Mass immigration is bad for the eco-

>mass immigration is bad for the eco-

>Sweden’s economy has surged over the past years, helped by a record inflow of migrants, all-time low interest rates and a recovering global economy.

Other urls found in this thread: arbetstillstånd 2017 - Work permits granted 2017.pdf

kill yourself shill rat

not an argument

>muh economy

gas yourself

Explain how record influx of migrants contributes to the economy, when almost none of them work and they consume billions in welfare? The part about migrants is just stapled onto the bottom with no explanation.


>central bank has negative interest rates
>literally paying people to take their fucking money
>wowee, more money is circulating clearly the vermintide has been a great success

Low interest rates are a bad thing you mong, it means that people would rather save their money but the economy is suffering so you encourage spending making interest lower than or close to inflation so it costs money to save: increase GDP, inflate tax revenue via sales tax, land tax/property tax etc.

It's an artificial measure against slowdown of the economy, which is being caused by migrants, crime and cities (economic centres) being filled with worthless animals who don't contribute. The most important and valuable real-estate in the country is filled with leeches, not contributors.

This also allows to government to pretend that they're improving GDP by dodgy accounting and deductions, whilst counting tax income from money spent by the government, I.e. paying itself.

Tldr they're pampering over the cracks well but keynesian policy always means one thing: without the government propping it up, the economy is fucked.

Now kys

Funny when Sup Forums conspiracy theories meet reality, isn't it? Trumptards must feel like a flat earth society member on a space station when they encounter actual news sources and evidence-based facts.

Isn't it constitutionally required for their country to finish their year in a surplus?

I swear we have this retarded fucking argument once a year