So it's probably only a matter of time before this faggot is at the helm of an anime series...

So it's probably only a matter of time before this faggot is at the helm of an anime series. What would you like to see from him? A direct adaptation? A spin-off? Or something else entirely?

I just hope to god it isn't an adaptation of that abysmal manga series he wrote about those psychic schoolkids who fight in modern day war zones with katanas. Fucking terrible.

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally who?

Is urubuchi still doing anime? If not the madman will have it easy.

DoD3 seems the only one adaptable.

Isn't he literally The Urobutcher of vidya? What new can he even bring to the table?

A japanese autist that self-inserts into a skelly shota.

>Urobutcher of vidya
But Taro actually got me to feel something

I agree, but the finale wouldn't have the same punch that it did in the video game.

He's working on the Godzilla anime with Polygon

You mean he got your dick to feel something.

Yonah is meant for headpats and protecting. Not for lewd.

I certainly felt something with DoD1, but not with my dick.

Nah that's Uchikoshi

>The Urobutcher of vidya
No. Taro is actually good.

I like this meme


I got memed

Do you guys think the Drakengard prequel manga would make for a good anime series? I enjoyed it, but I'm ambivalent about the quality of its writing. Sometimes it feels as if Taro went a bit overboard with how much of a piece of shit that elf was.

I don't blame IV for butchering them like cattle.

is that video game what got robot butts?

Taro has one nutty wife.

Four was right.
About everything.

I'd imagine Yoko Taro is too meta to work on something as non-interactive and flat as anime.

He mentioned in a recent video that he'd pretty much do anything as long as he gets paid. Plus, he's already written several manga series; him directing an anime is a very real possibility.

This reminds me of watching those guitar hero videos of Dragonforce.

>He mentioned in a recent video that he'd pretty much do anything as long as he gets paid.

It's a perfectly legit occupation.

t. Bro Nier

>He mentioned in a recent video that he'd pretty much do anything as long as he gets paid.
would he direct a live action Hollywood remake of one of his games?

Hollywood would fire him within a week.

>hollywood doing stuff involving pedophiles, genociders, xenophobes, cannibals and incest portrayed as perfectly normal in the setting

It would have absolutely nothing in common besides the name, if that even

>It would have absolutely nothing in common besides the name,
thats the joke

A disgusting notion, but yes, he probably would.

Harem Wincest Anime

what would be made, who would play who?

Fuck off Gentard.

He should do a brand new story and double down on the insanity. Automata was perharps his sanest work so far.

Every DoD manga has been bad so far and he was involved in a very generic manga recently too. I wouldn't have high hopes for it desu.

>Automata was perharps his sanest work so far.
thats the only thing i played of his,
is his previous stuff really that off the wall?

DoD3 would've been better as an anime desu

But I liked Shi ni Itaru Aka, Utahime Five was not all that bad.

The 120 Days of Sodom, starring Dolph Lundgren and Danny Devito.

The party for DoD1 is a homicidal mime, an elf who eats babies to keep them safe in her barren womb, a blind, gay pedophile (who is the most morally good person in the whole game), and a child who can never grow older.

>an elf who eats babies to keep them safe in her barren womb
does it work?

Fuck off with your shit taste, go back watching kyoani.

They're safe from the world of Drakengard, at least.

>elf who eats babies to keep them safe in her barren womb
well fuck

>talentless hack that rehashes his prior works over and over.
>loved by plebs everywhere.
Fucking this.

You forgot the stars of the show, an old xenophobe coot and Mr.Murder

Even with such a party, DoD1 felt really bland for me, I dont know why so many people like that game.

Mr. Murder is the homicidal mime, but yeah, I it's easy to forget fantasy anime hitler.

It's mostly for the endings. The final chapters in each route are pretty great.

It's an acquired taste.

You forgot the part where the antagonist is a little girl with a 76 year old male voice, the nice Dragon Lady, Incest, a childhood friend that's a complete fucking crybaby cuck.
Oh and flying lightning farting babies.
Also Tokyo

You tell me.

Reminds me of EoE, but even less sense.

Taro can't make anime viewers play bullshit rhythm games or delete their save data.

He'd write the cutest sol we've ever seen

But he could make the anime air uncensored and then censor it on the BDs for instance. No medium is free from possible fuckery.

He won't make anime because it's the lowest form of art.

Read Isekai? Did you come to a conclusion how those Isekai gods are usually cunts?

Taroverse Gods/Watchers are a rare breed of peerless cunts, this is the setting where Murphy's law is in 100% effect always and at all times.

>Broadcast is interrupted during the finale by a hurricane
>no rebroadcast, have to buy the BDs
>Final BD is corrupted

>Read Isekai?
not really

Lame, the BD is content locked by a rhythm game

He could make the endings BD only and then deeply fuck with the BDs

why not?

If anime is the lowest form of art, then video games are right there beside it. Besides, Taro doesn't seem like an elitist dick.

he can make the bds have one of those popping snake things come out when you open them.

how so?

There's a saying, it's better to die than to live in Drakengard.

>Taro controlling the weather and putting lives at stake for the sake of his anime series

The absolute madman.

Even dying isn't a guaranteed out in Drakengard

is it
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
tier stuff?

I dont know why, but imagining it made me laugh till i lost my breath.

You're probably gonna have a shitter time being dead.

Funny you mention that.

Would Okabe do the OST?

Elves are a plague

If only they could be purged from all realms of fiction.

Studio Monaca have done anime before so I don't see why he wouldn't.

>taro spend all the anime budget on alcohol


At this point they probably gave him a stipend for booze. I bet he still dips into the budget here and there though.

I actually enjoyed reading this

I just slogged through that game cuz the story was just too weird at the time.

Ah yes, the post that got me into Taro and made me purchase the game on Amazon almost immediately afterwards.

Left is Kuroe, right? What's he doing with that student council chick?

nope, that's Usuki. This is Kuroi.

Hello, is this the Taro bandwagoning thread?

The music's fucking great, though.

Hop on in. Enjoy your brief, yet hopefully enjoyable stay before the fanbase turns to shit. If it hasn't already.

I honestly don't know. I've been trying to stay off the internet recently.

Back to >>>/reddit/ with your underaged taste, cancer.

>Hop on in. Enjoy your brief, yet hopefully enjoyable stay before the fanbase turns to shit.
what made you so cynical user?

in 8 years the majority of Sup Forums will like reddit or at least not hate it

>true ending on BDs
>have to break the BDs in half to get it, only plays once

My bad, man. I don't mean to shit things up in here. I am glad we're having a pretty civil thread right now.

>what made you so cynical user?
Probably playing Taro games

The plot and setting is nothing new and the only character I found tolerable was that kid with the shit memory. Everyone else was either annoying or forgettable.

I hope this is standalone and he isn't tying this in with the DoD/Nier universe.

>need to go to Sup Forums to get a decent Taro thread with no shitposting

What a fucking surprise

Anyway, if there's one Taro story that is ripe for anime adaptation it's obviously the Nier high school AU short story, with Kaine as the protagonist and Papa Nier as the gym teacher

The /vg/ thread doesn't make me want to drink bleach.

>I am glad we're having a pretty civil thread right now.
well that ship has sailed now that you brought this negativity,
now I got to pick fights with random people
you're dumb
you smell
I don't know you but I'm sure you're a jerk

huh, I kind of forgot that board existed

Who cares, I just need more 2B in my life.

The same happened to me with FFXV
Does that mean Sup Forums has the best gamers?