Why Black People Own Guns

Why Black People Own Guns

HuffPost spoke with 11 black gun owners to figure out what gun ownership means in a country determined to keep its black populace unarmed.


>As much as America loves her guns, she has never liked the idea of seeing them in black hands.

>Before the Revolutionary War,colonial Virginia passed a law barring black people from owning firearms — an exercise in gun control as racial control. In 1857, in his notorious Dred Scott decision, Chief Justice Roger Taney summoned the specter of black people freely enjoying the right to “keep and carry arms wherever they went.” Surely, he argued, the founders were not “so forgetful or regardless of their own safety” to permit such a thing. When black people armed themselves against white supremacist attacks following the Civil War, Southern state governments passed “black codes” barring them from owning guns. After the Black Panthers open carried to signal to California police officers that they would defend themselves against racial attacks in the late ’60s, then-Gov. Ronald Reagan signed a state ban on open carry into law.

>in a country determined to keeps its black populace unarmed
Are they finally realizing libtards just want to take guns away or are they saying the states with no gun control laws are somehow keeping them out of niggers' hands?

You can't own stolen property.

to kill each other and sometimes asian liquor store owners ?

Cool story, felt like I was there.

> can't own stolen property.
Give them back their lands then faggot.

Sage and report for direct link

I've never liked the idea of strapping rpgs to the back of racoons and letting them loose in the woods either. Something about animals with high tech weaponry is unnerving I guess.

Yes, that is why owning a gun has such a high bar. You can't be a felon.

We played by their rules and won. I think we should be nicer to them, but let's be honest: at least we don't own child rape slaves, so we are better than most of them were.