I work at a university. Most professors are extremely socially awkward and autistic, but not in the useful pol way. I’ve seen temper tantrums over nothing, instructors stomping their feet like children, profs being completely rude, profs treating staff like garbage whilst they go around thinking they are fighting for the oppressed little guy.
Janice Fiamengo said it well. Most profs were losers as kids. They spent s lot of time reading and didn’t develop social skills. They aren’t familiar with the ordinary world that most people inhabit. They become profs, and get some power, and they go nuts. It’s like Prelest. They think they are these messiahs. They bring their political views into subjects where they don’t belong because they feel they are saving the world.
The most normal professors I work with are the business professors and nursing professors. There are decent people here and there, but a lot of nutcases. We don’t have gender studies or African studies, so I’d say the worst people here are the threatre professors. They think their shit doesn’t stink.
Zachary Sanchez
My old college tutor used to refer to black people as 'darkies'. This was in 1998.
Christian Gray
What shit school do you work at?
Nathan Young
>theatre professors.
Worst of the worst. Bullied as kids and never got over it; overinflated egos so they can't relate to normal people
Liam Torres
Mine still calls them negroes. Everytime a student goes sjw he brings up "språkrådet" which decided that negro is not a condesending word but nigger is.
Its getting old but atleast he knows that niggers are prone to violence.
Blake Gutierrez
>election day >have this seemingly ok professor teaching forensic anthropology >at the end of class she shows us a video presentation that is basically "the poor brown person is crying, quick, burn the constitution!", "fuck having borders and law and shit", and "fuck wypipo" all the while holding up a black power fist >basically telling us vote for Clinton >and she was an old white bitch too
I lost all respect for her that day
Kevin Harris
bump for interesting bread
Ethan Lewis
No hate. I liked most of them, except the guy with weird high voice, can't help it, he was ok, but sounded like fingernails on chalkboard and his Monday first pair lecture of mathematical analysis was a pure torture.
Bentley Hughes
>take feminist philosophy >only available course to fulfill my credits >one of the only two men in the 30+ class >jew professor starts getting triggered and shutting down nearly all my opinions >end the goddamn course with a B >mfw
You would've thought that dykes could go easier on brown people, but no.
Anthony Long
>End up in a multi-cultural class >Focusing on hispanics >Watch some stupid movies >Listen to rants from the Professor every day >As the semester goes on, he gradually becomes more open to the class about his love for Marxism >Have to write a paper for his class >I write one of the most faggot-supporting papers ever known. >I use the term "Master Narrative" in the paper, supporting everything he has ever ranted about in class. >Get my paper back >He wrote on it, saying that I should be a scholar >Get an A in his class
Little did he know I hated him, and everything he stood for.