Tsuki ga kirei


I want to fuck Akane's sister.

I never had any Japanese lessons nor have I been to the Japan, but I still can read that ("今日わありがとう" / "Thanks for today") - not gonna lie, that I have at least *something* to show after literally 20 years of watching anime makes me feel a little better about myself.

Back to the drawing board, kid.

finds a way

Aw shit, I dun goofed. But you know exactly how that mistake happened, so I ain't gonna explain shit.

Surprisingly yes

Guess that's the end of the comfy Tsuki ga Kirai threads. Insane influx of mentally handicapped people since yesterday. Even the LINE poster contributed more than them. Certainly doesn't help to start a thread with an AOTS claim that pulls in even more retards. Good job.

Akane is my wife

The tomboy is obviously superior to the main girl. Too bad her fate is sealed.

Not sure, it's a bit early to say. I mean, I can think of three other potential contenders:
> Re:tarded
> If You're Not Busy Reading The Pointlessly Long Title of This Show Could You Come Save Us From The End Of The World
> I Was Just Pretending To Be A Retarded Instructor At A School Of Magic
I don't expect all of them to hold up, but at least one of them could. I'm gonna need a few more episodes to form a more grounded opinion.

As of now, I am really enjoying this fresh take on romance in that it has up to now shied away from shitty gimmicks and most stereotypes. Also, Curly-kun confirmed having 350% more balls than 95% of shujinko's around just for confessing three episodes in, while also being a literal man of culture.


Akane is into femdom.


Honestly, why even hire voice actors when most of the dialogue is through LINE™??

Come on, don't make such a big deal out of it, everything's line.

Reply to this if you're a little girl watching this.

Are male classmates in Japan really this silly and gay?

At least for me

I used to wrestle with my classmates too

I always thought this was pretty normal among male companions. Is

>in Japan
High school is like that everywhere

That's high school in general.

One of my friend really likes to tickle me. Really don't know why though.

Not in middleschool for me atleast, highschool was the time when we all achieved ironical gayness.

this shit is tame. I see high school kids slap each other on the ass and borderline pretending to be gay as a joke. Its really weird.

>One of my friend really likes to tickle me. Really don't know why though.

Timeskip NTR when???

Still on the Japanese, this title has been bugging me for a while now:
月がきれい = The Moon is beautiful
月わきれい = As for the Moon, it's beautiful
Do you think the Japs screwed up?



>posts smug anime girl with meme arrows without an explanation

>When your music club is fucking poor

I thought you would have already known.

who else is going to make all the grunting noises?

は not わ in your alternative sentence, you still pronounce it "wa" but you write は. And no, が is fine and slightly different from は.

Only when curly-kun and the tomboy finally hook up; otherwise it'll be about a slut sucking the life out of some poor boy.

OP or ED?

they are both the best of this season.

The description of this sounds like the most boring crap.

its a sweet vanilla romance.

が ga can often replace は wa to add emphasis to a thing or item

How? They're generic as fuck besides some nice scenery.

Not for long

It is.

What do you do?

Keep in mind that everyone thinks you are going to go out with the other sports star.

She's gonna need time to think it over. Plus ask her sister for advice.

What if sports-kun already asked her out off-screen?

If autist Daiz was a girl everyone would be jerking off all over her and talking about how cute she is.

Then get the fuck out.
This thread is for little girls only.

Why not both?

I don't know I'm not a little girl

>Also, Curly-kun confirmed having 350% more balls than 95% of shujinko's around just for confessing three episodes in, while also being a literal man of culture.
This. Even though we all know how it's going to end for some reason I have the feeling he'll get shot down at first. Girl seems too insecure about romance stuff.

Also is it just me or do the line conversations they have during the ending theme change each episode?

His boipucci years for you user. Give him what he wants, you could be his best bud.

Friends hate this because they can't relate to highschool awkward romance as adults.


it's a new conversation each time

I see. My jap is pretty shit, but in this last episode it looked to be one contacting the other and them not replying then sending a some more messages then giving up and then the same thing with the other, in other words, a conflict I suppose. Could it be an indication of things to come next episode? I didn't really pay attention to the ones in previous episodes.

Some user has been posting a translation of the texts for every episode on the air date threads.

Got a link?

Check the archives for the show threads.

I like Akane but her sister seems like a far more fun and open person.
Maybe even slightly cuter.

Plus, Akane virginity is already reserved for a certain someone.

Holy shit why is this so boring?

Because it's literally just middle schoolers being awkward. If you don't like it, why are you here.

for JC hijinks

When does the ntr begin?

Because you're already been redpilled about romance the moment you had been in a relationship.
Only pure virgins can enjoy this to the fullest.


This and Sakura Quest are AOTS

I just picked this up today. It's pretty damn adorable.
One thing that really sticks out to me is the voice acting. It seems way more subdued than in most anime, and it seems closer to how people would actually speak. It's quite a refreshing take. Anyone else think this?

For Sup Forums-kun? It has already begun.

I agree the voice acting sticks out and is different than most anime, however the constant sighing is kind of out of awkward.

>Dazai Osamu
>Happy End
I wish I had been this cultured as a 9th grader.

This show is pretty great and is AOTS so far. It does a lot of things through showing, not telling, and it's refreshing how relatively little dialogue it has compared to many other anime. It does a fantastic job of creating this atmosphere of nostalgia through perfectly portraying the awkward anecdotes of middle-schoolers stumbling through a formative period of life. Also cause it's an original anime the pacing is just right, and there's a chance we'll have an actual ending. Pretty surprised how little attention it's getting.
btw the ending LINE convo is about a couple in college with the guy being really busy at night with his writing. Seems like this show is heading towards a timeskip route into college.