top 5 anime movies, alongside Cagliostro and Honey Mayonnaise.

Don't be contrarian. The movie has its flaws but it's paced really damn well. It also has some of the most nuanced characters and most expressive animation I've seen in damn near anything. Bringing on Ando was a smart idea, since that's something Shinkai usually struggles with.

Like, I haven't fanboyed for anything this hard in a long time. I WANT to call myself classy, I want to say I have good taste in rare anime, and I certainly do love shit like Takarajima and Gozensosama and Giant Robo, but I can't stop loving this movie. It strikes so many emotional cords, so aptly, especially if you look a little deeper into it, that it's hard to NOT like it.

Honestly, if you didn't find it that great, watch it again. Or pay attention to the themes. Obviously everyone has different emotions, but even an unfeeling psychopath should be able to appreciate the intricacies behind this movie.

Nah. it has nice shots, pretty good cinematography but not much else.

The story is shit, the directing is bare bones, the voice actors aren't anything outstanding, the characters are incredibly dull both the main lead characters can be described as easily as 'he is a boy' and 'she is a girl' nothing about their desgins are Impressive, the side characters are bland and show no purpose than to have an excuse to throw information and context at the viewer. The ost is complete garbage. There's not a single good track on the list It's the most cookie cutter stock movie music you can find. The ending and pacing is nice, especially if you were able to take the story and chracters seriously.

But really there's nothing good about this movie to justify spending money on it. It's not bad, but nowhere near 'good'

Almost everything you said is wrong

> nitpicks literally everything
> not bad
Do you realize how stupid you sound?

Probably the worst opinion I've read regarding this.
>Ost is complete garbage
Opinion invalidated.

OP here. Seems to be a lot of mixed responses.
>it's shit, it's amazing, it's kinda shit
Leaning more towards it being worth it, so I'm gonna check it out.

>Expending money on the screenjew

It's a super quality movie, I would definitely go, especially if you haven't seen it yet

>Not watching it as an in-flight movie

It's the perfect date movie

how did the dub translate the pronoun bit?

Something like
>a girl like me
>a woman?
>a boy?
>a man?


I'd go see it, but there's the no singles policy and the nearest theater that shows it is 10 miles away

Yes, 100%
I’ve done it three times already

Definitely, it's also a good place to make friends with people who have good taste in anime.

It’s not perfect, but I can’t really see any other way they could have done it.
It seemed a little weird, but that was only because I’ve already seen it subbed.

Not really. It's pretty but the story is meh. Unless you're into melodrama and sappy teen love stories, don't waste your money.

i kept trying to meet new people when i went to watch it in the theatres by talking to the people i was sitting next to, but other people kept shushing me

Fuck you and your shit opinions. Really, go kill yourself.

>going to the theater to see that

Sure if you are a normalfag.

I don’t care that you’re trying to wind people in this thread up. Your disrespect for cinema for even joking about this is hideous.


Must be the one of the first non-Ghibli (outside of festivals) animu we get here. Maybe I'll go when the theater is empty enough.

> he is a boy and she is a girl
>bland characters

Nigga, did you even watch the movie. It literally sounds like you are basing the movie off the trailers which make it seem that way.

he was a boy, she was a girl
can I make it any more obvious?

You're pretty dense if you took that from that quote.

Point is that you're implying that the characters were nothing more than generic shells which they arnt. Yes, they're not super complex but they're not just empty shells either. You're just trying to be contrarian and nitpicking using over exaggerations as examples.

>You're pretty dense if you took that from that quote.
I took exactly the same thing from that quote though, and I’m not

he was a skaterboy, she said to him later boy
he wasn't good enough for her

Well, that's the reason why I linked to the original post. If that was the OP to that post then he should know his own argument and why that was quoted with that reply. Maybe I should have used a bigger quote but yeah it was just a response to that argument.

Well maybe she shouldn't be such a judgement all bitch!

She had a pretty face
But her head was up in space
She needed to come back down to earth

From the thumbnail it looks like she has a massive erection going on in her skirt.

I drove an hour and a half to the nearest theatre showing it three (3) times. I'd go again if it were closer.


An hour and a half is nothing. I traveled by plane to watch it.





How did the dub handle the watashi, boku, ore gag?


I wonder, maybe somebody has answered that already?


Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub!
To our dark lord amen!

something like that

>Go to the movies alone
>I'm a couple minutes late
>As I walk into the theater, the whole crowd turns to look at me
>One of them yells "HOLY SHIT, HE'S ALONE!"
>Whole theater laughing hysterically as I take my seat
>Calls of "weirdo," "creeper," etc.
>Want to die
>After the movie, the entire audience mobs me in the hallway
>They start dancing in circles around me, chanting deliriously and laughing
>They start singing a nursery rhyme about how only virgins go to the movies alone and how I should kill myself
>I can't get away because they've joined hands and won't let me escape
>They start throwing their drinks and candy and stuff at me
>Ushers come by
>They look mad but then they see me in the middle of the crowd
>One of them says "wait, did that fucker come here alone?"
>Ushers join in, start using supersoakers to shoot artificial butter at me
>I'm lying in the fetal position sobbing at this point
>The dancing and chanting continues for over 13 hours
>I'm completely covered in soda, butter, and bits of candy
>Crowd finally disperses
>Cinema manager comes by
>Leans down, whispers in my ear "Never come here again"
>All I can do is whimper yes sir

Don't go alone.

The movie has a fucking anime opening. Why?


yeah, just keep in mind that your theater will probably be a dub showing. It took me by surprise a bit but I enjoyed it anyway. Mitsuha has a bit of a nasally voice but it grew on me

At least they let you use the theater showers, right?

I don't really get how they never once checked the date, or how no one ever mentioned the year.

Also, I wish that they would have wrote down as much freaking contact information as possible instead of appreciating the moment where they finally meet each other for real.

Those gripes aside, it's a pretty good movie. My favorite anime movie is still Disappearance.

Check it out OP. It's a nice movie but falls apart if you think about its plot problems for more than a second. Aside from that and a few questionable music choices it's good to see if only for a Shikai movie on the big screen.

>they never once checked the date
They've made it clear that the events they experience when bodyswapping become fuzzy once they go back to their original bodies, as if it were a dream.

This is the ending everyone wants, right?

That would make sense if it were a one time thing but they were at it for at least a week. Not to mention Taki somehow remembers the shrine sake along with the little speech granny gave on the way to the mountain but not other things.

Considering that the visuals are the best part about it, seeing it in a theater is eye candy if you can get a good seat. Especially if you can go in the afternoon, I went out and watched it today and there were only two other people there so no obnoxious distractions like you might get if you watch with a crowd.

Just saw it for the fourth time. The theater was surprisingly full.

He didn't remember the road to the mountain. He had to guess. When he reached the top he was surprised to find the shrine.

The big screen is only good for GODLIKEcinematography
>Rogue One
>2001 Space odyssey

if your name has godlike cinematography then go for it, but desu it doesnt look like it imho

At the point he retells the grandma's tale, he had already forgotten Mitsuha's name. This may have stayed in his memories because of musubi.
One thing's for certain, their memories are not 100% intact after bodyswapping.

I drove 40 minutes to go see it today. Theater was full of normalfags. Its definitely worth it tho, even if you go by yourself. No one there is gonna care enough to judge you.

It does. Get your filthy crossboarding lingo out of here.

>using "to be honest"
Feel free to kill yourself.

Honestly though, if the endings were reversed then Your Name would have been 10x better and 5cm would have been tolerable.
After all Mitsuha's grandmother did talk about giving up something close to you for another chance, and in this case it would be Taki and Mitsuha giving up their memories of each other and any opportunity to be with each other again, all in order to save Mitsuha and all the residents from the meteorite.

Also... How can you say you love her if you can't even drink her saliva-fermented sake?

No but once he got there he remembered the whole underworld thing and how he dropped off the booze.

Another thing. Even if you ignore the whole problem with no one looking at the dates, how come no one remembers the comet destroying a whole fucking town? The time travel bs was easily the one thing that brings this whole movie down.

It's not they don't remember as much as they don't care. They got over it. Small town anyways. Nothing could be done since no one saw it coming anyways.

>no one remembers
This is false.
Everyone knew of the disaster, it's just Taki didn't know where it really was and only remembers parts of the town.

Yo anons, with the info from the last threads and some other stuff I remember, gonna try and put together a pastebin of easily missed details in the movie.


Is there anyone who wouldn't drink her spit sake?

But I would. Gladly.

Unfortunately, it belongs to Taki only.

>tfw you created this macro and have seen people reposting it ~5 times now in kimi no na wa threads

Feels good man, keep infesting more minds with our meme


With all of Mitsuha's talk of the comet you would think someone would put 2 and 2 together. A lot of things here only work if you willingly ignore things like how a comet can't even crash into Earth considering they're giant balls of ice and would just blow up in the atmosphere. But that's just being pedantic.


>how come no one remembers the comet destroying a whole fucking town?
EVERYONE remembered except Taki until after he remembered the name of the town.

Couldn't one though?

Comets are MOSTLY ice.

Shoemaker/Levy was a comet, do some fucking research–Levy_9